The Legend of Zelda Discussion

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An unprecedented amount of work has gone into this games sound design.

The fifth volume in the Iwata Asks interviews is up on (earlier volume links can found below)

Skyward Sword "Iwata Asks" Volume 5: The Dense Sky Town

A few more mins till the review embargo breaks Smilie

( Edited 11.11.2011 09:46 by Kafei2006 )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Our member of the week

Edited the post above because it contained minor spoilers.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


More fan-made Zelda awesomeness! Smilie

That was ace.

We sort of had that kind of discussion in here before but it never really got much attention. It's about our favourite Zelda game or our Top 5 Zelda games. I'm the one to talk though, as I couldn't decide before. I finally made up my mind what my Top 5 Zelda games are and surprisingly, the list is composed of all 5 3D Zelda games.

I'll write a short paragraph along every game just to say what I particularly loved about it to make it a little more clear why they deserved the spot they have.

1. Skyward Sword

Now even though I've said in the review that the only thing that keeps it from beating The Wind Waker was the music, but after listening to the soundtrack thoroughly I can honestly say that it just seems like I overheard most of the music in the game. There are some real gems in there that I find myself constantly listening to right now, like the Ballad of the Goddess, Skyloft, The Sky, Battle Ghirahim or the Stalfos fight music. It really has a spectacular soundtrack that can compete with any other Zelda game, it just didn't catch my attention as much during gameplay. That could probably be due to the more immersive gameplay, though. Who'd pay attention to the music if you are involved in a hectic swordfight? It's not like in previous games where I could fight enemies half asleep, just mashing the B button after I easily uncovered their weakspot with usually the dungeon item.

I love everything else, like story, graphics and atmosphere too. The gameplay is the part that stands out the most though. After Skyward Sword, I never want to go back to the old controls for the sword and for selecting items again. It's just so good. It's also the only 3D Zelda game that I found fairly challenging, both in puzzles and combat. I'm sure my love for Skyward Sword will keep increasing as time passes and nostalgia starts kicking in, just like any other Zelda games on my list.

2. The Wind Waker

If my memory is to be believed, The Wind Waker was my first Zelda game back then but I didn't finish it for a long time due to being scared off by the Forsaken Fortress at the beginning. It eventually got me really interested in Zelda though, so I got the Collector's Edition for Christmas and got the ball rolling. For that alone, The Wind Waker will always hold a special place in my heart.

There are many other things I love about the game though. The main thing that let The Wind Waker occupy the top spot till Skyward Sword came around was definitely the overall atmosphere of the game, supported by the amazingly beautiful graphics and music. I have yet to do a 3 heart run of it, and I'm already looking forward to when I get around to doing it, despite having played through it easily over a dozen times.

3. Twilight Princess

This was a close one with Majora's Mask, as I love both of them about equally. I simply have more sweet memories of Twilight Princess though, so it earned its spot through that. Looking back, it was insane how hyped I was back then. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread and sure as hell acted like it too. Back then, I even desperately begged my parents to stay at home the day it came out and thankfully they showed some mercy and made an exception for that one day.

I was so excited that I basically rushed through the game the first time around and then instantly started a second playthrough where I really took my time and explored everything. Since then I probably finished it over 10 times as well and I'd go for another one any time if there weren't so many other games to play. Nostalgia is big with this one too. All it takes is one listen to the 'Courage' soundtrack of the game and sweet memories start overwhelming me. I don't care about all the talk about how it's just a rehash of OoT as it still was a very special experience for me, one that I wouldn't want to ever forget.

4. Majora's Mask

It just barely lost to Twilight Princess for the reason mentioned above, but I still love it and its unusual approach for a Zelda game. I remember how the 3 days mechanic totally owned me as a kid and I never got past the first dungeon. Eventually I grew older and gave it another shot and only then I started really appreciating what Nintendo achieved with this game. The unique ideas and storytelling were all it needed for it to feel completely different compared to Ocarina of Time, even if it used many of the same ingame models, among other things. Along with The Wind Waker, it's the only other Zelda game where I still have unfinished business in form of a 3 heart run. I'm looking forward to it already, especially fighting the final boss with 3 hearts and no Fierce Deity's mask.

When you really start thinking about some things that are going on in Majora's Mask, it truly has the darkest story of all the Zelda games and probably won't be surpassed any time soon.

5. Ocarina of Time

It's a highly controversial opinion that I have here. How could you possibly rank Ocarina of Time only at 5th? Well, it's possible. Unlike the other four previous games, I don't have that extra something with Ocarina of Time so that's why they beat it for me. Its influence is still unquestionable though. All the above games wouldn't be the same or even exist at all without Ocarina of Time's rock solid foundation for the series in 3D.

I played through it a ton of times just like The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess but for some reason it wore out just so much quicker for me. I doubt that I'll replay it anytime soon, as I did a 3 heart run of Ocarina of Time 3D's Master Quest and yet another 100% run of the normal quest. Might just be the time to give it a rest for a while.

