I read that, I just didn't see much point in putting "excluding Akira" which is ONE title, in my post. Just try to avoid answering my question a bit more will you? 
Akira isn't hard to find, you can find it in nearly every shop that sells DVDs, which backs up my point again, have you ever TRIED to find something you like, APART from Akira?
EDIT: I mean you can't make blind comments about Anime or Manga if all you've seen is mainstream crap.
EDIT2: Some Animes that I like are:
Full Metal Alchemist
Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X
& some Studio Ghibli movies, which you should try, as they're probably the most inspiring type of Anime you'll see. Also Inuyasha & Ghost in The Shel seem to be liked, although I don't get the big deal with them.
The thing I'd reccommend most from that list is Full Metal Alchemist for series', & for movies Studio Ghibli, especially Haiyo Miyazaki's movies, they have a strange style but they're brilliant.
( Edited on 11.11.2006 20:05 by SuperLink )