The Legend of Zelda Discussion

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Cool MM keyrings


The great Vaati

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Great indeed, great indeed.


Wind Waker Making Of

( Edited 14.03.2013 07:21 by Linkyshinks )

They made all that awesome stuff... and then ATE IT?

Crazy people.


I still haven't gotten a Link figma, but man I want that new figure. It's.. so damn expensive though, ouch!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

There have been rumors that the next Zelda game is gonna be revealed at E3 and is gonna come out in 2014. I know it has the biggest production crew ever on a Nintendo game, but usually isn't it like 4 or 5 years in between Zelda games? Skyward Sword came out at the end of 2011......but then again, this is Nintendo and they probably will delay the game a bunch of times haha

I seem to remember similar rumours about Skyward Sword, "biggest production crew ever on a Nintendo game", those sorts of rumours are to be expected.

However, the next Zelda will definitely be revealed at E3, that much was confirmed by Nintendo on Nintendo Direct.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yes indeed it was said at the nintendo direct, and that they may show screens and videos of early development, and then agin there are these rumours about biggest crew for the game, and this time I tend to believe them even though the game is coming out in 2014 which is short for a space in between zelda games but then again who am I to judge.

Watched the Zelda trailer in 3D just now and it makes it look so much better. I'm really looking forward to the way 3D is used in this, now. It looks very true to ALttP1 as well, in the way Link moves and performs his actions. The drawing thing is peculiar, and at the moment kind of seems out of place with the rest of it, but looks like it'll bring some pretty good puzzles to the game.

So, so glad this is a brand new game and not a remake. I reckon it'd have come in for a lot of criticism if it was a remake.

Definitely happy it's not a remake too, if LttP was remade it'd have to either be sprites like the original or a full 3D remake of the game with OoT-like game mechanics imo. As an original game, it looks fantastic and I have good hopes that it'll truly carry on the legacy of the fantastic 2D Zeldas past, including LttP, Minish Cap and the Oracle games.

And speaking of which, for once a new Zelda game with an easy-peasy timeline placement Smilie this one will go comfortably between Link to the Past and Oracle of Seasons! Expecting a new villain too, hope it's far better than the DS villains, maybe even Vaati since Vaati isn't dead in that timeline yet.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Added a new poll to the topic, asking what you think of the new Zelda for 3DS. Hoping jb can add an actual topic line for the current poll at some point, but yeah, the current one is basically asking what you think about the new game announced today.

Sweet! Aonuma and Nintendo EAD are developing this!

Its official Japanese title is "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2" and will be arriving in North America (this year) before Japan (next year).

( Edited 17.04.2013 20:54 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
Sweet! Aonuma and Nintendo EAD are developing this!

Holy shit Smilie genuinely wasn't expecting that.

It's official Japanese title is "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2" and will be arriving in North America (this year) before Japan (next year).

Is that seriously the title? That's... poor. I really hope this isn't as rehashy as that title implies, because that's a real first for the Zelda series and there's no reason not to have a new title.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah...screams of trying to capitalise on nostalgic fans that are all grown up, perhaps trying to grab old-timers that played Zelda back in the day but have maybe moved on.

There's never been a reason in the past for direct sequels set in the same universe to have a number thrown on the end, either (barring the very first sequel, Zelda 2).

It just makes it harder for Nintendo in trying to live up to the LttP name, imo. But, that's possibly why they haven't gone with the same title over here. It's just a tentative "Legend of Zelda" atm.

But, I have every confidence that this will be a great 2D Zelda, that hopefully will reach the heights of LttP1.

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Well I did see the familiar places in the trailer, but looking at that just goes to show this really is taking place in the exact same world. Hoping they still add new areas onto the map, too, though. It's gonna be really easy to find my way around this game... LttP being one of the first games I ever played!

Oi Az, no double posting. Smilie

And I guess it's not exactly "Link to the Past 2" so much as "Triforce of the Gods 2", the lack of a subtitle in the western version makes me wonder if we'll be getting a new subtitle over here instead, I think LttP was quite popular in Japan so it could be a way to catch the Japanese audience which haven't received recent Zeldas as well afaik.

I'm a little worried about exactly how rehashy it'll be though. Smilie While I'm sure there will be tons of new areas, I hope only a segment of the overworld is the same as before, I was looking forward to an all new overworld with all new secrets rather than a Pokémon Black/White 2 affair with the same region with some different stuff in it.

Will remain caustiously optimistic in that aspect, I'm sure it'll turn out great.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd like an original name that sounds similar to "A Link to the Past" or "The Adventure of Link" or "Link's Awakening." Tired of the central item/instrument subtitles and don't want them to resort to slapping on numbers.

SuperLink said:And speaking of which, for once a new Zelda game with an easy-peasy timeline placement Smilie this one will go comfortably between Link to the Past and Oracle of Seasons!
Says who?! Why shouldn't it be placed after OoX&LA? We know the Triforce sent Link on an adventure to get stronger... stronger for what?

I wonder what they'll do with the Dark World. There should be no dark world anymore, it's the Sacred Realm again. So that either halves the map, or they have to come up with something new.

Canyarion said:
Says who?! Why shouldn't it be placed after OoX&LA? We know the Triforce sent Link on an adventure to get stronger... stronger for what?

Yeah I actually realised that possibility after posting that, it could be set before too.. but considering the Japanese title, it probably is after LttP at least.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow certainly did not expect such an outcome, but I have to agree that the name is a bit dodgy, yes indeed maybe Vaati will be the new villain as he didn't die, I can't wait for the whole new Zelda game on the WiiU, maybe being showed at E3 along with the new SSB, and I have to admit I do like that series grandly but it doesn't come close to zelda, hope that these things will become true at E3, can't wait to see the outcome.

Bottom screen pics

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Looking at these makes me so happy this isn't another touch screen-controller DS-like Zelda. I think this has jumped right to the top of my most wanted list, right with Bravely Default. Need.

Off-screen footage, over 9 minutes of it:


Good stuff, looks like its learnt a lot from Minish Cap, very smooth and looks imo much more modern and comfortable than LttP. I can already see that the paper ability is going to lead to some extremely cool secrets or hard-to-solve puzzles, loving it!

( Edited 18.04.2013 18:27 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow, that is pretty amazing and yes, it has learnt from Minish Cap, a lot, lot smoother than original LttP, yes that was my conclusion too that the mergeing ability will indeed lead to much harder to solve puzzles and a great many possibilities for the puzzles, totally loving it, awesome!

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