Wii Sports Print-Out DVD Cover! (56k)

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I have come to realise with the news lately that (for us Americans, Europeans, and Aussies) Wii Sports come in a cardboard slip rather than a DVD Game Case. While I do not mind that, I have read some complaints on the issue, and I also too would have liked it seen in a DVD Game Case.

So, I have designed a Wii DVD Print-Out Cover! What you do is get a normal DVD Case (best is if its in white) with no image on it. Then you unfold the plastic slip, and after printing this out and trimming, slide the Print-Out behind the plastic slip. Now you can just put Wii Sports in this case and it will beld into your stack of Wii Game Cases.


Enjoy! Smilie

wow thats a great idea! thanks!SmilieSmilieSmilie:cooldude:SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

I'll be using it as a coaster anyway.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Did you really design that? Nice one.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

It looks nice, but you shoudl have used a dpi of like 300 for printing quality. This will look shite when printed out even though it looks great on screen.

The text "real" looks really off though.

Looks very nice, good use of graphics and nice layout. The text is a bit fuzzy though.

Its not in a box, thats just... pah, Smilie

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you raelly made that?????

Ask for a position at ninty....redo their wii play package for them...please!!!

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Heh sory. I have a high powerd printer and I do not have Photoshop. I will keep that in mind next time I do a Wii cover thingy, sorry. Smilie

Dang, no box...

I was really looking foward to that...SmilieSmilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Meh, I don't really mind about no box, the NTSC version of MPH: First Hunt came in a cardboard slip too, & besides, you never know if the EU version of Wii Sports will be in a box...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sure it's not in a box? I've seen a DVD cover of it, and it's displayed in a DVD case with proper cover in the GAME pre-order booklet.

Sidepocket said:
I have come to realise with the news lately that Wii Sports come in a cardboard slip rather than a DVD Game Case
... Spong'D? Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Mason said:
Sure its not in a box? Ive seen a DVD cover of it, and its displayed in a DVD case with proper cover in the GAME pre-order booklet.

For Americans at least, the game comes in a cardboard slip. The image you have seen is eather a beta of the Japanese version, or what people in EU are getting.

However, as far as our knowlage, Wii Sports comes in a slip. I can find pictures of it later.


( Edited on 12.11.2006 00:46 by Sidepocket )

The EU version may come in a plastic box, as the EU version of MPH:FH did too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm not really bothered...my discs normally just end up in a pile anyway, the boxes just strewn over my floor...


He has a Wii...BASTARD!!!!Smilie

Could it possibly be that, like with Jet Set Radio, if you buy Wii Sports seperate then itcomes in a case, where as if you get it with the package, cardboard slip...Smilie

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

Except it comes with EVERY console and you CAN'T buy it separately... Smilie

Ugh... I'm gonna hold onto the hope that they're only in crappy card cases because these are pre-release packages only given to the press or something... Surely they couldn't be that stupid? ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

nice cover

Megadanxzero said:
Except it comes with EVERY console and you CANT buy it separately... SmilieUgh... Im gonna hold onto the hope that theyre only in crappy card cases because these are pre-release packages only given to the press or something... Surely they couldnt be that stupid? ;_;

Untrue, it does NOT come with the Wii in Japan, so you could import a boxed copy from there.

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Xeke said:
Megadanxzero said:Except it comes with EVERY console and you CANT buy it separately... SmilieUgh... Im gonna hold onto the hope that theyre only in crappy card cases because these are pre-release packages only given to the press or something... Surely they couldnt be that stupid? ;_;
Untrue, it does NOT come with the Wii in Japan, so you could import a boxed copy from there.

...and the Wii is not region free, adn if you mod it you void your warrentie. So why pay Japanese Price plus Shipping/Tax on getting the Japanese box when you can pay 25 cents to 1.50 for a DVD case (or reuse and old one) to store Wii Sports in? Smilie

Sidepocket said:
Xeke said:
Megadanxzero said:Except it comes with EVERY console and you CANT buy it separately... SmilieUgh... Im gonna hold onto the hope that theyre only in crappy card cases because these are pre-release packages only given to the press or something... Surely they couldnt be that stupid? ;_;
Untrue, it does NOT come with the Wii in Japan, so you could import a boxed copy from there.
...and the Wii is not region free, adn if you mod it you void your warrentie. So why pay Japanese Price plus Shipping/Tax on getting the Japanese box when you can pay 25 cents to 1.50 for a DVD case (or reuse and old one) to store Wii Sports in? Smilie

That wasn't my point, my point was you COULD buy it separately if you wanted too.

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

I was assuming that he just wouldn't be bright enough to know what Japan was, let alone import from there, so I kept it simple Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Xeke said:
Sidepocket said:
Xeke said:
Megadanxzero said:Except it comes with EVERY console and you CANT buy it separately... SmilieUgh... Im gonna hold onto the hope that theyre only in crappy card cases because these are pre-release packages only given to the press or something... Surely they couldnt be that stupid? ;_;
Untrue, it does NOT come with the Wii in Japan, so you could import a boxed copy from there.
...and the Wii is not region free, adn if you mod it you void your warrentie. So why pay Japanese Price plus Shipping/Tax on getting the Japanese box when you can pay 25 cents to 1.50 for a DVD case (or reuse and old one) to store Wii Sports in? Smilie
That wasnt my point, my point was you COULD buy it separately if you wanted too.

Yea you COULD, but it would not run on your Wii and you would have to mod it to do so. AKA why bother.

Its kind of like I COULD punch some cop on the street, however I would be arested and beaten up, so why bother?

Logic. Its whats for dinner. Smilie

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