Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Rumour

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It's something fans of fighting games have been asking for a while now, countless petitions have been running for years now. It now finally seems the two companies have something in the works. Kevin Feige, President of Production at Marvel Studios gave fans a ray of hope at this years comic Con, before an official announcement is made.

When asked if a new Marvel vs.Capcom 3 game is possible someday Feige said, "Yes. And maybe sooner than you think."

I wonder which platforms for though, with Tatsunoko Vs Capcom due for the PS3 in Japan*-

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom*

I guess they will likely use the same game engine as that would make sense financially. If so it will also mean yet another big fighter will be missed by Wii. It would definitely be a shame as it's perfectly suited for the Wii in it's style of gameplay which is similar to Smash Bros but more fun.

I have both games on the Dreamcast and they are great fun even if the balancing in the first in particular is non existent.

Marvel Vs Capcom 2

( Edited 20.04.2010 16:24 by SuperLink )

Awesome news! I had Marvel vs Capcom on the PS1, tis awesome. Definitely wanna get hold of a DC copy! SmilieSmilie

Spidey: \"One for JJ!\"

( Edited 30.07.2008 12:11 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It never came out on SNES to my knowledge, you must have played it on PlayStation or PS2 jb.

The voice is very cool, as is the piano music that drops in volume as the action gets intense.

I just managed to get the Japanese DC game of 2 last week after looking for a copy for a long while, it\'s regarded as the best and has scored significantly higher. Within a day of playing it all of my friends including myself thought the title would work great on Wii. If Capcom are going to consider down-speccing SF4 for Wii I hope the do the same for this also. I would be a great title to play online on Wii, especially with Wii Speak also. Lots of swearing would be a certainty Smilie

Whatever platform it comes out on I will be getting it for sure, it\'s just so much fun playing against friends be it noobs or experienced players. Not many fighters can claim that.

( Edited 30.07.2008 11:56 by Linkyshinks )

Good news, completely sullied by the fact that it won\'t be sprite-based, thus, meaning it\'ll be shit.

Capcom is killing their 2D sprite-based fighters with all this new 3D trash. Good to know SNK are sticking to their guns. I mean, it\'s like having a 3D Metal Slug..even if it played exactly the same, it just wouldn\'t be the same. The 2D art and animation is half the experience, and can\'t be replicated by polygons.

jb said:
Awesome news! I had Marvel vs Capcom on the SNES, tis awesome. Definitely wanna get hold of a DC copy! SmilieSmilie

Spidey: \"One for JJ!\"

You\'re either remembering the wrong console, or the wrong game (there were a ton of Marvel-related games on SNES). The only CPS2 Capcom fighter to come to the SNES was a port of Street Fighter Alpha 2. Unless you count Super Street Fighter II, but that doesn\'t count. It\'s just a CPS1 game running on CPS2, basically. It was only on CPS2 to stop bootlegging.

( Edited 30.07.2008 12:07 by Martin_ )

Ya, sorry - typo.

Definitely PS1! Had both the Jap one and US versions. Was the one with Morrigan, Venom etc as secret chars.

( Edited 30.07.2008 12:13 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ah right. If this were 1995, I would say something really geeky like \"The Saturn version was better\". But it\'s not 1995, so I\'m just going to touch my penis instead lol Smilie

( Edited 30.07.2008 12:26 by Martin_ )

Martin_ said:
Good news, completely sullied by the fact that it won\'t be sprite-based, thus, meaning it\'ll be shit.

Capcom is killing their 2D sprite-based fighters with all this new 3D trash. Good to know SNK are sticking to their guns. I mean, it\'s like having a 3D Metal Slug..even if it played exactly the same, it just wouldn\'t be the same. The 2D art and animation is half the experience, and can\'t be replicated by polygons.

jb said:
Awesome news! I had Marvel vs Capcom on the SNES, tis awesome. Definitely wanna get hold of a DC copy! SmilieSmilie

Spidey: \"One for JJ!\"

You\'re either remembering the wrong console, or the wrong game (there were a ton of Marvel-related games on SNES). The only CPS2 Capcom fighter to come to the SNES was a port of Street Fighter Alpha 2. Unless you count Super Street Fighter II, but that doesn\'t count. It\'s just a CPS1 game running on CPS2, basically. It was only on CPS2 to stop bootlegging.

