The Legend of Zelda Discussion

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SirLink said:
PS: Azuardo, you still have the courage to visit ZeldaInformer? I jumped off ZeldaDungeon a while ago when Skyward Sword spoilers started flying around everywhere.

Nah, I don't visit the site. Just got the info from a forum elsewhere, which is much safer than browsing a Zelda fansite of course :]

Maybe it's time to make a new topic of discussion for this thread too. Maybe favourite temples from all Zelda games? Can talk about whatever you want of course; it'd just be nice to have some sort of active discussion on something is all.

I wonder LOZSmilieS will have the same hyrule overworld and castle tunes from ALTTP!? That would be epic.. !

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

An online petition to try and get Nintendo to do Majora's Mask on 3DS if anyones interested in adding their name.

Lol, it seems that the joke I made a few days ago about starting Operation Moonfall for Majora's Mask 3DS actually came true. A lot of Zelda fansites have started it in collaboration with each other and the entire Zelda community to show Nintendo that the demand is there. If you want to support it as well, here's what you can do!

I'm not sure if Majoras Mask will make it to the 3DS I have a feeling that Wind Waker will take that step and that will look more pleasing on the 3D handheld. Also I would have liked Majoras Mask to come on the same cartidge as Ocarina of Time, if you look at both games, they both look similar and share the same models and textures and except MM has different animation sets.

Why do people want more remakes? It's depressing...

The 3DS will seem like even more of a waste. Nintendo need to focus their efforts into new and original software.

^Exactly, I would rather see Nintendo's time and money go towards a new Zelda rather than remaking an older one. Plus, the older games tend to have certain charms and intangibles that can be missed. Like while I thoroughly enjoyed OoT for the 3DS, the next time I play it, I'll play it on the N64.

Didn't another company do all the work on OoT 3DS? I see no reason why they can't also do Majora's Mask while Nintendo's own internal studios work on the new stuff. Smilie

( Edited 29.07.2011 21:32 by Ifrit XXII )

What something has never been done before in any Zelda game is an online multiplayer experience. A game like the Legend of Zelda is more than capable of creating an online environment, take Metal Gear Online for example, game that basis itself from the Metal Gear franchise and creates it own unique game. We all did not expect a game like Metal Gear to have an online mode due to it dominant single player campaign, can the same be done for the dominant simple experience of the Legend of Zelda?

Irfy, that's a great topic to bring up. First of all, Nintendo should seriously have made the upcoming free Four Swords port for 3DS online. After all, how many of us all know other people with 3DS's? I'm guessing not many. This might change over time, or if you go to these MeetMii events or whatever, you'd be okay, but really, they should have done something about that. Had to throw that in seeing as you brought online up.

But on a proper Zelda MMO, yeah, I definitely think something could be done. The various races of the games could determine your type of character - Link/Hylians could be your standard fighters, Gorons excel in strength, maybe Zoras excel at swimming or long range combat. Then still of course have a story element to it, and massive dungeons that require the help of other races or bosses that need more than one person to take them down.

I haven't played many MMO games but I've seen enough to know a Zelda MMO could work. Hell, if Final Fantasy can do it, Zelda can. A lot more thought would have to go into it than what I've said, but I definitely think it could.

It could work, yes. A lot of things could work but are they actually likely to happen (the way we imagine it)? May I remind you, this is Nintendo we're talking about. They aren't going to make a Zelda MMO just for the sake of having one. Four Swords seems to be as far as Nintendo is willing to explore the idea of a multiplayer Zelda game. Even if they wanted to expand on that by creating a Zelda MMO, would they be able to craft an actually good one that doesn't ruin Zelda's legendary reputation?

I've played many MMORPGs in the past and there are almost none that "get it" with interesting and actually worth doing quests, interesting characters and lores, no abysmal amount of mindless grind to level up or obtain equipment, great balanced PvP, challenging dungeons that require teamwork instead of overpowered equipment and so on. It's not just having those familiar locations, races and characters from the Zelda universe all thrown into a big, online world. It takes much more to create an enjoyable MMORPG that's worth everyone's time. Nintendo would DEFINITELY have to outsource pretty much the entire project because they have no experience whatsoever in that area. I'm sure nobody here wants another Final Fantasy XIV (or worse) happening, right guys?

Honestly, a new online Four Swords with lots of features like voice chat, achievements, tons of levels, challenges and unlockables and so on is more than enough for me. Nintendo already perfectly knows how to make very fun multiplayer experiences, all we need is for them to bring those online!

