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Pokemon Official Discussion Thread

Welcome to the official thread for all discussion on the Pokemon series. Discuss anything you like, from which versions of the games you prefer, to how you feel about the Wifi aspect of the games. Please follow these simple rules to keep everything in its proper place:

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( Edited 03.08.2014 02:36 by Azuardo )

i really miss the johto region, i wish they made a new game kinda like what they did with firered and leafgreen, tha would make it alot easier to get johto region pokemon, and plus people that came into pokemon later than others dont know what the johto region is, or what pokemon come from it

the wi-fi is really kool, i can trade to get pokemon i cant normally get on my game, and battle people with lots of differnet pokemon. sometimes i get tired of kicking my brother's butt all the timeSmilie

plus i really like Battle Revolution, i like the idea of copying your pokemon is kool, its kool to see my pokemon in 3-D, and especially my shiny pokemon, they look SWEET! i am dissapointed with some of the attacks. flare blitz looks like tackle with flames on it, and close combat looks like a karate chop, they dont look as powerful as they should, but thats the only thing
i love blizzard, surf, muddy water, hyper beam, aura sphere, blast burn, hydro cannon, hydro pump, leaf storm, draco meteror, and frenzy plant. they are REALLY COOL on Battle Revolution

i really like dragon types, i mean, just look at my trainer cards(i know milotic isnt a dragon but it kinda looks like one, and i like it better than Gyrados, so BACK OFF)

( Edited on 24.07.2007 06:14 by smelly kitten )

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Again bringing up your Level 9 and under Mew discussion, Pokemon caught at lower levels become/can become stronger with training.

AND, bringing up your legit vs nonlegit discussion, some people prefer legit legendaries OR legendaries caught at their corresponding island because
-They don't screw up the game
-They are usable in tournaments
-They are caught through its legal battle, not at level 2
-They are BETTER trophies than cheated legendaries

AND yes, I agree that they should make a NEW Johto game, instead of trying to cover it up by including BONUS Johto Pokemon in some games. Thats why I'm a Shiny Gold supporter.

( Edited on 25.07.2007 04:34 by pso12lover )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

yeah, i guess, you're right
personally though, i consider a good trophy to be a golden trainercard, and a completed pokedex
so i dont care how i get them, and i dont do tournaments or anything, and most pokemon i keep are legit, the only legendary pokemon that i have that arent legit are my arceus, celebi, and my suicune, i have legit entei and raikou, but i get more by gameshark to trade to other people that dont care if they're legit or not

but yeah, you make a good point, but thats just my opinion

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

I don't know about you, but I really hope the rumors about the nintendo perma-bans aren't true...Smilie

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

yeah, that sucks, but how do they bann you? by your wi-fi code? cuz if it does that, then at least you could buy another game and beat it then trade your best pokemon over on to that, and learn from the mistake you made that got you banned in the first place so it doesnt happen again, and a good thing with that is you can buy the other version so you can get all of the pokemon that arent on the other one(glameow vs stunky, dialga vs palkia)

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

They detect if u have all shinies and they remember ur friend code or something, nintendo does have all the codes ya know.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

oh yeah, thats right, well i cheated to get some shinies, but i dont and cant get all of them, plus i barely have any lv 100 pokemon, but i do have complete pokedex

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Supposedly, there's admins at monitering each trade and battle, but I seriously doubt they'd have THAT many volunteers. Smilie

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

yeah, i mean, just dont let them compete in tournaments, thats it, i dont wanna be banned for doing a wi-fi battle with my shiny pokemon, thats not fair(i still lose anyway)

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

smelly kitten said:
yeah, i mean, just dont let them compete in tournaments, thats it, i dont wanna be banned for doing a wi-fi battle with my shiny pokemon, thats not fair(i still lose anyway)
It is fair, you cheat and ruin it for everyone else. Anyway whats the point, its no fun if you know your ultimate high stat pocket monsters will win all the time. Just play it properly, anyway I really hate cheaters 'cause you know you'd kick their ass if they weren't cheating.