We still don\'t know just yet, but I agree if they get rid of them here it will be a bad thing. Sprites very akin to the Marvel comic book style and work well as a result. You would end up losing a lot of the charm from the characters if you are going to polish them up like the other above Capcom game Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.

Hopefully Marvel will be dead against the idea. The game does not need it, all it needs to do is bring the animation up to the quality of Street Fighter 3 or King of Fighter 12 and everyone will be happy.

The second half of this trailer shows how far sprites and animation have come. All these sprites are hand drawn!. Marvel should get the artists to do the very same, draw some new sprites and work with Capcom together to get the animations right. It would be sweet if they did, this is what they should be doing.

King Of Fighters 12

There is one other thing I would like to see, destructible environments, they would have a great visual impact on the game.

( Edited 30.07.2008 13:00 by Linkyshinks )

Martin_ said:
Ah right. If this were 1995, I would say something really geeky like \"The Saturn version was better\". But it\'s not 1995, so I\'m just going to touch my penis instead lol Smilie

Lol, the Saturn version probably was. I couldn\'t compare as MvsC came as part of a huge bundle of games (like a mixture of 100 proper and pirated) I got from my mate.

As for sprites or no sprites, I definitely say sprites as a must, but still open to see what could be done in 3D.

( Edited 30.07.2008 13:19 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was playing 2 as recently as last night ^^

This can be nothing but good news and I hope it really does come about.

Awesome news, I loved MvC2 on DC, hopefully Viewtiful Joe, Amaterasu and even Phoenix Wright are in this one.Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
We still don\'t know just yet, but I agree if they get rid of them here it will be a bad thing. Sprites very akin to the Marvel comic book style and work well as a result. You would end up losing a lot of the charm from the characters if you are going to polish them up like the other above Capcom game Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.

While they haven\'t confirmed anything as far as MvC3 is concerned (in fact, MvC3 itself is not officially confirmed yet, am I right?), it\'s pretty obvious it will be 3D, just like Street Fighter IV, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. The latter of which, I hereby post a video of (gameplay footage from 2:16 onwards):

Now, it clearly plays just like the 2D Capcom fighters of old. But, it loses all the charm. It just looks fucking naff in 3D. What you call \"polishing up\" I call dumbing down. In my honest opinion, Capcom are moving their classic 2D sprite-based franchises over to 3D for cost-cutting and logistical reasons- NOT for the benefit of said franchises. It takes a lot more time to meticulously draw each frame by hand, then scan it in, then apply colours, then sequence the frames etc, than to do some crude 3D models and apply canned animation sequences to them.

For example- look at Tekken 1 compared to Tekken 3. Besides the new characters, and handful of new moves, probably over 90% of the animation routines are ripped straight from the original game. Hell, the same is even true of Tekken Tag on PS2! All they\'ve done is update the models. You can\'t do that with sprite-based stuff. It either has to be completely redone, or left as is. I believe Capcom are no longer willing to go to the herculean effort required to give their 2D fighting franchises the sprite-based facelift new installments need to look fresh.

It\'s a choice of that, or recycling old sprites (which they\'ve done a lot in the past). The latter is no longer acceptable, and they\'re not willing to do the former. Thus, they\'re moving their sprite-based fighting franchises into 3D, because maintaining/updating them thereafter will be a piece of piss. Mark my words, if there\'s a SFV, I bet my Gibson that it\'s simply new models, which have mostly the same animation routines from SFIV.

Linkyshinks said:
Hopefully Marvel will be dead against the idea.

