Lol Chris Roidfield taking on the hulk xD
More megaman characters then street fighter characters please
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Lol Chris Roidfield taking on the hulk xD
More megaman characters then street fighter characters please
More news is coming through...
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 will have a "deep" comic inspired story
Already 16 speculated characters
Deadpool and Frank West, fuck yeah
I thought Deadpool and Dante's silhouettes were pretty obvious really.
The drawings look exactly like TvC.
They should bring back more of the Darkstalkers. Morrigan the bat whore is OK, but there were so many awesome characters in that series. I guess they'll lose a lot of their charm in 3D, but still!
Should be good, I still need to pick up Blaz Blue. That game is incredible, hand drawn beautiful sprites
Martin_ said:
They should bring back more of the Darkstalkers. Morrigan the bat whore is OK, but there were so many awesome characters in that series. I guess they'll lose a lot of their charm in 3D, but still!
I think Lei Lei's 2D animation is some of the best Capcom have produced.
On the other hand Morrigan's 2D spriteset had been the same for years... infact wasn't TvC the first time she had new visuals since like 1995?
Felicia is already pretty much confirmed, so that's two Darkstalkers characters. In all seriousness I don't think franchises should get more than 3 at the most if Capcom want a decent balance of representation.
And speaking of Darkstalkers, the guy who did such games as SFIV and SSFIV would love to make a new Darkstalkers game, and he just needs Capcom to recognise that there's demand for it.
So if anyone's particularly passionate about Darkstalkers, head over to Capcom Unity or something
SuperLink said:
On the other hand Morrigan's 2D spriteset had been the same for years... infact wasn't TvC the first time she had new visuals since like 1995?
Earlier than '95, bro. I didn't mean keep the same old sprites. That's why some of the later sprite-based fighters look shit. They mix different sprites from different eras and it looks very odd. Modern sprite-work would look amazing. See the latest King of Fighters. Well-animated 1080p sprites. Yum!
The polygonal bullshit Capcom have had going since SFIV does look good, but I miss the hand-drawn charm.
SuperLink said:
Felicia is already pretty much confirmed, so that's two Darkstalkers characters. In all seriousness I don't think franchises should get more than 3 at the most if Capcom want a decent balance of representation.
Meh, I wouldn't stick arbitrary limits like that, personally. Capcom probably won't, either. Yes I want to see some obscure inclusions, but I don't want it half-and-half. I want mostly fan-favourites, and a healthy selection of wild-cards.
Martin_ said:
Meh, I wouldn't stick arbitrary limits like that, personally. Capcom probably won't, either. Yes I want to see some obscure inclusions, but I don't want it half-and-half. I want mostly fan-favourites, and a healthy selection of wild-cards.
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom had some brilliant variety in the cast, and there aren't even that many characters in it. This variety was only possibly because Capcom put in only 3 SF characters as opposed to over 9000.
SuperLink said:Martin_ said:
Meh, I wouldn't stick arbitrary limits like that, personally. Capcom probably won't, either. Yes I want to see some obscure inclusions, but I don't want it half-and-half. I want mostly fan-favourites, and a healthy selection of wild-cards.
I'm just genuinely worried that once Capcom start focusing on "fan favourites" it'll turn out like another "Marvel Vs Street Fighter-with-some-other-Capcom-characters-maybe"Tatsunoko Vs Capcom had some brilliant variety in the cast, and there aren't even that many characters in it. This variety was only possibly because Capcom put in only 3 SF characters as opposed to over 9000.
Variety on the Capcom side, maybe, yes.
SuperLink said:
I'm just genuinely worried that once Capcom start focusing on "fan favourites" it'll turn out like another "Marvel Vs Street Fighter-with-some-other-Capcom-characters-maybe"
I disagree. Marvel Vs Capcom 2 had a great variety. Jill Valentine is one of my mains, and there's some really obscure Capcom stuff in there. If I had one complaint, it's that of the Street Fighters, there could have been less of the Ryu/Ken-types, and swapped them out for some of the more obscure Street Fighters that have been in the series (particularly some representation from Street Fighter III would have been ace).
