Nintendo Media | Fragile: Wii Exclusive RPG (Video, Wallpaper, Screens)

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2007 39

Update, 26/11: Bandai Namco has revealed more on its brand new RPG for Nintendo's Wii, 'Fragile'. The game is being co-developed by Third Party outfit tri-Crescendo (who worked with Bandai Namco and Monolith Soft on Baten Kaitos and Baten Kaitos Origins, as well as the solo Xbox 360 effort Eternal Sonota) and Bandai Namco's own team that brought the fantastic Japanese-only strategy RPG 'Venus & Braves' to the PlayStation 2 in 2006. For those interested in how that game looked, below is the trailer for Venus & Braves:

But enough teasing of that PS2 game we are likely to never see. Below is the trailer for Fragile, the Wii game we will indeed have a strong chance of seeing in the Western world:

The trailer can also be seen in its original format over at the official website.

For those wondering what is actually being said in the trailer, here is a translation: "Ah Hotaru. This Star, it's this sort of vastness the Earth is overflowing with people, but every person thinks "why am I alone?" It's because their mind is rot with madness. And to end this madness I must destroy that world, and to do that, I must locate the virus."

Fragile is a game set in the near future where humans are almost extinct and the world is about to come to an end. Your quest is to search for new allies and to find out why everything is dying. The moon is the only thing Seto has to guide him on his perilous journey and along the way you discover the problems lie with bad spirits that you must defeat in order to return normalcy to the world. During the adventure, Seto will have to explore deserted towns where humans once lived but have now vanished, yet is not alone on this escapade as a mysterious heroine is waiting in the wings to lend a helping hand.

Gamers can use the Wii controller to hold a torch or metal detector, whilst the branch Seto is shown as holding in the images released so far is what can be used to fight off the evil spirits, with combat being mapped to a quick swing of either the Nunchuk or Wii controller itself.

With development already at the 30% stage and a 2008 release promised, no doubt more information will be forthcoming very soon. [ Thanks to ZeroSimon for the extra translated information ]

Be sure to check out Fragile's official website for some gorgeous, haunting music, character art and more clear screenshots. In the meantime, be sure to check out these two exclusive wallpapers, the theme music from the website, plus the new screenshots in the media folder below:

Fragile Wallpaper 1024x768 | 800x600

Fragile Website Theme Music

17 Screenshots / Art

It has been revealed by sp0rsk of NeoGAF that the game's theme is all about creating your own "short story". In addition to this, the game's subtitle is "Goodbye Ruins of the Moon". Dengeki Online will have a full unveiling of the title tomorrow (Japanese time), plus the December issue of Dengeki magazine will release even more information.

Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

Update, 20/11: The first screens/scans, as promised, are here from the latest edition of Famitsu, which has churned out the first images of Namco Bandai's previously announced RPG.

  • Scan 1 | 2

    Fragile takes place in the future where the planet has lost its light with Earth surrounded in a thick, evil fog. Players take the role of a young boy, Seto, who seeks out fellow humans and one special lady in particular. Seto can use his trusty flash light to get through the fog, metal/wood tools as weapons and interact with the gloomy, mysterious environment.

    Be sure to stick to C3 for updates...

    Original Story: Bandai Namco has revealed the name for their upcoming unique Wii RPG: Fragile, due to be revealed later this month.

    According to NeoGAF, Fragile is a dungeon-crawling exploration RPG centered around the theme of ruins. Its first public presence will be later this month in Famitsu (22nd Nov.), and a specific event on the 24th. For those wanting even more, the Official site opens on the 26th of November.

    Stay tuned for further updates...

  • Box art for Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

    Project Fragile


    Rising Star





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    Ooooo... looks interesting

    Interesting concept, can't wait to see more of it.

