Has health and safety gone mad? I think so! What do you think?
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Has health and safety gone mad? I think so! What do you think?
Health and safety has gone mad. But because we live in a different society than it was back in the day, this is how things are. From "caution this drink may be hot" marks on cups to "makes sure you have a clear playing area around you". This is because people have learnt that they can sue for accidents that should be common knowlege on how to avoid. For this reason, that is why health and safety is what it is today.
It is mad, but we have to put up with the safety message on the wii every time we boot up a game or on the DS because companies don't want to be held accountable for stupid accidents such as punching your brother through a window during a vigourous round of Wii boxing!
I hate how everytime you load a new game, you have to spend a good 5-10 seconds looking at the "Make sure you have plenty of space around you. You could hit objects, people..." blah, blah, blah. Are people really this stupid. If they break a vase playing Wii Sports, it's their own damn fault and they are responsible for it.
Keven said:
Are people really this stupid.
That last picture....Jesus Christ....how can anyone be so stupid as to have their hand there.
suing culture from the usa
Had an accident in the last 3 years and so on that why it like this now
knighty said:
That last picture....Jesus Christ....how can anyone be so stupid as to have their hand there.
This is health and safety gone mad. A primary school banned kids from playing football incase they get hit in the face by the ball. Now i'm not very old (i'm 18) but when I was in primary school, you get kicked in the face by the ball,you deal with it, heck, my little brother got stomped on the head by a boy that didn't like him during football and broke his bone connecting his jaw and his ear, and the school still continued to let the kids play footie.
I remember quite awhile ago that some schools in California were trying to ban tag at school because kids were falling and getting hurt. Tag? They've been playing that before even the bible was around. To ban that would be like.... I don't even know. It's just stupid.
Keven said:Amen.
I remember quite awhile ago that some schools in California were trying to ban tag at school because kids were falling and getting hurt. Tag? They've been playing that before even the bible was around. To ban that would be like.... I don't even know. It's just stupid.
Kiss chase spreads cooties! Ban it ASAP I say! Serious danger.
Healthy and safety should be locked up.
Not to mention they're stopping us getting our jobs!
Bloody foreign health and safety putting fences around all the job centres.
This country's going to the dogs!
Blame the suing culture.
knighty said:
That last picture....Jesus Christ....how can anyone be so stupid as to have their hand there.
I totally agree. I had an accident a few years back where I had my head there. And my wrists.
Yeah, I went through glass, nearly died of bloodloss, so that picture is really uncomfortable for me to look at.. :-/
I'm hoping not out of choice eh faust?
Did you trip into it or something?
Echoes221 said:
I'm hoping not out of choice eh faust?
Did you trip into it or something?
I decided to chase a bully, and he smashed a door in my face.
Best part was me being the laughing stock at school after it happened, being called a "Failed Jackass",, And when the accident itself was forgotten and people just saw the scars they called it a suicide attempt *facepalm*,, People^^
I very nearly lost my life there. You guys would've never known me if that'd happened
It's gone bonkers!! Have you heard about the ice cream store refusing to pour chocolate syrup over ice cream because of a health risk?
Health and new york escorts safety has gone mad. But because we live in a different new york escorts society than it was back in the day, this is how things are. From "caution this drink may be hot" marks on cups to "makes sure you have a clear playing area around new york asian escorts you". This is because people have learnt that they new york asian escort can sue for accidents that should be common knowlege on how to avoid. For this reason, that is why health and safety is what it is today.