I don\'t know where you\'ve clutched this vain hope from? Plenty of Marvel games have been in rubbish-looking 3D, and there have been more wank Marvel games than I care to mention. Marvel don\'t give a toss- they just want the licensing money. You seen the amount of shit films and games they\'ve licensed over the last ten years? I think you\'re being naive in thinking that a Marvel representative will come along and go \"No no no, this just won\'t do. It must be sprite-based in order to be in-keeping with the style of the comics\". It just won\'t happen lol. Marvel might look at it, and if they do, they\'ll just go \"Meh, whatever\".

Linkyshinks said:
The game does not need it, all it needs to do is bring the animation up to the quality of Street Fighter 3 or King of Fighter 12 and everyone will be happy.

The second half of this trailer shows how far sprites and animation have come. All these sprites are hand drawn!. Marvel should get the artists to do the very same, draw some new sprites and work with Capcom together to get the animations right. It would be sweet if they did, this is what they should be doing.

King Of Fighters 12

That is amazing, and is why I gave SNK props. They\'re sticking to their 2D, sprite-based guns. However, MvC3 won\'t be like that. It\'ll be like TvC- really pants looking 3D, with not even one tenth of the style, pinache, or character of Capcom\'s sprite-based entires in years gone by. SFIV looks shit, TvC looks shit, and MvC3 will look shit.

Linkyshinks said:
There is one other thing I would like to see, destructible environments, they would have a great visual impact on the game.

I don\'t know, that\'s DoA\'s \"thing\", and I don\'t know if you could apply it to the Capcom fighter gameplay without ruining the simplicity. But then again, do I care? They\'ve already ruined it by making the graphics 3D, so they may as well complete the ruination with shitty bells and whistles like that, I guess. I care not.

( Edited 30.07.2008 13:56 by Martin_ )

When the producer of SF4 was asked whether they had any plans to go the same route with Darkstalkers and create a similar quasi 2D.5 style, he said it was unlikely at this stage. He said that the super move animations in that game would be very difficult to replicate in 3D. I think the same applies here, even more so, don't you?. That kind of morphing technology is not seen in games yet and wont be for a while yet.

No, I think it's bollocks smoke screen lies, to make you more likely to accept it's new 3D graphics. Do you honestly think they're going to say "We've moved over to 3D so that it's easier to manage the assets and update them for future installments". The facial animation stuff was just a bunch of crap. Who cares? I want Street Fighter, not EA's Fight Night. It simply looks worse, and has none of the character of all previous Street Fighter games. It looks shit.

It\'s fucking awesome though! despite the style which is not ideally to my tastes. I played it twice on the weekend Smilie. (Battle of Destiny) The facial animations are great!, they really add to the feel of the game. Blanka\'s are awesome!.

I played HD Remix also which was nice enough but only all that I expected from it.

Everyone I talked to said the same thing about SF3, they thought the style was not actually that bad up close. This is especially so in respect to some of the new character models in particular which look great. It\'s just Ryu and Ken where most are not keen I gaged, and I agree. They look too bulky in style. In respect to the actual gameplay itself, most including I would say it\'s excellent, it still has all the depth, just in a different form now.

London\'s Trocadero gets a load of cabinets next month.

( Edited 30.07.2008 23:59 by Linkyshinks )

I\'m sorry, but the garbage that is SFIV cannot compare to the majesty of SFIII. You can eat it up, if you like. I won\'t ever support their move to 3D, though. In my opinion, it has been done for cost-cutting and logistical reasons Smilie

RIP Street Fighter.

( Edited 30.07.2008 15:10 by Martin_ )

It may look strange, but try it out at least. I'm waiting to get me hands on the arcade version before passing judgement. Initially thought the screens looked utter shite, but it seems gorgeous in motion.

London's Trocadero gets a load of cabinets next month


Definitely going to try pop down and give it a player or two.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I thought the opposite. I liked the screens, but think it looks like crap in motion. It just looks so stilted, and doesn't have the 'flow' of SFIII's sprite animation.

Phoenixus said:
Awesome news, I loved MvC2 on DC, hopefully Viewtiful Joe, Amaterasu and even Phoenix Wright are in this one.Smilie

Viewtiful Joe in there would be very cool, as would Ammy and Issun. Having Ammy in the game is not that far fetched at all given the fact Capcom have Gallon who is a Werewolf in Darkstalker. They will need to stand him up a little though.

