Soul Calibur IV

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So anyone have it yet? I managed to track down a copy for the 360 and I must say it's pretty amazing I have logged about 8 hours on it and I only got it yesterday, One thing I am pissed about is the the fact Yoda is immpossible to beat on hard mode due to horizontal strikes never hitting him and you can never grab him even when playing as another Yoda.

Still the character creation mode is immense and very detailed from coloring diffrent pieces of armor to adjusting the size of a womans ahem 'assets' and the pitch of your characters voice.

The three new characters included (excluding console exclusives Yoda and Darth Vader) Hilde a short sword and spear wielder mixes short range strikes with the thrusts of her spear The second is Algol the primary antagonist for the good players in the story mode he wields assimalated versions of Soul Edge and Calibur like some sort of punk magician he uses powerful throws and ranged strikes. The third is the Apprentice from the upcoming Force Unleashed by Lucasarts I haven't unlocked him yet so I don't know how he plays (a mix of force powers and powerful lightsaber strikes, or so I have heard).

All in all this makes it not just my favourte fighting games, it makes it one of my top ten games of all time.

Oh and be wary because this game has gone Dead or Alive, big breasts so It sells to teenagers, don't worry about it though it's still as great in terms of technical bouts and pixel perfect timing.

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Project Trico Love
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No chance of that.

I love the Soul series. I think the character line-up is a big shame compared to SCIII though. Although I do like the look of some of the new guest characters created by famous manga artists.

I plan to get it ASAP (tomorrow hopefully). I also hope Vader will be downloadable for the 360 version, and that other characters will be too. There were plenty of decent bonus characters in SCIII that could be expanded upon to make full characters, not to mention Li-Long and Hwang who seem to have been completely forgotten since the first 2 games they starred heavely in (Not to mention Hwang was always my main, I'm SO pissed off they missed him out again).

Other than Smash, Soul is my favourite fighting series. I heard the character creation was a bit weird this time though, how does it work? Sounds rather lame to me... I'm hoping to make quite a few if it is good, including maybe some of the "missing" characters.

Other than that I can't wait for downloadable characters/Soul Calibur V.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

My intrest in this series is pretty much dead, already played it to death with Soul Blade, Calibour 2, various tekken games (same game no wepons).

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

also hope Vader will be downloadable for the 360 version

There is some rumors that there will be downloadable content for both platforms, I hope so because Yoda is the worst guest character I have ever had the misfortune to play as.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

Pointfex said:

Oh and be wary because this game has gone Dead or Alive, big breasts so It sells to teenagers, don't worry about it though it's still as great in terms of technical bouts and pixel perfect timing.

Be wary? How exactly can big bouncing boobies get in the way of the game mechanics? It's win win. Smilie

Anyway, I'll probably pick this up in the coming weeks. My interest in fighters usually fades after awhile but the Soul Calibur series has always kept my interest. It has so much more depth in terms of game modes and options, and the fighting system itself seems far more advanced than Virtual Fighter and Dead or Alive (the only other two fighters I've tried out).

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I want it, I am a bit disappointed of the inclusion of the Star Wars characters, especially since Yoda has such a small hitbox. However I will just choose to not to choose them, looks solid.

( Edited 05.08.2008 12:23 by iCAME )

I've played as Darth Vader, he's not that bad, i might buy it for 360 though.

FFIV Soul Calibur!

( Edited 05.08.2008 15:04 by James2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

James2t3 said:
FFIV Soul Calibour!



Maybe it won't be that bad...

I wanna make Sora.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
James2t3 said:
FFIV Soul Calibour!



Maybe it won't be that bad...

I wanna make Sora.

Rydia looks hot.

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NNID: Stulaw
Guest 05.08.2008#11

Rydia looks too old.

By the way has anyone heard of the special editions of the game? I wanna know where it's sold and how much it is, 'cos I don't really feel like buying a game with less stuff in it unless the premium one is like �10 more expensive with not much new stuff.

Wikipedia says there's a premium edition but it doesn't say much other than that.

And Rydia looks fine. Probably not as accurate as Cecil though IMO.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Guest 05.08.2008#13

Reminds me of that cartoon

Bought it and then took it back. It made me realise that traditional fighters aren't for me. I can't be bothered spending an age learning several characters' movelist just to play the game properly.

Looks nice, just a shame the story mode is so weak and online play has already got spamming button mashers.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

My friend rented the game and I must say its freaking awesome. I have 2 and pretty much skipped 3 as I did not have a ps2 when it released. 4 is one I actually can't get enough of.

