Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack (PlayStation 4) Review

By Luna Eriksson 26.04.2017

Review for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack on PlayStation 4

How to go about making an expansion pack to an already great historical strategy game? The solution presented by Koei Tecmo is more in-depth systems, more events and new units - and it works wonderfully! Read on as Cubed3 takes a look into the expansion for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII in the Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack.

It is a daunting task to create an expansion pack for an already great game, as the risk is always there to ruin it, which has been seen countless times before. Therefore, the approach taken in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack is quite a brave one, with the revamping of some systems and adding even more deep ones into the game, such as marriage, children and countless other new and interesting events that change the way the game is played, as well as additions to the combat system itself.

The most interesting new content is the prestige system. It allows the player to shape their officer's life into one of several directions, which give them access to new actions related to their prestige path. It is a clever and natural system that helps make each officer feel unique, with paths varying between everything from being a military official to a merchant.

Screenshot for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack on PlayStation 4

To focus on enhancing what is already there is a brave bet that has paid off well. The Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack offers existing players a greatly enhanced Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII experience, as the user-friendliness has improved, on top of the quantity of meaningful decisions to take - but not only that, it is also an almost mandatory expansion even for new players.

The result is a neat expansion that does not change the core of the game, nor move away from what was already there, but simply enhances the experience that already existed. It is a classic style of expansion pack, which does everything right in making players return to the game, in addition to being a necessity for newcomers. It is, in other words, a great expansion that makes an already great title better.

Screenshot for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack on PlayStation 4

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack is a mix of many small and elegant changes that ultimately helps the core game becoming the best it can be - the best sort of expansion in other words. On top of that, there is the new meaty prestige system that really helps shape the officer life into a much more entertaining experience than in the core game and could easily have been sold on its own. This makes it a mandatory expansion to own for both veterans and new players alike if they are looking for the best possible experience.


Koei Tecmo


Koei Tecmo





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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