( Edited on 25.07.2007 00:45 by Angus )

Angus said:
smelly kitten said:yeah, i mean, just dont let them compete in tournaments, thats it, i dont wanna be banned for doing a wi-fi battle with my shiny pokemon, thats not fair(i still lose anyway)
It is fair, you cheat and ruin it for everyone else. Anyway whats the point, its no fun if you know your ultimate high stat pocket monsters will win all the time. Just play it properly, anyway I really hate cheaters cause you know youd kick their ass if they werent cheating.( Edited on 25.07.2007 00:45 by Angus )

Just because he uses codes to take out hours and hours of work doesn't make it wrong. Maybe he doesn't have the time or the dedication to use the PokeRadar for hours on end but still likes the look of shiny Pokemon. Does that make him a bad person.

It's the same for the "ultimate high stat" monsters. You can go about and get them by hand but it takes a long time and only people with no responsibilities at all can breed to get perfect IVs and train to get perfect EVs with an entire team. Why not code in a Pokemon to take hours of work which is not fun away?

Give me a valid reason why a person can't skip hours of tedium to get to the fun stuff.

( Edited on 25.07.2007 01:39 by Sprite )

hey, dont get all angry at me cuz i use codes, shiny pokemon are just harder to find, they arent better that regular pokemon, they just look different. i dont use any stat cheats or anything like that on my pokemon, i like to use pokemon i TRAIN in battles
and by not fair, think of it this way: just cuz i use different pokemon, that are just like the others just a different color, and i use them in a wi-fi battle, i can get kicked of wi-fi, and never use it again.
(its different from someone else's perspective)

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Yeah, but thats crap for those who spent time getting shineys and training high levels, therefore ruining it for that rest. And please, Smelly Kitten, atleast try to be punctual.

ok, seriously, just stop
you can get shinies the fair way, or the non fair way, i choose the non fair way, dont attack me cuz i choose to do things that way, im not doing anything to anyone
(im sorry i us IM wording, its just quicker)

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

Angus said:
Yeah, but thats crap for those who spent time getting shineys and training high levels, therefore ruining it for that rest. And please, Smelly Kitten, atleast try to be punctual.

It doesn't ruin it for you as it doesn't affect your game.

It's not as if they can shark in 999 in all stats then use them in a wi-fi battle against you. Smilie

People who have responsibilities do not have the time to spend breeding and training to get the best out of their Pokemon. So they use a code so they can skip to the part of the game which they enjoy most. Why would you stop them from playing it how they want to?

quick question...has anyone ever not been able to put some pokemon up for trade on GTS? i have a bunch of lvl 9 and under mews but i cant trade any of them on GTS. Does anyone know why?

arenasmvp0 said:
quick question...has anyone ever not been able to put some pokemon up for trade on GTS? i have a bunch of lvl 9 and under mews but i cant trade any of them on GTS. Does anyone know why?

I don't know the level of Mews you get naturally but if it's higher than level 9 then you won't be able to trade them on the GTS. Nintendo put measures in place to try and stop sharked legendaries leaking into main play, including stopping trading of legendaries under the level at which you get them.

i think the reason for that is that people like to cheat on GTS(cloning), and its almost impossible to get a lv 9 and under mew, cuz they we're giving them out at some event a long time ago, so its almost impossible for the person thats cloning their pokemon to lose it while cloning on a trade.
the mew's arent legit, so they wont go on GTS

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

I guess Nintendo takes their Pokemon seriously... I just get my shinies from trades. I never really take the time to look for them. Smilie

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

yeah, i have like a 1/8000 something chance of finding one in the wild, but my brother found a shiny zubat one time in the wild on his leafgreen

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

I love Pokerus. Smilie I have about 5 pokemon in my pc infected with the stuff.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

yeah, its kool, i have it but i dont really use it

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

why does nintendo care so much...and most of the offers you see on GTS now are for mews lvl 9 and under that really gets me mad that its impossible to get almost anything on GTS anymore

yeah, GTS is falling apart

You see, Master Cheif gets up, has his cup of coffee, and starts his day just like any other humanoid. It's what he does in his day that makes him so FREAKIN' AWSOME!

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