SuperLink said:
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom had some brilliant variety in the cast, and there aren't even that many characters in it. This variety was only possibly because Capcom put in only 3 SF characters as opposed to over 9000.
If you have to exaggerate to make your argument - you have a weak argument. Besides, this is Marvel Vs Capcom 3, not Tatsunoko Vs Capcom 2. A similar character-balance to that featured in MvC2 will be fine by fans. I gather you've never particularly played that game at length. It should be what fans want, not what newbs want.
Martin_ said:
and swapped them out for some of the more obscure Street Fighters that have been in the series (particularly some representation from Street Fighter III would have been ace).
If you have to exaggerate to make your argument - you have a weak argument.
Besides, this is Marvel Vs Capcom 3, not Tatsunoko Vs Capcom 2.
A similar character-balance to that featured in MvC2 will be fine by fans. I gather you've never particularly played that game at length. It should be what fans want, not what newbs want.
May as well made a Final Fantasy fighting game with only characters from FFVII. If you want a fighting game with shitloads of SF characters... get SF. If I want a fighting game with, I dunno, Frank West? Viewtiful Joe? Or Phoenix Wright? I have to just sit and hope that their "chances" don't get taken by SF characters.
I just had another look at the (Capcom) MvC2 roster, and almost half of it were SF characters! Add that on top of 4 MegaMan characters, 4 Darkstalkers characters, and 4 original characters, there are hardly any additions from obscure series' (I counted 5 from non SF/MegaMan/DarkStalkers series')
I'd be slightly more OK with having SF characters in they were from a plethora of SF games, like 1 from each. Characters from Alpha/III/IV maybe? I still don't think there should be over 5/6 SF characters max, give your other franchises a chance to shine Capcom.
MvC3 has quite a good start though, with Chris confirmed and Frank West and Dante both heavily hinted at. Heck it looks like Trish might even be in it (bit of a weird choice imo)
( Edited 27.04.2010 13:01 by SuperLink )
Well, I'm not going to pick apart single-sentences of yours, otherwise we'll be here forever going round the round. However:
SuperLink said:
Oh come on, it's a joke. Everyone knows MvC2 has way too many SF characters. It's not like SF is Capcom's only series.
Lulz - "Everyone knows" ..? I believe you've created this as a 'personal statistic', in order to back yourself. You really aren't a fighting-game veteran, have never particularly showed any interested in related topics or the genre, and if I cast my mind back, you've only ever shown interest in two - Smash Bros. and Tatsunoko. Two Wii games. I reckon you probably first fell in love with 'Brawl on the GC (not saying this is in any way a bad thing), perhaps the original on the N64.
MvC2 is one of Capcom's most successful fighting games ever (beating most of the Street Fighter instalments in this regard). It is still played in tournaments, and has a decade-old hardcore following. People love it, and love it's character set. Cue you browsing MvC2 sub-fora for any mention of complains of character-set, etc. Whatever.
Of course there will be a couple, everyone will have a favourite Marvel or Capcom character that didn't make the cut. In general, it was an amazing success because of it's cast of characters, and has endured as one of the best fighting games ever. MvC3 should be for fans of the series, not people who seem to hate it/barely even played it.
Of course they will 'announce' new characters. There would be little point in announcing "Ken is coming to MvC3!" because that is a given.
Martin_ said:
Lulz - "Everyone knows" ..? I believe you've created this as a 'personal statistic', in order to back yourself.
You really aren't a fighting-game veteran, have never particularly showed any interested in related topics or the genre, and if I cast my mind back, you've only ever shown interest in two - Smash Bros. and Tatsunoko. Two Wii games. I reckon you probably first fell in love with 'Brawl on the GC (not saying this is in any way a bad thing), perhaps the original on the N64.
PS. Brawl wasn't on the GC, Brawl was on the Wii. You're thinking of Melee.
