Pokémon X/Y Safari Friend Code Exchange, Pokémon Trades and Information

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Share Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

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Anyone with a moxie murkrow for trade?

( Edited 27.03.2014 00:39 by Edgar Jhovany Cruz )

My FC is 2466-3060-1006

Added everyone else on the page
my fc is 1907-8549-9249
Im looking for steel, poison, or psychic safaris, but any kind is fine.
Trading lvl12 shiny Slurpuff! Very rare!

( Edited 27.03.2014 17:53 by Penguin )

A sword that kills you when you touch it...
Best. Pokemon. Ever!!!

0576-5442-8970 please add!

wilsyia john allen penguin odracir 13 ADDED PLEASE ADD BACK!


Name: Beej FC: 2509-2634-6558

Added Midna, Mark, Beej, odracir, Vrion, And Dirty's bug safari 
Tell me if you added me!
FC: 1907-8549-9249

A sword that kills you when you touch it...
Best. Pokemon. Ever!!!

0920-1623-0130 Dark Type Josh

halo, add me please guys, "Penguin and Grim" added my fc "0662-4041-0404"

I'm looking for a dark type safari! Please add me everyone. 4828-5556-3557. Pm or comments when you have added me so I can add you thank you Smilie

I added you Penguin! 3110 4731 7396

thx Smilie

Anybody have a figthing type safari with hawlucha in it. Pm Ur fc and let me know if u know anybody that does have it. My fc is 0447-5547-4537

Pretty sure I have bugs.

( Edited 29.03.2014 14:23 by Stealthbug )

How can a murkrow learn super power ? 

Hey after doing some research...

If anyone has Steel safaris please add me. I would be very grateful.

I've got Illumise, Paras, and Pincer if anyone cares.



Name: Beej FC: 2509-2634-6558

3797-7088-2763 pm me when you've added

My Friend Code 2981 - 6902 - 4896 Please add me PM and I'll do the same. I have a Fire Type Pansear, Pyroar, and Ninetail.

( Edited 30.03.2014 16:03 by Megami77 )

i Ootori i

Hey! I have a Psychic safari and im looking for a safari with a Ninetails in it. Or anyone with a ninetails with the hidden ability up for a trade?

FC: 4399-0008-5663

PM me your FC and i'll add you up Smilie

Anyone have a Jirachi I'll trade you a manaphy or shiny pansage for it

add me plz dont  know my type but iam sure its gonna be awsome

Add me 3368-1713-1916

3926-6073-1382  SGT Akira

Add me and pm so I can add ya back
5000 3222 5225

Sakura 4012-4815-3637
I don't know the pokemon I have on fs but enjoy havimg me as
a friend.
Everyone enjoy!!

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