Came up with this thread after tinkering around with my iPhone camera and practising uploads. Was curious to see how fellow 3DS owners here have their Menu screens set up after the latest folders update. Might get some good ideas going here.

The folders are definitely helpful to keep everything on one screen, but the one word/symbol limit is a bit of a pain, so here's my workaround;
% = Demos (being a percentage of a full game after all )
Star = Ambassador games (Star privileges!)
r - Retro Handheld (GB and GG stuff, would like a better symbol for this one)
Down Arrow = Original Downloads (eShop 3DS Stuff)
tm = Trailers (Including the Green Lantern one so they'd all be trademarked anyway)
Infinity Symbol = Everything else (like the health warnings, DS Download play, and all the other crap)