People love it, and love it's character set. Cue you browsing MvC2 sub-fora for any mention of complains of character-set, etc. Whatever.
MvC3 should be for fans of the series, not people who seem to hate it/barely even played it.
If they just called it "Marvel Vs Street Fighter" instead, I honestly wouldn't have a problem, atleast it wouldn't be almost a lie.
Of course they will 'announce' new characters. There would be little point in announcing "Ken is coming to MvC3!" because that is a given.
Capcom side:
* Akuma
* Amingo
* Anakaris
* B.B. Hood
* Cammy
* Captain Commando
* Charlie
* Chun-Li
* Dan
* Dhalsim
* Felicia
* Guile
* Hayato
* Jill Valentine
* Jin
* Ken
* M. Bison
* Mega Man
* Morrigan
* Roll
* Ruby Heart
* Ryu
* Sakura
* Servbot
* SonSon
* Strider Hiryu
* Tron Bonne
* Zangief
Of the 28 Capcom characters in MvC2, only 12 of them are Street Fighters. So less than half. Certainly a big chunk, but not a majority or anything. Nobody is saying they should increase this ratio for MvC3, but people need their main favourite characters. If you'd been playing MvC2 using Chun-Li or Bison or whoever as one of your mains for the last decade, you'd be pissed to find them not included in the sequel.
SuperLink said:
From the other forums I've visited the notion that MvC2 had too many SF characters was a pretty damn common one. You may disagree.
I've never seen any massive complaints on fighting game websites. As you can see above, it's not like it was mostly made up of Street Fighters. It wasn't. I'd have liked a couple of them to be swapped out for SFIII characters, but whatever. Nothing is perfect.
SuperLink said:
Completely false, the only major fighting series' I have barely played are Virtua Fighter (and I have VF2, no biggie, but still)
The first fighting game I ever played was Tekken or Tekken Tag (not sure) and Smash Bros 64 was the first "fighting" game I owned. It isn't even a fighting game imo, you fight in it, but it's completely different to most fighting games, I find it more comparable to a party game.
I'm a massive Soulcalibur fan and have been forever, I have every SC game. I also have about half the Tekken games. Yes TvC is the first Vs Capcom game I owned, but since then I've gotten into Darkstalkers and MvC2 a bit aswell. I'm may not be a "veteran", but calling me a newb is a little insulting. I love fighting games, I just suck at them.
So you've played Tekken since Tekken Tag on the PS2 (I've owned every single Tekken since the original), I have owned every single Soul Calibur (still have my DC copy, and did have Soul Blade on the PSone). I've had every Capcom Vs game except X-Men Vs Street Fighter. I've had two Dalkstalkers games (when you say you've 'gotten into them a bit' - have you actually played them?), and obviously I have MvC2 (the PS3 version will be the third version that I've owned).
I also own every single Virtua Fighter, had Fighter's Destiny on N64, have owned every single Street Fighter ever released to home platforms. I have owned most of the KOF games, have nearly all of the Samurai Showdown games. I'm probably forgetting things.
I'm not counting games I have for emulators, either. I hate to compare credentials on this matter, but yours are lacking compared to mine.
SuperLink said:
PS. Brawl wasn't on the GC, Brawl was on the Wii. You're thinking of Melee.
Meanwhile you claim to be a massive Soul Calibur fan, but spell it "Soulcalibur". You probably started the series on SCII on the GC. Link ftw, but it doesn't make you an authority on fighting games.
SuperLink said:
I've never heard of those sites. The consensus on most multiconsole forums I go on though is that the game is pretty unbalanced compared to MvC, SFIII and TvC and has too many cloned movesets. I haven't had that much experience with it myself mind.
I simply doubt that you've come across much in the way of complaints. If you did, it's only because people air grievances, whilst people generally keep quiet if they're satisfied. Again, MvC2, ten years old, still played at tournament-level (and probably will still be played at high-level even after MvC3). People love it.
