Official Discussion | GDC Nintendo Keynote

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Howdy all.

Nintendo's Satoru Iwata will be speaking at the Game Developer's Conference tomorrow. His speech should be at approximately 6.30pm tomorrow - that's approximately 24 hours from this moment. What are your expectations? Do you anticipate DS news? Revolution news? Wi-Fi boastings? All of the above?

Will Iwata deliver to us more of the news we desperately crave, or will he leave us hanging with nothing or just a mere morsel until E3? The bulk of the Revolution information is expected at E3, but can we expect to hear some news about the Virtual Console or any of the other aspects? Will we hear more of the controller's capabilities? A final name?

UPDATE: The keynote speech will not be appearing live on or anywhere as far as I'm aware, but you can view last year's keynote on this site to hype yourself up if you so wish. They will do live updates, but it'll be in German, so you might be best using Kotaku. They did a good job with the Sony conference.

To finish off, a memorable quote from last year that sticks in my mind:

Satoru Iwata, GDC 2005: "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."


( Edited on 23.03.2006 16:10 by Mason )

I personally think he will show some revolution footage, maybe a new name for the revo and its more wishfull thing but maybe a estimated release date. i think he will talk about the sucsess of WI-FI, about a release date for the Lite and how well the DS has done.

For Certain:
-He will tell us how successful the DS Lite has been in Japan.
-Confirm yet again that the DS is still doing better then the PSP worldwide
-Tell us once again about Nintendo's policy next-gen and how it will be successful, using the DS and the Wi-Fi service as examples.
-Confirm that the Revolution will launch before the end of the year.

-Reveal when the DS Lite will be launching in the US + Europe and confirm a price point.
-Evaluate the decision to add Revolution features to Zelda and hint how the features may work.
-A few videos showing simple (or possibly more complicated) Revolution games.
-Give us a basic list of major 3rd parties working on Revolution games.
-Reveal the 'official' name for the Revolution.

And possibly he'll give us some insite on how much we will have to pay for downloads and whether something similar to the STARS catolouge will be implemented (though I think this will not be revealed).

Loads of talk about DS wifi stuff and Brain Training and blue ocean stratagy. I think the new name and the other secret will be revealed aswell.

Hm, I like fenno's idea:

Praise of DS lite's launch.
Practically gloating the DS success over Sony
WFC success
Some reference to Revo

Game footage of Revo
Unveiling of final secrets
More details on virtual console
Launch Details

Nintendo On revealed as reality
C3 to get free Revo's!
Hazuki, have a copy of LoZ:TTP

Hm, I like fenno's idea

Does that mean that Fenno gets a star? Smilie

C3 to get free Revo's!
Hazuki, have a copy of LoZ:TTP

Smilie I think I heard a rumour about Ken Kutaragi getting drunk and selling the gaming side of Sony to Nintendo for just

He's going to do the hula, then backflip ten times and say:
"this is the secret of the console plug yourself into the machine and you will learn the ways of life...4D!11111"... no wait, that's another company's idea (cough).

I reckon some form of Revolution will be revealed or at least touched upon in concept/hinted at.

Magic beans.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

DS lite's launch gloating
DS gloating
WFC gloating
Boring stuff about getting grannies into gaming

A trailer of a rev game
Some stuff about revs wifi service
Virtual console details
Predicted launch details

Iwata comes on stage in an extremely drunk state and starts throwing things at the attendees and then whips his nob out and pissies on a journalist before being carted off, screaming and kicking like a baby.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Smilie @ John

As for me, I'm trying to pick apart the title "Disrupting Development", and what that could mean for both the DS and Rev?


DS loving in all forms mentioned, specifically Brain and Dog related titles, also all the other Lite/beating PSP/WFC figures and information.
I'm also expecting Zelda to make some form of showing, probably further confirmation of Revolution support, followed by GameCube footage.
Finally with the title in consideration there has to be some form of Revolution talk, I doubt much will be revealed bar talking up of strategies used for DS and to be used on Rev.


Zelda on the Revo and anything that could result in, possibly highlights on where the Revmote IS being used, and possibly some footage/confirmation of the graphics being slightly tweaked.
Revo name change / launch date - can't see pricing being layed out yet, I doubt the July speculation and with that in mind it's too early to play their cards.

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Does that mean that Fenno gets a star?

Yeah, although I'm now down to my last star. Blast!

