Need any friend codes for safari mine is 0147-0571-3633
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Need any friend codes for safari mine is 0147-0571-3633
Looking for Ice safaris! My friend code is 4570-8720-4388. I think I have a Lampent, Phantuph, and drifphim safari.
At the moment that's what I need. I have a vulpix already
Richardskyes and chanolin, added you.
Please add me, my FC is 0576-4451-2118.
Does anyone have a safari with a ditto?
I'm looking for steel types
Please add my FC 5112-3543-7921
Pm me if you added me and I'll add you back
Anyone in here got houndoomite? I will trade pincirite or mancenite for it
Looking for all types of safaris, FC is 0147-0532-7698. PM me and i'll add you back
Hey all my friend code is 1736 1146 5969 I'm also looking for some one to trade me a houndoomite and charizardite y I have arceus, mew, Rayqueza, and some other legendary. Please and thank you.
I will trade legendary for a houndoomite and charizardite y my friend code is 1736 1146 5969
Add me ☺️- friend code: 4442-0242-1491
My friend code is 1736 1146 5969 pm me if you add me. I'll add you back. Also I've got some legendary pokemon I can trade mostly I just want a houndoomite
0146-9958-2508 poison
Will add anyone I have a normal type safari that might have ditto in it I am also looking for a normal type safari with a ditto but I will add anybody thank you all who add me. The name a go by is Sakura .
my FC : 1134-8657-0251
PM me when you have added me so then i can add you back
Not sure what my safari type is so if you could let me know that would be great, thanks!
I added you zhaoyu, beebee621.
My nick is muhah
FC 2423-3357-8769
My FSafari is Pyroar/Magmar/???
Feel free to add me everyone ;-
My FC: 4527-7506-6587
I'm looking for a ice friend safari with snorunt I have a normal friend safari. The name I go by is Sakura.
I have some mews available for trade it won't let me get them through the gts says they are special so we can do a normal trade, I'm looking to trade for a jirachi,arceus,victini,tornadus,thundurus,landorus,zekrom,meloetta,and genesect my friend code is 2852-6876-0153
Hi my FC is 5112-3543-7921
Pm me your FC and I'll add you back
Sup guys add me
I add you back later!
add me 2122 6039 8525 and let me know you added me so i can add you back
just add 0576-5442-8970
FC: 0146-9482-8933
ferroseed metang and excadrill
looking for sandile
4468-1339-4747 add me?
9/10 (42 Votes)