SuperLink said:
MvC3 should also be for Marvel and Capcom fans, not just XMen and Street Fighter fans.
1) You're judging a decade-old game on today's terms. Ten years ago, the fighting game genre and the arcade-industry were on their knees (they went hand-in-hand). Fighters have experienced a resurgence, but back when MvC2 was released they were just about dead. It's a miracle MvC2 was made at all, and the reason it contained a fair amount of X-Men is that Capcom thought "why not chuck all of the characters from X-Men Vs Street Fighter in this one?" since fans had complained about missing characters from that game in the first MvC.
2) If you actually look, there are a similar amount of X-Men on the Marvel side as Street Fighters on the Capcom side. Marvel characters have always dipped in and out of various Marvel universes, so there's some you may have down as 'X-Men' which are actually not. Again, nobody is saying the Marvel character-set is perfect, but it's pretty fuckin' good!
SuperLink said:
If they just called it "Marvel Vs Street Fighter" instead, I honestly wouldn't have a problem, atleast it wouldn't be almost a lie.
Then don't play it, meanwhile everybody else loves it. Nobody will care.
SuperLink said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't tbh. If Capcom give SF a wider range of reps (Ken is just like a different Ryu afterall), and we already know Ryu and Chun-Li are in, they might be taking the "one SF rep per game" route again.
This is where you display your lack of knowledge. If you knew anything about Capcom fighters, you'd know Ryu isn't the same as Ken. They stopped being the same in Street Fighter II Turbo (1992, years before even the original Tekken), and have become progressively different ever since. By 2000, it was possible to be great with one, and not-so-great with the other. I can't really use Ryu that well.
They are built from the same template, but have different emphasis. In a nutshell, Ryu has power, while Ken has speed. It goes deeper than that, though. Ryu's supers tend to be projectile-based, whereas Ken's supers are combo or air-based. Then when you account that the move-sets were augmented significantly for the Marvel Vs series.. yeah.
They will at least include both Ryu and Ken, since fans of the series will be pissed if they don't. Thinking they won't include both = LULZ. You clearly don't know what you're talking about!
Capcom sequels gain characters, they do not lose them. If you knew anything about Capcom fighters, you'd know this.
Martin_ said:
Capcom side:* Akuma
* Amingo
* Anakaris
* B.B. Hood
* Cammy
* Captain Commando
* Charlie
* Chun-Li
* Dan
* Dhalsim
* Felicia
* Guile
* Hayato
* Jill Valentine
* Jin
* Ken
* M. Bison
* Mega Man
* Morrigan
* Roll
* Ruby Heart
* Ryu
* Sakura
* Servbot
* SonSon
* Strider Hiryu
* Tron Bonne
* Zangief
Nobody is saying they should increase this ratio for MvC3, but people need their main favourite characters. If you'd been playing MvC2 using Chun-Li or Bison or whoever as one of your mains for the last decade, you'd be pissed to find them not included in the sequel.
So you've played Tekken since Tekken Tag on the PS2 (I've owned every single Tekken since the original), I have owned every single Soul Calibur (still have my DC copy, and did have Soul Blade on the PSone). I've had every Capcom Vs game except X-Men Vs Street Fighter. I've had two Dalkstalkers games (when you say you've 'gotten into them a bit' - have you actually played them?), and obviously I have MvC2 (the PS3 version will be the third version that I've owned).
I hate to compare credentials on this matter, but yours are lacking compared to mine.
Meanwhile you claim to be a massive Soul Calibur fan, but spell it "Soulcalibur". You probably started the series on SCII on the GC. Link ftw, but it doesn't make you an authority on fighting games.
Again, MvC2, ten years old, still played at tournament-level (and probably will still be played at high-level even after MvC3). People love it.
It's also good to keep in mind that MvC2 was partly built up from X-Men Vs Street Fighter, which may be why the roster is that way in the first place.
They will at least include both Ryu and Ken, since fans of the series will be pissed if they don't. Thinking they won't include both = LULZ. You clearly don't know what you're talking about!
