Some supposed "Inside info" on Zelda Wii U.
"Nintendo has assembled the biggest team ever to work on a game at Nintendo EAD 3 in Japan. "They got hundreds of people working on the new Wii U Zelda game", which still hasn't got an official subtitle. The development is once again led by Eiji Aonuma, who has been working on the game with his team since late 2010.
"It's a 4-year development cycle with a new console, new technology, new engine etc. It'll end up being the most expensive game they've made to date. It's a huge investment for them [Nintendo] in money and manpower, this is Rockstar/GTA territory". Nintendo originally planned to release the game in Fall 2013 to strengthen the Wii U against the new consoles from Microsoft and Sony, but apparently that didn't turn out to be realistic. "They targeted a 2013 release, but quickly abandoned that goal. This is the biggest project they've [Nintendo] ever done, no way is it gonna be ready for Q3 2013. At least from where I see it"."
Full Article Here<-----
I had a dream last night where Miyamoto told me that Zelda U was coming out in 6 months, but they had managed to keep it a secret, and I was the only person that new about it. My dreams just got crushed. 
( Edited 05.09.2012 16:34 by Hawk )
Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.