    ^^ look a bit like ff7 i hope it is :3 i love rpg and cant wait to see more on 22th ^^

    Sounds good, nice name and concept art - looking forward to finding out more Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
    Our member of the week

    A Dungeon-RPG ? Hell how i hate those repetitive RPGs >_< ... I hope NeoGAF is wrong.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    I wonder if this means that Sword of Legendia was cancelled, or perhaps that it was merely a project codename? If not, then Bandai Namco has this, ToS2 and another Wii RPG in the works. I'm hoping for that last possibility, but we'll see.

    This could be very cool indeed, but let's see what is revealed in Famitsu.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses


    Definitely something for me to keep an eye on. Hopefully we'll get some more information soon.

    Oy Simon! Get yo' ass in here foo'!

    ZS devilevers! Smilie

    - Main character is called Seto
    -2008 launch (no season or date mentioned)
    - Developed by team tricrescendo which means this game is going to be so awesome!!! SmilieSmilieSmilie (the guys that made baten kaitos)
    -Set in near future
    -Humans are almost extinct and the world is coming to an end
    -Your quest is to search for new allies and to find out why everything is dying
    -The moon is the only thing seto has to guide him
    -You discover its the fault of bad spirits which you have to defeat
    -Explore deserted towns where humans once lived but have now vanished
    -A mysterious heroin is waiting for your help
    -Use your Wii mote to hold a torch or metal detector
    -The branch seto is holding can be used to fight off the evil spirits
    -Combat can be done by swinging the numchuck or wiimote
    -Development at 30%

    How come this story doesn't appear on the side "news" coluumn?

    ( Edited on 20.11.2007 18:05 by ZeroSimon )

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    As did I. I submitted a link for this lot about 10 mins ago.Smilie

    Anyway, sounds good. Another RPG I may need to get.SmilieSmilieSmilie

    ( Edited on 20.11.2007 18:06 by Darkspine S )

    Interesting theme but batin katos sucked balls....although Eternal Sonata is decent so I dunno what to make of it yet.

    Baten kaitos didnot suck,

    Yesit did,

    no it didnt

    Baten Kaitos was absolutely amazing!!!

    Darkspine S said:
    I submitted a link for this lot about 10 mins ago.
    A link for what?

    edit: o had already been translated...what a waste.

    ( Edited on 20.11.2007 18:42 by ZeroSimon )

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Is this game going to be released in outside Japan?

    ^^ looks good but cant see how it a rpg maybe it like zelda?

    ZeroSimon said:
    Baten Kaitos was absolutely amazing!!!
    Darkspine S said:I submitted a link for this lot about 10 mins ago.
    A link for what?edit: o had already been translated...what a waste.( Edited on 20.11.2007 18:42 by ZeroSimon )

    A link for all that info. I found it on GoNintendo and N-europe, meh, doesn't matter now.Smilie

    This game is definitely in my top 10 most wanted Wii games now.

    The setting reminds me a bit of Dark Earth. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    fenixazul said:
    Baten kaitos didnot suck,
    Blade2t3 said:
    Yesit did,
    fenixazul said:
    no it didnt


    I don't really know what to make of this yet.. I'll just wait for some reviews and all, or at least a bit more info.. Might get this, not too much of a chance, though^^

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    It looks promising on the evidence of those scans, definitely one to look forward to. And to think some were thinking Namco Bandai would not be bringing out games of this type, wrong.

    This looks really cool. Sort of has a goth-like look to it.

    It'd be interesting if the next Zelda was similar in some ways to this. Built around the pointer functionality with a main item. I could imagine the Lost Woods having an old ruin in it like the one in the pictures, with the light coming in through the broken window.

    I'm interested in seeing what role the moon plays in this.Smilie

    ( Edited on 21.11.2007 04:28 by Rinx )

    Looks very promising so far.

    I've got the music from the website on constant loop at the moment...fantastic stuff. I love haunting piano/strings music! The trailer looks cool as well...

    I'm impressed! Wish they'd do a Wii upgrade of V&B as well, though Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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