Capcom sequels gain characters, they do not lose them. If you knew anything about Capcom fighters, you'd know this.
Again this isn't a case of "haah i know more about fightan than joo", it's about me having to apparently validate my view on what Capcom should do with MvC3.
Besides, Capcom have already said there are 30 characters.
-15 slots for Capcom characters
-Atleast 5/6 of those are from non-SF franchises
-There are only a maximum 9/10 returning SF characters, unless Capcom make us pay for the rest via dlc.
Nvm, quotes further down.
EDIT: I've just been reading the NeoGaf Thread for it, and it seems they mostly want the same thing too.
- Less characters if it means better balance than MvC2
- Less focus on SF and X-Men
- Overhauled cast
- Due to the 3D shift they can't re-use spritesets and movesets, they have to be recreated, many presume the game will even use the TvC engine, making TvC's cast easy to port, and it's being made by the same team as TvC
Yeah I know it's entirely possible that many of them "might not be as big a fighting game fan as you", but that isn't really the only factor to consider when it comes to a fan based fighting game roster.
EDIT 2: Some interesting info from Marvel's site.
According to Niitsuma-san, there will be over 30 fighters in the game."'MvC2' had 15 years of sprites to steal from," Killian added. "We could grab them and throw them into the game and then balance [the gameplay]. These [characters and 3D models] are really lovingly recreated. The team is dying already trying to get more in there."
"We want to put everything in to please the fans," admitted Niitsuma-san. "Since 'MvC2' came out, Capcom came out with many games. We'll be announcing characters periodically. The dev team themselves want to get some of the newer characters in."
"There have been Marvel characters created and who have gotten more popular in the last 10 years," Baker added. "That's influenced our decision."
"Instead of spending our time making multiple costumes, we're spending our time making more characters. Our goal is to put as many characters in the game as possible. If we can make more costumes, we will. You'd rather have more characters, than more costumes, right?"
PS. Damn this is a huge motherfucking post.
Oh and Actual Morrigan character model leaked
Also I edited out some unimportant/repeated parts of my post, because it was full of tl;dr.
( Edited 30.04.2010 12:33 by SuperLink )
SuperLink said:
Capcom side:* List of characters
Edited to bold all the Darkstalkers/MegaMan/Original characters. The representation is really unbalanced tbh. Only 5 characters from outside those series'.
Well that's a different thing, entirely. Not what we were talking about, either.
SuperLink said:
Believe me I know how this feels, my SC main Hwang hasn't been in a Soulcalibur game for ages, and Brawl had lots of missing characters from Melee. I still suck it up though, because in general the character representation is much better.
Well many people would not agree with that. Additionally, if I were to be ignorant about that series, I would just say that "Yun-seong and Xianghua are the same as Hwang", just as you said about Ryu and Ken. Same fighting-style, broadly the same move-sets. You get the point, now? They are not the same.
SuperLink said:
You're quite a bit older than me, and I was an N64 kid, I only ever got to play Tekken around friends houses. I own a legit copy of every Soulcalibur (including the PS1 game and the DC game). Yeah, I've played Darkstalkers, and I've ordered the PSP game which is pretty much every previous Darkstalkers game on one disc (handheld)
True, you're something like five years younger than me? Still, ignorance is ignorance. I have more experience with the genre, and certainly far more experience with Capcom fighters, which are my favourite. We are talking about a Capcom fighter, which is why I brought up my experience. Just because you're too young to have played them doesn't mean you aren't wrong.
SuperLink said:
Did I say mine were better than yours? No, I just said I'm not a "newb", heck, I might even be a "veteran" in some respects. You said I had only shown interest in 2 Wii fighting games, I was merely proving you (thoroughly) wrong.
OK, so you've played two Wii ones, a few Tekkens, and are soon going to be playing Darkstalkers with PSP controls. I was wrong, I apologise.
SuperLink said:
I used to spell it Soul Calibur, but I had to force myself to change because "Soulcalibur" is Namco's official spelling for the series. Again, I didn't say I was any kind of "authority".
