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The third installment to the D/P series has been rumored in CoroCoro magazine and it says a few things that may not necessarily be true:
-Pokemon Platinum is set for release in September (features the legendary Pokemon, Giratina on the game box and cartridge)
-Volkner will no longer be the Gym leader of Sunyshore City
-The Sinnoh Underground will be Wi-Fi enabled
-The game features a place called Battle Island (works in much of the same manner as the Battle Frontier)
-New Pokemon forms exist: Giratina\'s \"Origin form\", Regigigas\'s \"Sky form\", and Shaymin\'s \"Another form\"
-Thanks to slowkingsley, some information about this subject has been translated: Giratina and Regigigas\'s new forms might have the Levitate ability and Shaymin\'s new form may be at least part Ice type, if not full.

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Could be decent enough seeing Emerald was a worthy purchase for Pokemon fans, the same should be the case with Platinum.

( Edited 13.05.2008 01:11 by jb )

Hm, saw this on Serebii.net yesterday. Has it been confirmed now?
Still surprised it\'s Platinum instead of Opal...

( Edited 11.05.2008 16:37 by Ikana )

I think its pretty much official. I got that stuff on Serebii/ Gonintendo.

Ikana said:
Hm, saw this on Serebii.net yesterday. Has it been confirmed now?
Still surprised it's Platinum instead of Opal...

Yeah, I would have expected Platinum to go with Gold and Silver instead of Crystal

X said:
Ikana said:
Hm, saw this on Serebii.net yesterday. Has it been confirmed now?
Still surprised it's Platinum instead of Opal...

Yeah, I would have expected Platinum to go with Gold and Silver instead of Crystal

Yeah, but I was REALLY expecting Opal considering that Giratina is the main Pokemon...and girasol is a type of opal...O.o

Yeah I'm surprised it's not Opal aswell.

The game is confirmed, though the info darksnowman posted in the first post is all rumours... for now. All that's in the scan is all that's known for sure, since the new CoroCoro isn't out yet, it must have been leaked.

The part about Giratina's Origin Form definitely seems true, you can tell by the awfully creepy and awesome screenshot in that scan.

I'm already excited about this, and I hope it expands more than Emerald did before it. Obviously the probably Battle Island/Tower area will suck as usual, but extra side-quests and Pok�mon forms (not to mention the potential to rejuvinate my 4th gen Pok�mon gaming), I can't say no. Smilie

Seems like the main trainer boy has a new costume. Whether it's new completely or whether it's just a recolour I don't know.

Hoping for:

- Much more on Giratina's story, definitely one of the creepiest enigmas of D/P.
- More on Arceus/Shaymin if possible
- Perhaps a revisit to an old legie (like Mew in Emerald and Celebi in Colosseum)
- More WiFi stuff
- Better Global Trade Center. This is a must. How can they make it easier to find legit legies!?

More later perhaps. *Excitement*

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Smilie Yeah, I'll definitely be getting this. XD Can't wait to see the new Shaymin form...
I'd love to see some major differences to D/P, though.

Looks very smexy, no doubt it'll come out here September 2009 or even further away.Smilie

Think I\'ll wait untill 2020 for a new pokmeon game, should have gone fully 3D by then and not have 8 bit noises for voices.

( Edited 12.05.2008 02:09 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I think they would have discovered how to make real pokemon by then.

Blade2t3 said:
Think I'll wait untill 2020 for a new pokmeon game, should have gone fully 3D by then and not have 8 bit noises for voices.

To be honest I'd rather have 8bit noises forever than have them permanently switch to anime voices. OW MY HEAD.

Seriously though, some of them sound just awful, and the dubbers ALWAYS make mistakes. (i.e. Poliwhirls that say "Poliwrath!" and Scythers that say "Alakazam!")

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

To be honest I'd rather have 8bit noises forever than have them permanently switch to anime voices.

Exactly. I really don't understand all these people that keep saying they want the 'proper' anime voices. Smilie There's nothing wrong with the current ones, imo. They'd be a lot wrong with using the anime ones...

I disagree having pikachue actually say pikachue in Yellow was great even if it wasn\'t the best audio.

It\'s just so backwards sounding to hear the same shite sounds from 1998.