Oh and how about a new Zelda trailer. I'm starting to get "new info" separation symptoms

nin10do said:
Im trying to pick apart the title Disrupting Development, and what that could mean for both the DS and Rev?

It means he'll probably go on about how the DS has been a success to date with the non-gamers and gamers alike, because they've been 'disrupting development' with new genres and new ways to play that aren't possible elsewhere. Then he'll talk about how Nintendo are going to continue this with DS and Revolution. Then he'll probably go on about Revolution a bit and hopefully give us a bit of info..

Indeed, it's more the fact that there's been so many talks so far in that same line, from both himself and Reggie.

What more could it mean, is more my angle. Specifically with the Revolution, is there any hidden meaning in the term development rather than using technology, which would make much more sense.

I'm probably just looking too deep, but it seems a slightly odd move to have mass repetition (really anyone at the GDC has had the Blue Ocean talk) - maybe some strong Revolution revelations?

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Nin10do, Mason, You all pretty much summed it up for me! Smilie

One thing I am really hoping is that they show some more features of the DS web browser. I am definately starting to get interested!

As everyone has said, it is inevitable that we will get another speech on how Nintendo WFC is kicking butt and taking names, and some on the "Blue Ocean strategy" and rally some hype for the revo.

As for Zelda, I know this doesn't sound the way it should coming from a Nintendo fan, but I don't care anymore. After the second or third delay I had nearly forgotten about figuring "why be excited, its 8 months away!", and now I have to get the Revolution to fully use all the stuff they have been puting into the game for the last several delay months. They will definately have to show some footage to try to get the hype back up, I imagine I am not the only person they are going to need to convince that I "need this game on launch".

I don't care anymore. After the second or third delay I had nearly forgotten about figuring "why be excited, its 8 months away!"

Well *technically* it's only had one delay. It was initially confirmed for November 05 until it got delayed to "some time after April 06". People assumed that this meant it would come out in late spring, and certainly before the summer, rarther then the delay lasting a whole year!

Guest 23.03.2006#15

As for Iwatas speech, I wouldn't hold my breath, I don't think there will be any major anouncements, same as last year. The most exciting thing to come out of the keynote will be Zelda related, probably, no definitely a new trailer. Which is actually rather exciting to be honest!

Is it just me or...


Image for

Was the X and Y like that originally, and was B and A sideways, with no buttons? Or have I forgotton what the controller looks like SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

( Edited on 23.03.2006 18:34 by GameMaestro )

Living for the weekend...
or waiting for the weekend at [email protected]

So i gather Iwata will be giving his speach in a bit.

GameMaestro, nicely spotted, that's new. That'll be for the 'Virtual Console' feature, then... Smilie

Rev report has a guy in there doing a live update article. it's the best thing I can find.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Eurogamer have gd thing up on it too.just started according to

A Member of the Reggie-Lution Fan Club
Established by tempo88

Just looking over at ONM and someone posted this up


Im looking over it now.

Even better IGN have one

10:30: Keynote delayed a few minutes.

10:45: The keynote begins. GDC conference director takes the stage and introduces Iwata.

10:48: Talks about Nintendo's positioning in the market. Mentions how Pepsi is #1 in soft drinks worldwide by executing a disruptive strategy. Every developer understands that the three basic foodgroups are Cheetos, Dorritos and Fritos. (laughter)

10:50: The game industry is ready for disruption.

( Edited on 23.03.2006 19:13 by teh_gam3r )

11:30 A.M. PST - A Nintendo DS Zelda has now been confirmed, called Phantom Hourglass, a mixture between Wind Waker and traditional Zelda. You can use the stylus to control boomerang movements and will be launched later this year. The game will be cel-shaded, with maps placed on the top rather than the bottom, in order to use the stylus for the gaming in the bottom screen

ooh yeah.... Cel shading could actually work well on the DS, so much for four swords DS then.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Something worth hearing FINALY!
From IGNs text feed:
The Legend of Zelda(R): Phantom Hourglass

11:29: Iwata takes the stage. There's one more new adventure for you today: Zelda DS. Short clip plays: cel-shaded-style graphics. Top screen: mostly maps. Action is on the lower screen. Use touch screen to draw things -- transitioning the bottom screen input to the top. Launches later this year -- from Aonuma and team (makers of Wind Waker).

EDIT: Damn you!Smilie

( Edited on 23.03.2006 19:40 by grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

11:38: Most important thing is still to be told.

I can't wait Smilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

GameMaestro ~ that image is far too big, can you minimise it please Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

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