You're right. Was this always the case?
SuperLink said:
People can still criticise things they love. For example, I criticise the hell out of Melee and Brawl for their lame balance and cloned movesets issues.
If you want to play a fighter with lots of characters, and each character being fairly unique, then you should get into the KOF series. Virtua Fighter also maintains no 'alikes' amongst it's cast, even with the latest instalment. However VF does not have a large cast. For every other fighting game, there will be similarities between characters. It's the nature of the genre.
A handful of different characters are developed in the beginning, and then 'spin-off' characters are made, differentiating here and there, giving hardcore players something slightly different. You watch two high-level players using Akuma and Dan - they will have very different styles even though the characters are based from the same template.
SuperLink said:
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom is in the Vs Capcom series, Ken isn't in that game, and all the movesets for the "returning characters" are mostly the same.
The fact that Ken isn't in TvC means he has a chance of missing out MvC3.
I don't agree. TvC was an original game, wheres MvC3 is obviously the third in a series, one which Ken has appeared both times thus far. I'm significantly disinterested in TvC purely because my favourite Capcom fighter isn't present, for no good reason. I could use Ryu instead, but I'd just be wanting to use Ken the whole time. As for move-sets, the gameplay in TvC is in the 'Capcom Vs SNK' idiom, in that they try to replicate the Street Fighter gameplay with those characters. MvC is different, with super-jumping and all sorts of craziness.
SuperLink said:
In b4 "they're different franchises", the same team works on both games, and TvC was officially branded by Capcom as "the next game in the Vs Capcom series". That line of argument doesn't necessarily work.
It does work, because they completely changed the gameplay in the Marvel Vs series. One had to re-learn ones' favourite characters to an extent. You didn't have to do this in CvS. Of course they said TvC is "the next in the Capcom Vs series" because- 1) It was. 2) At the time they had been trying and repeatedly failing to secure the necessary rights to make a sequel to MvC2 - one of the company's most-successful fighting games. It's just marketing. MvC2 fans weeping into their pillows about no MvC3 (at the time) would have orgasms over such a statement.
SuperLink said:
SFIII lol.
... Kept all of it's characters. SFII is a 'series', SFIII is a 'series', etc.
SuperLink said:
Again this isn't a case of "haah i know more about fightan than joo", it's about me having to apparently validate my view on what Capcom should do with MvC3.
You don't have to validate anything. You were whining heavily about the apparent awfulness of the MvC2 character-set. I'm just saying it really wasn't as bad as you say, and was in fact really great.
SuperLink said:
I've just been reading the NeoGaf Thread for it, and it seems they mostly want the same thing too.- Less characters if it means better balance than MvC2
- Less focus on SF and X-Men
- Overhauled cast
- Due to the 3D shift they can't re-use spritesets and movesets, they have to be recreated, many presume the game will even use the TvC engine, making TvC's cast easy to port, and it's being made by the same team as TvC
Interesting. I'd say if true, this is due to the shift to polygons. They can't just rip sprites any more, and probably won't bother with characters like Marrow, etc.
SuperLink said:
Yeah I know it's entirely possible that many of them "might not be as big a fighting game fan as you", but that isn't really the only factor to consider when it comes to a fan based fighting game roster.
It's a pretty big factor when we're talking about a sequel to an established series, not an original game. I couldn't care less what TvC did or didn't do - that was an original game.
( Edited 30.04.2010 16:59 by Martin_ )
Martin_ said:
Well that's a different thing, entirely. Not what we were talking about, either.
Just because you're too young to have played them doesn't mean you aren't wrong.
OK, so you've played two Wii ones, a few Tekkens, and are soon going to be playing Darkstalkers with PSP controls. I was wrong, I apologise.
You're right. Was this always the case?
If you want to play a fighter with lots of characters, and each character being fairly unique, then you should get into the KOF series.
MvC is different, with super-jumping and all sorts of craziness.