( Edited 30.07.2011 07:52 by SirLink )

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
Nintendo should seriously have made the upcoming free Four Swords port for 3DS online.

It's not a 3DS port, it's for DSiware.

( Edited 30.07.2011 10:47 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

^ Oop, cheers for that. Knew it was playable on 3DS so assumed 3DSware or something. That makes things a little better then - more people have DS's than 3DS's after all.

SirLink that is true but look at the current Zelda games and see where it is heading, what makes Skyward Sword any different from Twlight Princess, still a single player game, no online, no achievements, no add-ons. That is Nintendo you are right and that is their finest recipe but what they are lacking is what the current trend is playing, talking and sharing. They need to get out of the norm of just creating another cookie cutter of a game.

They have finally have a friends code that works on the 3DS but nobody has fully grasped and that's what gets me worried about Nintendo, they failed to do it with the Wii and the DS, it was shambles. Now they have that opportunity to step up the online/mulitplayer experience. I've completed Zelda Ocarina of Time for the 20000000th time but still never get bored of it but wished Nintendo could have just made that user experience bit better. Yes, they added a Boss Battle mode, beating the bosses in the fastest time, but what if I want to share it with a friend, like record it so they can view on their OOT game, similar to the Video Player in Call of Duty Black OPs. Where is the fun in beating a boss battle and not having a official leaderboard from Nintendo?

I could go on Smilie

@Irfy: Pretty much echoes what most of us think about Nintendo in general. Not only does this apply to Zelda, but all of their other games too - Mario, Star Fox, Mario Kart. Leaderboards and online play is something that should be implemented into nearly all games these days. Even Sonic 4 had leaderboards. There's no reason why timed or scored events leaderboards shouldn't exist for all those mini-games and time trials.

Not to detract away from the Zelda discussion, but seeing as you brought it up, it shows how far Nintendo are behind the competition, and it's disappointing. They haven't gone the right way about things with 3DS, despite it being an improvement over whatever online there was on DS/Wii, so we can only hope things get better and that Wii U changes everything.

( Edited 30.07.2011 14:11 by Azuardo )

You have a point but why does every game nowadays have to have multiplayer, online, achievements or add-ons? Why is it suddenly a con when a game is a fully-fledged single-player experience? I'm not saying that those aren't really cool things but I don't want those complete single-player adventures, where it's just me and the game, to die off completely. Zelda is the prime example for that and it really almost feels like the last of its kind. I want Nintendo to get on with the "playing, talking, sharing" trend as well but I don't want them to turn Zelda into a relatively short single-player, rest multiplayer (and other stuff) experience too. Having leaderboards for stuff that is meant to be competitive is fine with me but everything else, I have to say no. That's not what Zelda is all about for me.

( Edited 30.07.2011 14:15 by SirLink )

Anyway, didn't mean to derail the topic. Sorry, team.

How about we share our first Zelda memories? Or our best Zelda memories?

I still have the faintest of memories of playing A Link to the Past for the first time. I remember my dad having his own saved files on there and the names he used. Like most series I'm a fan of now, I started at the SNES versions of them, including Zelda. I seem to remember not being able to beat it fully until years later though. I was very young but I recall not getting the Moon Pearl and being stuck in rabbit form in the Dark World. I also remember being stuck in the second dungeon on the Dark World and being stumped on one part where you had to step on a switch to open a door, but not realising it also opened another door in the room that was off-screen. Looking back, I don't know how I didn't figure some of these out, but I was very young XD

Same for other Zelda games and not knowing that I had to kill enemies in a certain order to get the Nightmare Key in level 2 of Link's Awakening. It seems the bits you got stuck on as a kid stick with you.

For some reason though, I don't actually recall the first time I played Ocarina of Time, despite me having played it so many times down the line. I've got the odd memory of playing it, but I think the fact that I've played it that many times has somewhat washed over the first times I played it. It must be something like that anyway.

One fond memory I do have is from Wind Waker and the revealing of Princess Zelda. The music brought back rushes of nostalgia, and the whole game as a whole just felt so damn awesome. I remember just absolutely loving playing through Wind Waker for the first time. I don't think I've really had that same feeling in Zelda since then, so I'm desperately hoping Skyward Sword changes that.

OOT was the first Zelda game I played, borrowed it from a friend with a bunch of other games and thought wow this game is something. Despite owning a NES and SNES before the N64, I never heard of Legend of Zelda till I played Ocarina of Time.