I played it today with my bro and its awesome, I only played it in versus but it is still pretty good.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'll get this eventually, second hand.Smilie

Can't wait to get stuck into the Create a Character mode, looks fun as hell. Loads of awesome designs here.Smilie

I got it on ps3, incredibly frustrating online when you get sum idiot who spams one move and u cant do much about it. Vader is awesome, especially when you learn his force choke move. I also read that Yoda will be downloadable and it was confirmed Smilie (and vice-versa of course)

Not amazing but ok. Well, maybe amazing *cough* boobies *cough*

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Just got it in the last few hours. Really good fun, but it seems like it's missing something. I'm hoping to have some questions answered by others who have it too.

- When you unlock a "New Weapons to be purchased", where the hell do you purchase them? And how do you use them?
- Why does Story mode suck?
- How the HELL do you use Critical Finish? I've done what it says in the manuel but it doesn't seem to work... I'm sure you guys could do a better job of explaining it than the manuel.

Ty in advance.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's in the character creation mode, If I recall. Just check in each section/sub-section for your character to find the weapons. You can purchase them there.

Yeah, the story mode sucks, it is way too short, half of the characters endings suck, there aren't many cutscenes neither a variation of those like there was in Soul Calibur III story mode (Tales of Souls), and so by that there isn't many interaction between characters.

No Team Battle;

No Time Attack;

No Survival Battle;

No Weapon Gallery;


To do a critical finish, you have to break the characters Soul Gauge, (it's red, broken, and flashing), and press all the face buttons (LB) to achieve it. Critical Finishes are rare when versing someone, even against AI probably. I only did it in training. Once the soul gauge is broken, try a stun attack, and immediately press LB.

Yeah I think we found out how to do them, there's only a small window you can do it in.

I thought Sophitia's ending was pretty good, it had Algol being all sentimental and stuff. And Sophitia crying some more.

And Amy's ending was AWESOME. Smilie (Because I hate Raphael)

But still, way less cut scenes than SCIII, and no alternate endings. I'm hoping for lotsa decent dlc. It's cool 'cos I can use Marketplace even without Gold membership (which I don't have atm) so I should be able to buy item packs right? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

When you unlock a \"New Weapons to be purchased\", where the hell do you purchase them? And how do you use them?
- Why does Story mode suck?
- How the HELL do you use Critical Finish? I\'ve done what it says in the manuel but it doesn\'t seem to work... I\'m sure you guys could do a better job of explaining it than the manuel.

You purchase weapons through the create a character mode, just pick whatever character\'s weapon you want to buy a new one of and it\'s on the 6th tab I think.

It\'s a fighting game

Using the LB bumper if your on 360, I\'m not sure about PS3 though, when the opponent is flashing red on the gauge bar then guard impact then press LB, and that\'s an insta-win.

I got it on ps3, incredibly frustrating online when you get sum idiot who spams one move and u cant do much about it. Vader is awesome, especially when you learn his force choke move. I also read that Yoda will be downloadable and it was confirmed (and vice-versa of course)

Not amazing but ok. Well, maybe amazing *cough* boobies *cough*

Yeah well I counter the idiots who spam by using Cervantes\'s X Y and back attack, he teleports back and owns them by spinning forward then when in Dread stance (he is in it as soon as the move finishes) press B and back he backflips into them whilst they are on the ground.

Be wary? How exactly can big bouncing boobies get in the way of the game mechanics? It\'s win win.

Don\'t play it if your girlfriend/mum/sister is in the room it\'s like the breasts have their own ring of gravity. Smilie

cool \'cos I can use Marketplace even without Gold membership (which I don\'t have atm) so I should be able to buy item packs right?

Yeah you can still use the marketplace with silver membership, you need gold though so I can do some ass kick you on it.

On a side note i thought tira\'s ending was immense very Golum like.

( Edited 06.08.2008 21:53 by Pointfex )

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

I might as well post upsome create a character pictures, Bad quality and they are sideways becasue I'm taking them with my phone.

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Name: Solus
Gender: Female
Weapon: Soul Edge Final Form (yes I'm awesome)
Moveset: Nightmare

Born in Credenhill UK daughter to a Navy Commander she followed in her father's footsteps and enlisted into the Navy at the age of 18, whilst patrolling the East India trade routes she was attacked by Cervantes and his crew, she was personally struck down by the female version of Soul Edge. Cervantes sensed a tremble in Solus's body as a piece of Soule Edge embebbed itself in Solus, Cervantes saw this and fleed the battlefield, what followed was Souls's reign of terror also known as the Red Beast of the waters.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

Speaking of character creations I'm going through the tower now to unlock stuff. The only shame is that I can't use the Blazer and School outfits from the Premium edition. So no Phoenix Wright or Haruhi Suzumiya... Smilie

Also, I just didn't understand how the story could be worse than the SCIII story mode (which wasn't bad really...)

And I plan to get Live again soon, but I think buying the dlc comes first... for me.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

of character creations I'm going through the tower now to unlock stuff. The only shame is that I can't use the Blazer and School outfits from the Premium edition.

It will be DLC in the near future that's my guess anyway.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

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