Yeah...when did I say short paragraphs again? I just can't stop writing once I get going about Zelda. Smilie

So, if you haven't posted yours yet, what are your Top 5 Zelda games? Did you already finish Skyward Sword and did it have an impact on the list like it did for me?

1. The Wind Waker
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Skyward Sword
4. Twilight Princess
5. Spirit Tracks

I'll probably go into reasoning later.

I think you said it yourself:

How could you possibly rank Ocarina of Time only at 5th?

To be fair it's probably because you didn't play it until well after it was released.

My top 5:
1) Ocarina of Time: It's just faultless. Big and challenging, it defined 3D adventuring and following Zelda games clearly owe it a lot.

2) Wind Waker: I love it. The graphics still blow me away and the music is top notch too. Little things like how far the camera zooms out or how the controls are just perfect make this game so much better than it should have been. Spoiled slightly by the Triforce Quest and lack of difficulty.

3) Skyward Sword: The controls took a while to get used to but they really do work pretty well. It pushes Zelda in directions the directions that the series has really needed, but little niggles keep it behind the two above.

4) Legend of Zelda: Considering it was a NES game, it's amazing. It's big and bold with classic 8bit music to boot.

5) Minish Cap: There's not much that amazes me about Minish Cap, but it's just a really nice, well rounded game. There's nothing I don't like about it to be honest.

(Four Swords+ would have probably been up there if I'd played it 4 player, but the requirement for GBA's and cables was silly from the beginning.)

I've never played the Oracles, LTTP or Spirit Tracks though, so I don't think this really counts as definitive.

( Edited 03.12.2011 19:49 by Cheesing it up )

Nintendo considering Retro Studios colllab

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

More hi-res images from the Hyrule Historia artbook.


Official Timeline from the book

Three timelines after Ocarina of time, A Link to the past is if Link fails (or stays in the Adult timeline), and the sages seal Ganon, Majora's Mask - Twilight Princess is the childhood timeline, and Wind Waker is the successful adult timeline.

( Edited 21.12.2011 21:05 by Stulaw )

Cheers Stu. I was waiting for that to come out soon since I heard it was in the book.

I guess the LttP split works if they say it's if OoT Link fails, but sounds like an easy way out to make those games fit in with the rest of the series. Kind of interesting though. I wonder if they'd ever add a game to the LttP side again though, since I doubt they'd want to go into talking about OoT Link dying.

Seems like the Triple Timeline is legit. Makes sense when you really think about it;

Timeline 1 - Adult Link Defeats Ganon, goes back in time to before he first met Zelda, Ganon gets arrested, MM and later TP happen.

Timeline 2- Adult timeline after Link gets sent back, no hero to stop Ganon's revival, Goddesses flood land, WW happens.

Timeline 3 (only just realised this)- The timeline that occurs after Link pulls out the Master Sword and disappears (that would have been separated off when he defeats ganon and changes the future by warning Zelda of his attack), Ganon gains access to the sacred realm, but the sages stop him (who have yet to be killed before Ganon acquires the triforce). AlttP happens.

Been reading the same posts at GAF Smilie

Although I'm still trying to understand the Timeline 3 part.

Isaiah Triforce discussing the recent time-line, supposed reveal.


I highly doubt Nintendo will have revealed the full time line, the company knows it would ruin much of the magic. I'm expecting a simple run down and nothing more.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

An official Zelda 25th T-Shirt available to pre-order from the 24th of December via Nintendo's Zelda 25th site, or here:

I already have the standard black and red one.

( Edited 22.12.2011 04:57 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It doesn't make it clear in the Shopping Info, are you forced to pay right when you pre-order it? I'm thinking about pre-ordering one but I don't have the money needed on PayPal right now and it would take a few days to charge it.

I'm getting a new Zelda t-shirt for Christmas, It's one that looks similar to what Miyamoto wore at E3 two or three years back.

Image for

( Edited 22.12.2011 10:07 by Marzy )

I like that one, it reminds me of a Grasshopper Manufacture T-shirt.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

When does this book come out and how much does it cost? Also does anyone know were you can import it?

I can't decide whether to take a chance and wait and see if they publish it in English or import it before it goes out of print. Have Nintendo said whether it would have a limited print run? I can imagine them only printing it for so long.

I really want it.

( Edited 23.12.2011 12:25 by Marzy )

No plans and no details at the moment. Go to a large book shop and they should be able to order it, if you put down a deposit.

Publisher & ISBN Info: ISBN 978-4092271593 by Shogakukan

It's official so it should arrive in the West also. I'm guessing Nintendo are still looking for a publisher.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Our member of the week

Play-Asia says it's out of print, but says available in December 2011 at the same time. Not sure what to make of this, but you could keep an eye on there if you want the Japanese version :

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Image for

( Edited 23.12.2011 16:57 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Didn't Miyamoto say not so long ago that there is no timeline?

Wasn't that a long, long time ago? I think it might even have been Shig himself that admitted there is a timeline kept 'locked away' at Nintendo. I bet it took them a good while to put everything into a believable order.

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