How Is Your 3DS Menu Organised?

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Came up with this thread after tinkering around with my iPhone camera and practising uploads. Was curious to see how fellow 3DS owners here have their Menu screens set up after the latest folders update. Might get some good ideas going here.

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The folders are definitely helpful to keep everything on one screen, but the one word/symbol limit is a bit of a pain, so here's my workaround;

% = Demos (being a percentage of a full game after all Smilie)
Star = Ambassador games (Star privileges!)
r - Retro Handheld (GB and GG stuff, would like a better symbol for this one)
Down Arrow = Original Downloads (eShop 3DS Stuff)
tm = Trailers (Including the Green Lantern one so they'd all be trademarked anyway)
Infinity Symbol = Everything else (like the health warnings, DS Download play, and all the other crap)

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Mine isn't anything fancy, I basically put all downloadable games into one folder and left out all the applications. I kept Colors 3D out, because I'll be using it a lot.

( Edited 06.05.2012 18:12 by Marzy )

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3: 3DS/DSiWare (though I may steal your arrow idea Phoenixus)
Uses the 2x5 grid with 3DS stuff on top row, DSi on bottom row

V: Virtual Console
Uses 2x5 grid, only contains monochrome GB games so no organisation needed at the moment.

D: Demos
No organisation, just dumped in random order.

Now, waaaay over to the far right is..

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..the junk folder, titled "..." because it contains the contains crappy apps I don't use and don't deserve a name.

Face raiders, Pokedex3D, AR games reside here, Eurosport would have gone in here but that sucks so much I wanted it off my system as it downloded rubbish videos taking up even more room..

Also to the far right of this folder is the dreaded

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..Health and Safety, wOo0oO0oO0, so terrifying it is hidden away in the hidden folder.

( Edited 06.05.2012 18:47 by Mr James2t3 )

The second to last icon size, eShop in the very top left with cartridge & settings below. A few often used apps around them like Nintendo video & swapnote. My folders are organized by 3D Classics, Ambassador NES & GBA, Apps, Demos, DSiWare, eShop & videos in that order.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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Here's my layout, I've kept it simple and neat, made folders for VC games and 3DS software.

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A = 3DS apps,
N = NES games
G = GBA games
j = Junk aka health warning.

( Edited 07.05.2012 20:08 by Stulaw )

lol @ everyone hating the health warning app.

Irfy said:
lol @ everyone hating the health warning app.
Are you kidding me? It's my most played software... I'm not even joking.. I love it.


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