Ugh I wanted Nick to win screw everything ;-;
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Ugh I wanted Nick to win screw everything ;-;
That's not good because some characters can do 100% health combos.
I got the results for the dlc poll
Megaman X got second which is still pretty good but I don't even know who strider is O.o
How can you not know who Strider is? He's that Ninja guy with the red scarf covering his face. He summons those robot tigers and birds. He was in the first MvC game too.
Can't wait for them to add X, I just hope they don't mess him up.
Well I knew he was in MvC2 but I didn't really know what game he was from xD
LKR000 said:
Well I knew he was in MvC2 but I didn't really know what game he was from xD
My pick is for Classic Mega Man but any Mega Man will really do it for me. They are all freaking awesome!
Second round guys:
I voted for PW, X and Leon
( Edited 25.02.2011 21:36 by LKR000 )
Nice artwork...
X's theme (I wish >.>)
Jill's theme
Shuma's theme
For a moment there I thought X was confirmed by looking at that video. You got my hopes up and then crushed them. >_<