Last Flight for Nintendo WiiWare, Nibris Ditch ROTR & Double Bloob

By Adam Riley 25.03.2008 6

Some interesting news has emerged regarding two long-standing projects and a new game for Nintendo's WiiWare service. Apparently it seems that Nibris has confirmed that it has changed its plans and will no longer be bringing ROTR and Double Bloob from the DS to the Wii's download service. Instead the highly anticipated vertical shooter and the puzzle game will now be handled by a Third Party company called 'Blobber Team'.

This Blobber Team is currently hard at work on a new WiiWare project called 'Last Flight', in which players will take on the role of a food critic who is on an aircraft flight. Gamers will be attacked by a horde of vampires and will have to use their weapon of choice, a whip soaked in holy water to stun people. Once stunned, the enemies can be finished off by piercing their hearts with an old wooden stake.

Larry Adelman is the name of the game's main character and the person you will be controlling, whilst the game's theme is based around horror movies where blood and gameplay offer a little bit of point and click action, making extensive use of the Wii Remote. Everything will be illustrated using cel-shading methods to add a special style to the proceedings, and the game is set for release in the first quarter of 2009.

You have to wonder just what is happening to Nibris and its projects, and who is this Blobber Team. Cubed3 will endeavour to find out more in the near future...


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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This Blobber Team is currently hard at work on a new WiiWare project called 'Last Flight', in which players will take on the role of a food critic who is on an aircraft flight. Gamers will be attacked by a horde of vampires and will have to use their weapon of choice, a whip soaked in holy water to stun people. Once stunned, the enemies can be finished off by piercing their hearts with an old wooden stake.

i really have tears running down my face, I'm immediately thinking of the Simpsons episode "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner", not just because Homer is a food critic but also because "this is the stupidest thing I've ever read!"

Homer: Well, what do you think?
Editor: This is a joke, right? I mean this is the stupidest thing I've ever read!
Homer: What's wrong with it?
Editor: You keep using words like "Pasghetti" and "Momatoes" You make numerous threatening references to the UN and at the end you repeat the words "Screw Flanders" over and over again.

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Huge shame that it's being ditched and we get this retarded vampire food critic, whatever game instead.

Oh Nibris what in the world is happening to you...

That screen shot looks totally sweet! Even nicer than No More Heroes' cel shading.

Looks good. Now where is sadness?

Well, that "screenshot" is obviously concept art at best.I highly doubt we will *ever* see a game from nibris at all.

I like this game, its different from what other wiiware games are like, and it's a muture game too.

and emmanuel if you read the article you'd know nibris isn't making last flight.

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