I cannot see Pheonix Wright in there though, he has no known weapons, he uses the law not his fists.

I dont give a damn what it looks like, as long as it plays just like all the others in the series.

Pheonix Wright would just poke his enemies into defeat, while yelling objection at them.

( Edited 31.07.2008 02:56 by Dritttoolegit )

Linkyshinks said:
Viewtiful Joe in there would be very cool, as would Ammy and Issun. Having Ammy in the game is not that far fetched at all given the fact Capcom have Gallon who is a Werewolf in Darkstalker. They will need to stand him up a little though.

I cannot see Pheonix Wright in there though, he has no known weapons, he uses the law not his fists.

Yeah, for Phoenix Wright, I was thinking along the lines of those Assist Characters from the first game, he could jump out with a damage-inducing 'OBJECTION' speech bubble.Smilie

Now I think about it, Zack & Wiki should be somewhere in there too.Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Linkyshinks said:
Viewtiful Joe in there would be very cool, as would Ammy and Issun. Having Ammy in the game is not that far fetched at all given the fact Capcom have Gallon who is a Werewolf in Darkstalker. They will need to stand him up a little though.

I cannot see Pheonix Wright in there though, he has no known weapons, he uses the law not his fists.

Yeah, for Phoenix Wright, I was thinking along the lines of those Assist Characters from the first game, he could jump out with a damage-inducing 'OBJECTION' speech bubble.Smilie

Now I think about it, Zack & Wiki should be somewhere in there too.Smilie

He could also throw law books as projectiles and also use a giant judges Gavel to squish enemies.

Now your going too far with that Z&W suggestion, it's not impossible though. Capcom have put some very obscure characters in before. Z&W given it's sales would also be. I could see him running around with a bell clonking people on the head.

Okay, bumping an old thread because I can't be arsed to make a new one.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 bitches! Smilie

That shot at the end strongly reminds me of how Ryu looks in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, so this might be running on the same engine. And if that's true...well, I'm sure you get the idea. Smilie

( Edited 20.04.2010 08:33 by Phoenixus )

Well it's been pretty much "confirmed" for about a week now, with the embargo being lifted today.

• Confirmed characters so far are Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Magneto, Storm and a few others will return.

• The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 development team said they will be blowing fans out of the water with the sheer number of characters this game includes on the disc.

• This will be another 2D fighter �" gameplay-wise �" but will be something of a cross between the original Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Street Fighter 4.

• The rumored release date is late 2010 or early 2011 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, no plans right now for other systems.

• The game will run in 1080p resolution.

• It will be a disc-based release.

• Apparently the game will have unlockables again.

• The game will be playable at this year's E3 which is held on June 15 - 17th.

So as for graphics... could be SFIV, but personally I hope it's 2D. I also hope it has 2 character tag teams rather than 3.

But my biggest hope of all, don't fucking fill up the Capcom side with Street Fighter characters you unimaginative ponces!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is dope. Dope! Smilie

It does still kind of sadden me that Capcom have completely left sprites behind. For that reason, I'm still glad I got MvC2 on my PS3. Hand-drawn sprites ftw. The X-men characters in the previous installments looked just like their cartoon counterparts (at the time), due to this fact alone. Now Iron Man will take his helmet off and it'll be Robert Downey Jr. Smilie

Martin_ said:
It does still kind of sadden me that Capcom have completely left sprites behind. For that reason, I'm still glad I got MvC2 on my PS3. Hand-drawn sprites ftw. The X-men characters in the previous installments looked just like their cartoon counterparts (at the time), due to this fact alone. Now Iron Man will take his helmet off and it'll be Robert Downey Jr. Smilie

Yeah this annoys me too, it's just Street Fighter IV with non-SF characters now :/
In their defense high quality hand drawn sprites for so many characters could take forever to make, but really it would make me like it so much more T_T I'm not particularly fond for SFIV's visuals.

Also, Leon please.
Leon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHRIIIIIIIIIIIS.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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