Does anyone have blastoinite
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Does anyone have blastoinite
Add if you'd like. 5000-5135-9064
I'd also appreciate if anyone could PM me and tell me what my safari type is please.
My fc is 5300-9949-2645. And I also have Alpha Sapphire
( Edited 12.04.2015 19:24 by BobbyShaw17 )
hi. i am nick227.i just add u all. please kindly add me FC: 2380-5858-3014. thanks. i now playing pokemon y and sapphire blue.
Add me 0414-0421-2182
please add me 1736-2424-2145
Hi My name is firefly i just recently received a new 3ds after my last one was stolen and i play x and blue please help me with my friends list thanks in advance pm if you message me friends code is (2981 - 8917 - 4857)
( Edited 21.05.2015 19:41 by firefly123 )
Add me friend code
hey i added you name firefly friend code =13.3333330154419px2981 - 8917 - 4857
Friend code 4012-3764-2754
I have normal type
I know 1of my pokemon is Ditto
feel free too add me I'll accept
any friend requests.
Also looking for someone
with a Ditto safari
( Edited 06.06.2015 08:36 by surume )
friend code 4527-9200-0382
add me
Mine is 5472-8784-4308
Mine is Username: Gamer Leo. FC: 5472-8784-4308. Send me a message to add you!
are you online now if so add me my fc is 1332-8308-6057 thanks
FC: 1178-0092-9449
Just add and send me a massage whit you'r FC.
Hi Pokefans,
I´m search for safari friends
my code 0490 5257 2288
add me and send me a pm with your code
Looking for friend safaries
There is about 50 electric type Pokemon out of the old ones. And a few more with the new ones
Lets be friends
FC: 2380-6447-7909
Hey guys! I want more friends on Friend Safari. Add me and I'll add you!
FC: 2552-2042-1369
Hey anyone Wanna add. Divan: 1822 1826 0365
Added you!
(42 Votes)