=13.3333px3110-8285-4579 in case anyone adds me ill have this page saved. ill add any after and some before so if your checking back I have most likely added you.
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=13.3333px3110-8285-4579 in case anyone adds me ill have this page saved. ill add any after and some before so if your checking back I have most likely added you.
2192 - 7699 - 6004
I don't know my safari yet
I will add for a while, please add me to
Hey was able to add you from the friend code on your profile but the one you posted here is wrong.
My FC: 2638-3831-0503
Name: Shadow
My brother would also like to add you
FC: 3540-1165-5986
Name: Mekuto
I added both of you guys.
FC is:3110-8285-4579
Name: Zakear
( Edited 15.03.2016 06:12 by Zakear7 )
0233-1803-7083 Rika
Added you please add me
i added you can you add me zakear my fc is 4571-1222-9564
IGN Arisa
LF shiny female eevee with no nickname, FT shiny gyarados with gyaradosite
add meplz?
0318 9081 7156
Add me fc is 517234573858 pm me or reply to this
( Edited 10.08.2016 04:01 by Reaper1989 )
My safari has Gogoat and Chesnaught in it. Please email me at [email protected] if you have a Game Freak 20th anniversary Darkrai if you want my friend safari and free four shiny Pokemon from me. I need this Darkrai to complete my collection.
Erissa Friend code 3738-0884-7810 have all badges and beaten the champion would like friends of the same, if you add me message needed information, I am online all day so responses will be relatively quick, will go online in the game between 12 and 2 MT time every day if I can so be prpared
fc: 0834-4573-6266
fc: 0103-9810-3780
fc: 4656-9930-4438
Let me know if you add me.
Let me know if you add me!!!
0319-1330-4653 Message me if you add me
Plz add me my Fc is 4098-7159-5500 I'm online right now too
May someone please add me?
I need help with my Pokédex and beating the elite four the second time
I added everyone above
( Edited 04.11.2016 17:24 by Kinslayer )
(Braeden) 2810-0413-9782
let me know if you added me
I added everyone above
hi my friend code 4313-6606-8961
(42 Votes)