Nintendo Media | