An unprecedented amount of work has gone into this games sound design.
The fifth volume in the Iwata Asks interviews is up on (earlier volume links can found below)
Skyward Sword "Iwata Asks" Volume 5: The Dense Sky Town
- Ten people were involved with the sound development
- 5 on sound effects and system, 5 composing
- The first year and a half was spent on instrumentation and a general sound base
- The last sound effects person was added to the team this year
- No other game from Nintendo has ever had 10 sound devs
- 22 devs worked on landforms
- This was the most for a Zelda game ever, as well as a Nintendo game
- The sky travel was designed as a way for players to travel from dense location to dense location
- The team was inspired by Super Mario games and their stage select screens
- This lead to the creation of Skyloft as a base, and the idea of Link jumping down to the areas below
- Fujibayashi-san saw skydiving on TV, which lead to thinking of implementation for a Zelda game
- Originally the travel involved jumping from a huge tower
- You would climb up and jump off, repeat
- The higher you climb, the farther you could fly
- The dev team considered adding a bird that would automatically take you to your destination
- When Aonuma saw the early game from the beginning, he thought it wasn't good at all
- Aonuma pushed Daiki Iwamoto to focus on the beginning and make sure things made an impact for the player
- Miyamoto saw the early beginning and asked just what the dev team had been doing all this time!
- Miyamoto says the beginning has to be good or you lose players right away
- Aonuma feels development was harder than ever with this title
- The dev team had a new tool they could use to handle things like character dialog and timing on their own instead of using various people
- Miyamoto told Aonuma he originally put in too much text
- Skyloft was made as a place to prepare for your adventure and to explore at a more laid-back pace
- The bazaar houses many shopping/game mechanics in order to make the process quick and easy
- Early on, the designers drew up concept images for the sky and proposed multiple ideas with it
- Batreaux is an example of an idea that cropped up early on that made it into the final game
- Great attention was paid to creating wind sounds, with 5 designers splitting up to work on different wind effects
- You can play the harp as you walk and play along with background music
- Mario Club Co. Ltd recorded all the event scenes to check sounds
- Once a week, the devs held leader meetings to keep things straight
- Changing the placements of enemies even slightly could alter the landforms in a big way
- The team could stay focused on such a huge project due to there being just 4 worlds, although all of them very dense
he Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - "Iwata Asks":
Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three
Volume Four
Volume Five
A few more mins till the review embargo breaks
( Edited 11.11.2011 09:46 by Kafei2006 )