( Edited 12.05.2008 11:51 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
I disagree having pikachue actually say pikachue in Yellow was great even if it wasn't the best audio.

It's just so backwards sounding to hear the same shite sounds from 1998.

But Yellow was one of the worst versions because it was based on the anime...which is just wrong. O.o The anime is based on the games...so having stuff in the games from the anime would just be bizarre...
I wouldn't mind if they gave them newer, higher quality cries...just dear god, don't have them saying their names like in the anime... >.<

Yellow was great, but I don\'t believe James sounds like he\'s heard all the Pokémon\'s anime voices.

Some of them sound awful in the anime. Just really weird/cringeworthy. *thinks of an example*

Mareep and Miltank sound stupid in the anime. On the other hand their game cries are pretty cool really.

Chimchar, Gardevoir and Croagunk sound pretty stupid in the anime too. Gardevoir has an awesome cry though.

Although, Pok�mon \"talk\" in Smash Bros. So I guess there isn\'t a real excuse, other than voice clip limits. There are soon to be ~600 afterall.

( Edited 12.05.2008 14:08 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I thought it was Topaz.... anyway. FUCK. Now I need to convince my parents its not a kids game to buy

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

zcollvee said:
I thought it was Topaz.... anyway. FUCK. Now I need to convince my parents its not a kids game to buy

How come?

So parents let kids buy GTA but they dont let kids buy games that are below their age range?

Most real Pok�mon fans are hardcore gamers anyway...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

won't be gettin this, D/P were huge let downs for me. I'm so pissed off, pokemon fans have had the same shitty story thrown at them for years now are none of ye sick of it? Same formula every time
1.Obtain starter pokemon (fire, grass or water)
2.Obtain team of six pokemon (usually a pidgey look-a-like, a ratata look-a-alike, etc, etc.
3.Obtain 8 gym badges (durning which you raise your pokemon, obtain a legendary pokemon, obtaim various tm's hm's)
4. Beat the elite four and catch final legendary pokemon.
5. (optional and boring) obtain all the pokemon in the pokedex.


anime voices all the way we've been gett the same beeps and squeeks for ten years now about time for an advancement.

Now I can do the "Pok�mon Hypocrites" rant again, thank thee. Smilie I love this one. Noone has ever bested me on it either, because it's true.

The one minute Pok�mon fans get something new, something different, they say "Go back to the classic style Pok�mon game, these ones suck!"

Ever since Pok�mon's conception people keep saying they want variation. Are the dozens of perfectly decent spin-offs not good enough for you?

Pok�mon Ranger - A Pok�mon RPG with a new gameplay mechanic
Pok�mon Colosseum/XD - A classic style Pok�mon RPG with a new story and mechanic
Pok�mon Mystery Dungeon - An RPG where you play as the Pok�mon
TCG - An RPG where you play children's card games.

"Do something new with the series!"

What did we get? Colosseum/XD. So why does everyone go up to it and say "Classic style Pok�mon please, Colosseum/XD sucked!"

MAKE YOUR MINDS UP. What do you want the Pok�mon series to do?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Why isn't this in the Discussion thread?

And why do they have to go with 3 new PKMN with new forms?

And will Volkner still be a character? He was most definitely the best Gym Leader in D/P so they'll prolly pull a Wallace on him.

And underground with Wifi? How? Will they need "Frend Cods"? What will be the player limit to one underground?


It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I want something that'll allow you to play against random people online, I can't believe it wasn't in the last game. I also want a ranking system.

Pok?n Colosseum/XD - A classic style Pok?n RPG with a new story and mechanic

So not an RPG, well not long enough or good one anyway I think we'll all agree there.

TCG - An RPG where you play children's card games.

And where the fuck has this gone? I LOVED IT! I actually wanted to have it's babies! I usually play it once in a while when I have spare time. It's not a childrens card game, it's a game of strategy Smilie.

Pokemon mystery dungeon: Never really wanted to play as a pokemon but meh bought it anyway. I though it was going to be more harvest moon than (? I dunno some stupid RPG with shitty dungeon's?) final fantasy (I know worst comparision ever).

Pok?n Ranger - A Pok?n RPG with a new gameplay mechanic

never played it, the look of it didn't interest me.

