Phew, finally finished Spirit Tracks. The song in the end seemed to be a case of needing to blow a little longer for each note. I couldn't believe it when they added another song in the final battle though. Fuck. Had some trouble again, but not nearly as much as that final sage song; got it after a few goes. Even managed to fuck up and blow twice on a note, yet it still registered correctly at the end!
The final parts of ST were pretty good in the end. Some good puzzles in the sand dungeon, showcasing the best of Zelda. Overall I was pretty happy with the game. Better than Phantom Hourglass, but the central spirit tower with phantom controlling got a bit long-winded in the final part especially. The train thing was a bit too much for me as well. Too tedious. Beat the game with very few hearts and upgrades too. Couldn't be arsed getting any extras. Makes me wonder what the hell the point is in making 20 hearts the max when I needed less than 10 to beat it. They should add in secret super bosses in Zeldas to make max hearts and sword upgrades worthwhile, rather than pointless completionist achievements.
But yeah, was an enjoyable Zelda when I was actually on foot and off the train. Liked the ending too.
D'aw, little Linky and Zelda holding hands <3
So, Four Swords. I take it everyone's got it now? Who's beaten it already then?
I've only just done the first land. Gonna play it on and off over the next day or two I reckon. Seems good so far, but I keep wanting to press R to roll quickly, like in Minish Cap! Haven't played Minish in bloody ages, but as soon as I switched this on, it all came back to me and I had the urge to continuously press R to roll! Pisses me off that I just keep halting the play and switching to my other Link. Getting used to it though lol.
( Edited 29.09.2011 14:08 by Azuardo )