My fondest memory using the Action Replay trying to do some cheats then realizing the game save has been deleted after completing it 100%, oh my brother was pissed. LOL

( Edited 30.07.2011 16:21 by Irfy )

Wind Waker was the first Zelda game I played. I knew very little about the series but had heard great things. Had the bonus Ocarina disc not been included, I wouldn't have gotten the game. Smilie

Running around Outset Island for the first time was incredible and I pretty much fell in love with the game instantly. It was a school night but I managed to get to the Forsaken Fortress. I thought the sneaking was a lot of fun. Smilie

I played Ocarina the next day and had pretty much the same feeling as Wind Waker. Great stuff! Smilie

SirLink said:
You have a point but why does every game nowadays have to have multiplayer, online, achievements or add-ons? Why is it suddenly a con when a game is a fully-fledged single-player experience? I'm not saying that those aren't really cool things but I don't want those complete single-player adventures, where it's just me and the game, to die off completely. Zelda is the prime example for that and it really almost feels like the last of its kind. I want Nintendo to get on with the "playing, talking, sharing" trend as well but I don't want them to turn Zelda into a relatively short single-player, rest multiplayer (and other stuff) experience too. Having leaderboards for stuff that is meant to be competitive is fine with me but everything else, I have to say no. That's not what Zelda is all about for me.

Totally agree with you here, mate. I'd rather have a fully fledged single player experience for a Zelda game. There's not any point adding leaderboards, either. While they would be a nice addition, it really isn't needed for such a purely single player based game.

Other Nintendo series: StarFox, F-Zero, Metroid, etc. would benefit from online multiplayer/co-op modes as they could breathe a whole lot of new life into the series. It would also be nice for them to make a new Four Swords game which you can play co-operatively with friends and randomers over Wi-Fi.

Another thing I would really like to see Nintendo do is a system similar to the Achievements/Trophies systems similar to those seen on other consoles. Although games wouldn't really benefit from this, it's a nice way of adding more replayability to a game. It also gives players a sense of achievement when they complete a game on the hardest difficulty, perform a special task, etc.

Anyways, back on topic.. I never thought I could do it, but I've been on a media blackout from Skyward Sword. I've watched a few gameplay videos, but due to my laptop not working atm I haven't been bothered to check for updates and stuff. It sounds like it's gonna be an awesome game. Can't wait.

Just for the record, didn't want to sound like a game like Zelda should be a lot more focused on online and leaderboards. It's never crossed my mind and I've never wanted it in Final Fantasy, and that is the same stance I have with Zelda. It's just not necessary. But for things like the boss rush mode that Irfy mentioned, I think in just those sorts of game modes, leaderboards are definitely much more welcome. I like that games nowadays have a much more online social link. To be able to easily compare with your friends' times and scores makes things that little bit more interesting.

It's never a necessity, nor is it a detraction from an already quality game, but I just think it would be great to have these little features that really bring you together with your friends worldwide, even for little modes like boss rush.

But alternatively, I would definitely welcome a Four Swords online, or a Zelda MMO that is designed specifically for those online social purposes.

Anyway, over 10,000 signatures for the requested Majora's Mask 3D now. Pretty nice going.

( Edited 30.07.2011 20:48 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
But alternatively, I would definitely welcome a Four Swords online, or a Zelda MMO that is designed specifically for those online social purposes.

Anyway, over 10,000 signatures for the requested Majora's Mask 3D now. Pretty nice going.

I would love an online Four Swords and your idea of the Zelda MMO is brilliant. I even starred your post explaining how it would work and stuff. Hopefully Four Swords DSiWare will be online.

Oh and if they were to make an Zelda MMO. Then I would totally give my MMO virginity to it. Smilie

Also, I'm gonna sign the petition. Grezzo did a great job with OoT3D and I'm sure Nintendo would put their trust in them to do an equally good job with MM, if not better.

( Edited 30.07.2011 22:20 by Mush123 )

I have a question to those of you who registered your copy of OoT3D on Club Nintendo. Has any of you recieved your soundtrack yet? I registered my game on the release date and still haven't recieved it. Smilie

Mush123 said:
I have a question to those of you who registered your copy of OoT3D on Club Nintendo. Has any of you recieved your soundtrack yet? I registered my game on the release date and still haven't recieved it. Smilie

It could take up to 8 weeks. So it should be this week or next.

Lrrr said:
Mush123 said:
I have a question to those of you who registered your copy of OoT3D on Club Nintendo. Has any of you recieved your soundtrack yet? I registered my game on the release date and still haven't recieved it. Smilie

It could take up to 8 weeks. So it should be this week or next.

I know, I can't wait any longer though. Dx

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