Anyway, didn't mean to derail the topic. Sorry, team.
How about we share our first Zelda memories? Or our best Zelda memories?
I still have the faintest of memories of playing A Link to the Past for the first time. I remember my dad having his own saved files on there and the names he used. Like most series I'm a fan of now, I started at the SNES versions of them, including Zelda. I seem to remember not being able to beat it fully until years later though. I was very young but I recall not getting the Moon Pearl and being stuck in rabbit form in the Dark World. I also remember being stuck in the second dungeon on the Dark World and being stumped on one part where you had to step on a switch to open a door, but not realising it also opened another door in the room that was off-screen. Looking back, I don't know how I didn't figure some of these out, but I was very young XD
Same for other Zelda games and not knowing that I had to kill enemies in a certain order to get the Nightmare Key in level 2 of Link's Awakening. It seems the bits you got stuck on as a kid stick with you.
For some reason though, I don't actually recall the first time I played Ocarina of Time, despite me having played it so many times down the line. I've got the odd memory of playing it, but I think the fact that I've played it that many times has somewhat washed over the first times I played it. It must be something like that anyway.
One fond memory I do have is from Wind Waker and the revealing of Princess Zelda. The music brought back rushes of nostalgia, and the whole game as a whole just felt so damn awesome. I remember just absolutely loving playing through Wind Waker for the first time. I don't think I've really had that same feeling in Zelda since then, so I'm desperately hoping Skyward Sword changes that.