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You can clearly see it needs a lot of work in places.

I posted this one first as it shows some control options available.

( Edited 19.01.2009 18:25 by Linkyshinks )

Gotta say, it's definitely looking good, but as you said, could do with some work in some places. Loving the weapon sound effects, they sound kinda old-skool and 'chunky' if you know what I mean. Definitely keeping my eye on this one!

It's been confirmed that this game uses wii speak aswell.

looks amazing.. and with voice chat! wow im gona buy doubt about that

Smilie looking good but not a FPS fan but when this come out i feel like geting it just for them trying and working hard on it

The on-the-fly control options are certainly impressive. Good to hear it has WiiSpeak functionality, I had always thought it was essential before E3.

My only hope is that they do not rush the game, there is a so much work that needs doing by the looks of things. Certain areas still look very weak by my reckoning.

I think the fact it does not have a publisher yet is the best thing for this title right now. This development team should be left alone to do their business in peace without a publisher breathing down their neck.

( Edited 17.07.2008 21:11 by Linkyshinks )

omg definately one I'll be watching out for Smilie
Why didn't they showcase this at the conference....instead of show casing just 3 "core" games....1 of which was raving rabbits which isn't core at all....

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

To be honest, more news on this game was one of the few highlights of Nintendo\'s E3. I was gone for most of it on vacation, doesn\'t look like I missed much besides these videos.

Anyhow I\'m really excited to see that this is still progressing, and that these guys are working so hard. Even if it end up being only okay, I\'ll probably still buy it to support these guys.

( Edited 17.07.2008 19:37 by Jacob4000 )

iSimon said:
omg definately one I'll be watching out for Smilie
Why didn't they showcase this at the conference....instead of show casing just 3 "core" games....1 of which was raving rabbits which isn't core at all....

It does not have a publisher yet, of course it will do eventually.

I'm inpressed.

I guess I'll see what the reviewers say about it and then make my desion if I will will spend my hard earned money.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Yeah, everyone's loving it. I like the sound of the weapons, but some of the visuals are a bit bland. The main problem I'm seeing is low res maps, both on the "boss creatures" and the general environment; bump maps are great, but a lot better if they're not scaled up.

Yeah, the alien models looks great and have detailed interesting textures on them, thing is it seems that has come at the cost of the textures in the environment. Surely that can be fixed in time and surely they must be aware of what Wii owners are saying. Everyones saying the same because it's true and it's not hard to notice.

Well, they've got almost an entire year to develop it, and, from hands on impressions, this game sounds top notch.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Smilie The gameplay is looking to be great, the graphics can use a bit more tuning, and the custom controls are almost mind blowing; the only thing that bothers me though is will there be any option to have gesture controls (although I did see the option for controller styles that may be only for the zapper) since some of the wii-mote buttons are to spaced outSmilie. I want to atleast be able to use gesture to reload or Melee an opponent. All in all this game is actually looking to be a funtional mix of Metroid and Halo with a bit of MoHH2 dead box customizationSmilie

( Edited 18.07.2008 23:11 by J Tangle )

Linkyshinks said:
iSimon said:
omg definately one I'll be watching out for Smilie
Why didn't they showcase this at the conference....instead of show casing just 3 "core" games....1 of which was raving rabbits which isn't core at all....

It does not have a publisher yet, of course it will do eventually.

It looks great - nintendo should publish it - anything nintendo publishes is guaranteed a billion sales. Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Yeah this game looks great, although needs a little fixing here and there.

The Wii needs more games like this Smilie

A new batch of E3 footage:

The main character's model needs an overhaul. Mainly just those glasses. I'm trying to contact High voltage about it. They need to be more opaque, it's seems like he has neon lights in them. Smilie

The new video's look great, I wonder when they'll show us other levels other than that demo one, then again I guess it might be more of a spoiler than we need, if thrtr can be spoilers in an FPS.Smilie

Still needs a bit of work though, it's a bit like a mix betwwn halo(meleeing and guns) and metroid(visual style edging towards it) but looks generic and unique at the same time, sorta.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Maybe that is the only one level

( Edited 07.08.2008 14:26 by iCAME )

Hello is anyone awake here (or even listening to the videos?)

Video 3 Laser Gun, the charging up sound for the Mk4 Deatomizer is the EXACT same sound for Samus charging up her power beam in the Metroid Prime series!


All I\'m hearing from ye is bland bland bland FFS it looks alot better than most of the shit we have on Wii FPS or not.

( Edited 07.08.2008 17:58 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

I doubt very much it's the exact same sound, it may sound similar, but then it's a charging sound that works. It may even me just be a "filler" for when all sound is finalized.

whatever guys - I WANTS nom nom nom nom nom!

haha - plus deathmatch! I loved deathmatch with Heroes 2 but -this could be quite the step up!..

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

Too little too late, but at least Nintendo know the score now.

There at least needs to be one big game from Nintendo there also, not them featuring another developers hard work, creativity and bravery in creating such a game. It's almost like what Ubisoft does with it's publishing and showcasing of quality games.

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