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L said:
I'll probably get it for PS3 as well because the 360 controller is shit for fighting games.
And seriously? C. Viper? You've gotta be fucking kidding. There are only 3 SF characters so far and they went and chose her?
I am really raging about C.Viper.... Such a poor choice imo....
But I am glad to see Storm back.
wtf I fucking hate that bitch, her scream pisses me off so much XP, she doesn't even look cool. What a terrible character choice.�_�
Also the original Mega Man is pretty much confirmed for this game. I remember reading somewhere that Mega Man's voice actor was hired.
Also if C. Viper is in it that means that, that leaked character list is real and M. Bison will be the next Street Fighter character.
They took him off of IMDB since it's not a credited source. This leaves Mega Man still up for debate whenever he is in or not. My guess is that he either needs to be revealed from now till Dec. 19th. If not, he won't be in the game.
And what leaked list with Bison are you talking about?
( Edited 11.12.2010 19:44 by SuperShyGuy62 )
L said:
I hope it's not true. Spider-Woman?.....really?
The list is already fake. Shuma Gorath is listed for disc while he is released for DLC a few days later.
Plus Strider is deconfirmed.
( Edited 12.12.2010 16:40 by SuperShyGuy62 )
They had to put in a character that no one really cares about, but at least Storm is back. I wonder if they will put Rouge back in. She had some swell combos in MvC2. There should be an even balance of Capcom and Marvel, because in the second game there more Capcom than Marvel. I am still pondering on which Megaman is going to be playable.
It's obvious Classic megaman will be the playable one, no way any other will make it in which is a shame. Pretty sure their going for even amount of characters in each team this time.
Apparently these characters are going to be in it:
*Akuma (Street Fighter)
*Phoenix (X-Men)
*Taskmaster (Avengers)
*Galactus (Fantastic Four)
*Hsien-Ko (Darkstalkers)
*Haggar (Final Fight)
*Sentinel (X-Men)
It also says Mega Man was replaced by Arthur =/ Mega Man probably will be a dlc character because you can't have a Capcom Vs. game without your mascot. It's like not having Mario in a Smash Bros. game.
If classic Megaman is dlc all hell will break loose xD
Personally I'm not that bothered since I don't really like classic Megaman that much. On a brighter note a new trailer
Plus that leaked list I posted up early must be true so that means the next characters to be revealed are Hsien-Ko and Sentinel. Galactus will probably be the last boss.
More character reveals
Not too bothered about these reveals but I think their the last characters for the main roster. Now we just need to see the dlc characters.
Also Mega Man was de-confirmed in an interview I saw some where. Probably because Keiji Inafune quit Capcom. XD
Seriously think MegaMan will be dlc.
I doubt it judging from the answer to the 2nd question in this interview: http://spong.com/feature/10110305/Interview-Marvel-vs-Capcom-3-Producer-Ryota-Niitsuma
That answer makes no sense, he was in MvC2.
I dunno if a character has been "removed" then they could also be put in for dlc, like the possibility of Frank West and Phoenix Wright.
No MegaMan though? That's crazy tbh.
Yeah it is a bit weird tbh. I'm just happy I have Zero to use though, much cooler than Megaman imo.
I'm hoping to see Mega Man and Captain Commando make it in over Phoenix Wright for DLC. I can't see Wright being a good character at all. Same with Frank but what ever.
SuperShyGuy62 said:
I'm hoping to see Mega Man and Captain Commando make it in over Phoenix Wright for DLC. I can't see Wright being a good character at all. Same with Frank but what ever.
Plus, anyone who argues Wright wouldn't make a good character has clearly never played Smash Bros.
Almost half the Smash Bros roster is made up of characters who've never fought in their own canons.
SuperLink said:
Plus, anyone who argues Wright wouldn't make a good character has clearly never played Smash Bros.
Almost half the Smash Bros roster is made up of characters who've never fought in their own canons.
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