... Kept all of it's characters. SFII is a 'series', SFIII is a 'series', etc.
You don't have to validate anything. You were whining heavily about the apparent awfulness of the MvC2 character-set. I'm just saying it really wasn't as bad as you say, and was in fact really great.
I don't think the cast for MvC2 is terrible, it's still pretty fangasm stuff, but I'm not a huge SF fan and I'd like to see more focus on other series'.
After hearing Capcom say they want to put so many characters in it, I'm not really that worried anymore. I'll be pretty happy with 7 or 8 non SF/DS/MM characters, and incredibly chuffed with over 10.
( Edited 30.04.2010 17:38 by SuperLink )
What are your thoughts on Capcom completely ditching sprites? Don't use any of the Vs series as a point of reference - they're all a very mixed bag of sprites from different eras, drawn by totally different art teams, in some games even clearly different resolutions and bit-depths.
Check out King of Fighters XII:
That's a video of the arcade version, which only has 20 playable characters. The reason for this is that for XII, SNK decided to completely revamp the series. But unlike Street Fighter IV, SNK stuck with sprites. Absolutely everything is hand-drawn, and is in high-definition. This is the reason there's so few characters.
The game underwent a complete graphical overhaul, confirmed by Nona, artist in charge of the art in the The King of Fighters XI endings. All the sprites used in previous games for over 10 years were dropped and replaced with new high definition sprites. The programmers have stated their intention is to create the "ultimate 2D fighting game".[11] It was later revealed at AOU 2008 that KOF XII would use newly-drawn 2D sprites on detailed 2D backgrounds. Producer Masaaki Kukino informed Kotaku that the game is one hundred percent hand drawn, there being zero cel shading in the game.[13] The renewals for the sprites were made due to negative reaction from the remake from The King of Fighters '94; the staff came to the conclusion that they had to make new sprites instead of basing them from old versions as they used to make in previous games. Kukino adds that each character took between sixteen and seventeen months to be done by 10 designers together along with Nona who revised them. However, due to the difficulties that it took to make this new designs, there were only 20 playable characters for the arcade version, the lowest number ever in a game from the series.
There are two more characters in the 360/PS3 versions. I think it looks absolutely gorgeous, and retains that hand-drawn charm of older fighting games while still looking totally fresh. It is a shining example of what can be done with sprites on modern hardware. In my opinion, Capcom took the lazy way out.
Martin_ said:
What are your thoughts on Capcom completely ditching sprites? Don't use any of the Vs series as a point of reference - they're all a very mixed bag of sprites from different eras, drawn by totally different art teams, in some games even clearly different resolutions and bit-depths.
I'm getting this soon:
It looks brilliant (visually, I heard the gameplay is really great too, very positive reviews 'n' stuff)
Also is KoFXIII sprite based too? It's out in Japan pretty soon.
SuperLink said:
Also is KoFXIII sprite based too? It's out in Japan pretty soon.
Yup. Basically, KOFXII was the 'new start' (asset-wise, it's not a reboot). The next bunch of KOF games will be based on it.
And this, people, is why I don't start arguments/discussions with Superlink or Martin. :p
Phoenixus said:
And this, people, is why I don't start arguments/discussions with Superlink or Martin. :p
One on one arguments just go on forever.
Dante, Felicia, Deadpool and Captain America are confirmed. Plus there's some more details in this link and some screen shots:
The game looks ugly
L said:
The game looks ugly
I don't see Roll working with this style at all, and we all know she's going to be in it.
Well there have been lots of new screenshots revealed from scans, one of which contains some sad news.
This screen says to me that Tron Bonne (and probably Servbot) from MegaMan Legends are no longer playble. If Tron was playable, what is she doing in the background of a stage? Capcom want to fit as many characters in as possible, apparently even if that means shoving them in the background, denying them playability.
Of course it might be too early to say, but I don't see Tron watching a clone of herself fighting.
( Edited 15.05.2010 11:42 by SuperLink )