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PM to add you.
Hey add me please my friend code is 1220 7230 8917 PM me so i can add you back
1118-1627-6105 Hi I need all types of Safari if u add me message me and I will add u asap
3411-1973-2294 add me anyone?
red 1234
teardrop sorrow
Hi Guys,
Add me and message me when you have added me so i can then add you back!
Hi Guys/Girls
Add Me 3754-7379-6943,
Message me so i know to tadd you back
Anybody with a regenerator slowbro or slowpoke
I added everyone! here's mne
1392 6128 8115
pm me if you want me to add yours
LF: Fire type safari with Growlithe and Ninetales
I have a normal type safari
PM me after you add me and I'll add you back!
FC: 4914 - 3939 - 6213
add me 2122 6039 8525 no idea about the safari since i am new to this I have added most of you that a listed above me so add me back. also if anyone could tell me what my safari is i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance
( Edited 12.04.2014 21:43 by buxcrunner )
buxcrunner said:
add me 2122 6039 8525 no idea about the safari since i am new to this I have added most of you that a listed above me so add me back. also if anyone could tell me what my safari is i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance
Yours is Flying type with Swanna and Doduo.
Anyone who does competitive battles please pm me your code and I'll reply back with mine as well. Also have a ghost safari
ty for letting me know spectral shinobi
Il add anyone who adds me, but I'm looking for dragon, grass, and psychic safaris. My friend code is 2921 9609 3712 IGN is Philip and my safari is fire, but I'm not sure what's in it. Let me know you added me and your code and Il add you back!
( Edited 15.04.2014 00:50 by Apex_Umbreon )
I will trade a shiny pokemon for a ralts with hyper voice
( Edited 14.04.2014 00:51 by Edgar Jhovany Cruz )
2981-7309-2042. Not looking for a specific safari just add. Let me know if you added me!
( Edited 13.04.2014 22:58 by B619ook )
Kaiser fc 4656-7513-6063
Please add my friend code and let me know yours, thanks.
( Edited 13.04.2014 19:25 by PokeCharlie )
yog dragon
apex umbreon
I added all of you
add me back 2122 6039 8525
Hi guys,
if you could add me that would be great. I have a psychic safari. Friend code is below
buxcrunner, added you, thx!
Apex_Umbreon, B619ook, Yog Dragon, SmileKkD, added you, can you add me?
My FC is 0576-4451-2118.
( Edited 15.04.2014 03:42 by PokeCharlie )
Hey guys. Does anyone have houndoomite? I will trade practically anything for it
Do you have a ralts with hyper voice(breed move )and slowpoke with regenetor ability?
( Edited 15.04.2014 18:50 by Edgar Jhovany Cruz )
No sorry those are quite hard to get I see. I could try and get a slowpoke with regenerator. Will you give me houndoomite for it? And are you sure you don't want anything else. I have a vulpix with drought? I can get you a timid/modest nature as well
(42 Votes)