Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Controls

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2007 28

Nintendo starts the week by continuing an existing update on the Smash Bros. Brawl website, revealing a little bit more on what control methods are available for Smash fans wanting a bit more customisation to their battles.

If you use the Controls function under Options, you can assign controls to any button configuration you like.

First, input a name.

What's important to know is that button configurations must be tied to a specific name. Once you do that, any time you choose that name afterward, you'll automatically play with the button settings you chose.

One name can handle controls for four controllers.

Even a GameCube Controller!

Even an NES-style Wii Remote!

Even a Classic Controller!

Even the Nunchuk!

...Huh? What's that thing that says "Shake Smash" under Nunchuk?

With this function, you just shake the Wii Remote to do a Smash Attack in the direction you shook it. It's a little bonus we added.

Also, if you turn Tap Jump off, you can cut the jump function out of the up direction on the Control Stick. This means it's easier to do an up attack without jumping into the air. Use whichever way you prefer.

Then try it out!

Do it to your heart's content. Try to find the perfect button combination!

But, if you decide to play Smash at a friend's house, your button configuration naturally won't be there. And trying to set it up all over again is sort of a pain.

I didn't miss this detail, though.

Press the + Button on the name list to open the menu.

When the menu screen pops up, press and hold both the 1 Button and the 2 Button. After a moment, your name will be saved to the Wii Remote. Of course, you can expect your control settings to carry over along with your name!

Button settings are transferred by way of the Wii Remote.

Pack your name into your Wii Remote and transfer it the Wii at your friend's house. Then choose that name to play with your button configuration.

Wow. I hate to say it, but we really have thought of everything.

Be sure to stick around for updates...

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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SuperLink said:
Why do they need to start manufacturing GC controllers again? To an extent I agree, but thats what the Classic controller is for, which seems like a fine replacement to the GC controller, GAME also make GC controllers for Wii (Though they look shit) and you can probably find 2nd hand ones...But now I think about it, I agree with you, Classic controllers phail beneath the might GC pad Smilie Not to mention both of my WaveBirds broke around the same time... I couldnt have been more sad. Smilie

Why/how/what caused them to break? I've been thinking about picking one up - being restricted to a 5ft length of wire suddenly feels ludicrous. Mind you, don't I have to attach a small grey brick to the controller port? Not very sexy is it.

They should most definitely be making a wireless N64 pad. Absolutely without point, but fuck it, I'd buy one.

On top', kudos for including customisable controls. Everyone else in the world does and has been doing it for decades, but hey, it was still never guaranteed.

Still won't make me buy it though.

Less posty, more gamey.

Yeah I have no problem with the tap jump. Oh and by the way, there are 3rd party classic controllers that are shaped like GC controllers.

iCAME said:
Yeah I have no problem with the tap jump. Oh and by the way, there are 3rd party classic controllers that are shaped like GC controllers.
Yeah but they suck Smilie

My WaveBirds broke:
- My first WaveBird (mine) had milk split all over it when I was at a friend's house (his little sister Smilie) and now it just doesn't turn on, even after I replaced the batteries

-My bro's WaveBird still works, but the control stick's rubber is ripped from overuse, we may be able to fix that though.

I prefer WaveBirds a lot to GC controllers, I like the Weight, & the ports don't bug me in the slightest. It lacks rumble but I'd gotten used to that. Ah well, now I'm used to rumble again Smilie

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