Pokémon X/Y Safari Friend Code Exchange, Pokémon Trades and Information

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Share Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

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Need friends for safari.. Mainly looking for steel, electric, and fighting safari, willing to add anyone who adds me.. Pm or reply back I'll add you.. Thanks, here's my FC: 4957-4116-6714

I've added everyone on this page already.. Please add me back

( Edited 23.03.2014 21:30 by Jenieman )

Y does no one use the chat anymore?

That's a good question 

Hey all my FC is 3067-6328-9207, I know I have an ice safari but I'm not sure what's in it, if someone could let me know that would be great, thanks!

Looking for a Swirlix safari. Add me if you have 1.  FC: 4811 - 7774 - 0313. Ps: I have a Bug safari.

( Edited 24.03.2014 14:03 by Pullblox )

Add me 1332-8317-7916

Does anybody want to trade their rotom-w for my rotom ghost

0576-5442-8970 i have an ice type safari please add thanks!

added u

Hello everyone! Penguin here with friend codes and other stuffs!
Fc for pokemon x+y: 1907-8549-9249
Also: I've been going through my PC and found some good trades!
Post if you want any of these trades or if you added me.
Trades include:
japanese shiny lvl 48 ditto! Naive nature
Lvl 1 timid hidden ability: Protean Froakie!!!
lvl 30 adamant cacturne with sand veil ability!
lvl 30 friend safari quiet Braixen! Meaning 2 perfect ivs!
And more!! Ask me for trades and other things not listed
I want in return(but offer away)
High leveled Aegislash, Trevanant, Dragalge or Somethingelse! Thanks!

A sword that kills you when you touch it...
Best. Pokemon. Ever!!!

0576-5442-8970 please add me thanks!

0576-5442-8970 add me please!

Added odracir and others on page
my fc 1907-8549-9249

A sword that kills you when you touch it...
Best. Pokemon. Ever!!!

hey everyone its dirtyburg i got an extra darkrai and an extra deoxys looking for meloetta and genesect or a good trade.       my  friend safari is water with froggadier gyrados and krabby my fc is 3952-7154-2098 send msg for trade post on board for saf

Dirty burg I'm gonna add you, can I see those pokemon for a sec for dex purposes?
my FC is on page before this one.

A sword that kills you when you touch it...
Best. Pokemon. Ever!!!

Add me and send me a PM. My friend code is 1607-7975-8257.

Anyone have a Pawniard or Vivillon safari? My FC 4527-8525-7542 (Steve)

pen i added you vamp i have a second 3ds that has that vivilion safari i will put the code up it also has combee illumise and vivilion that 3ds  i dont use it  much but here it is  fc 0061-1287-4415  i registered your fc already so happy hunting

Add me 2466-2691-9612

Im Nikki and my friend code is 4296-3044-5082
Safari is fairy type add me if u want to

Looking for poison and steel type safari or a forretress and venipede with speed boost ability. Pm if u have any of these pokes my fc is 0447-5547-4537


Name: Beej FC: 2509-2634-6558

Add me and ill add you back FC 0301 9791 1451

Mine is 3110 4731 7396 Jab

Does anyone have a manectric or dusclops in their safari?

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