SL The formula is perfect I just need a new story to keep me interested (it IS still an rpg after all) is that too much to ask?

PK Mongoose said:
Why isn't this in the Discussion thread?

'Cos it's important enough and if it was posted in discussion it would go completely unnoticed, similarly to how my awesome legendary beast music went unnoticed.

And why do they have to go with 3 new PKMN with new forms?

'Cos Deoxys was reli cool in Generation III.

And will Volkner still be a character? He was most definitely the best Gym Leader in D/P so they'll prolly pull a Wallace on him.

Probly. Also Volkner AKA the fourth Hokage. The best character in D/P by far though is Cynthia or Dawn. ;D

And underground with Wifi? How? Will they need "Frend Cods"? What will be the player limit to one underground?

Probly Frend Cods yes. Player Limit will probably be 4, though 8+ isn't that unlikely either I guess.


Possibly Bonsly in Pok�mon XD style, and if you count Shaymin/Arceus a new Pok�mon, since they'll probably get their fame out of Platinum rather than D/P

Also the triad name sucks... D/P/P? WHYYYY!?!?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ikana said:O.o The anime is based on the games...so having stuff in the games from the anime would just be bizarre...


Ikana said:
Blade2t3 said:
I disagree having pikachue actually say pikachue in Yellow was great even if it wasn't the best audio.

It's just so backwards sounding to hear the same shite sounds from 1998.

But Yellow was one of the worst versions because it was based on the anime...which is just wrong. O.o The anime is based on the games...so having stuff in the games from the anime would just be bizarre...
I wouldn't mind if they gave them newer, higher quality cries...just dear god, don't have them saying their names like in the anime... >.<

Did you like Pokemon Red? The only difference in Yellow was that it looked better, Pikachu followed you about and you could get all the starting Pokemon plus a few other things. So it was exactly the same as Red except better! So what if it was based on the cartoon. I liked the cartoon.

Most of the Pokemon voices in the cartoon were fine, better than the 'graaaggreeeeetcorrrrsafrsesfvaes' (translates to 'Charmander') you get in the games.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

To Ian, you missed a great game if you didn\'t play Rangers. I liked how you had to decide wich Pokémon you recruit \'cause you had to use moves like Vine-whip to cross great spaces, or a 3rd evolution Pokémon like Charizard to burn a big tree on the way. It was awesome to use attacks and such things to capture (not catch) Pokémon taking advantage of their weaknesses...cool indeed with a great storyline Smilie.

On the other side Blade, the \"Special Pikachu Edition\" AKA as Yellow for the GBC had better color than Red or Blue \'cause the screen was all red colored or all blue colored respectively for each game. Yellow had different colors depending on wich town you were and you had my favourite Pokémon following you: PIKACHU!!!!111WHOOOT!!!!111.
I got excited Smilie sorry. Yeah it was based on the anime, but the first and second seasons on the anime were the best if you ask me. It\'s by far the only two seasons I watched entirely focused on what was happening, the other ones I\'ve watched like 10 to 20 episodes...oh, and the movies, I\'ve watched \'em all Smilie.

To say something about the Pokémon voice sounds (cries), they can leave it as it is since it\'s a portable game. I like the cries even if I don\'t understand them Smilie.

Just one thing, do you guys know wich Pokémon do exactly the same cry on all the portable series? Smilie

I\'m shock about the name, and the succession of the games goes like D/P/P as SL said. Even the G/S/C versions sound better Smilie [I know I\'m not the first to notice the apparently \"G/S\" on the golden GS Pokéball in the anime wich was mentioned until Ash gave it to Kurt. Then, it was like it never existed Smilie].But I\'m getting this game along with my first DS.

You\'d say \"Smilie How does this guy know about the DS Pokémon games if he doesn\'t have a DS?!\"

Well the story is pretty simple; I\'ve got a friend who buys in grand scale. I\'m not talking of just Nintendo merchandise, but a huge collection of PS3, 360, PSP and PC games. But he refuses to play them. Instead he buys those games for me so he can see how I crush them in record time Smilie.

But sorry for making a big post, I\'ve expressed my thoughts Smilie.

( Edited 13.05.2008 02:26 by Udkedae )

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

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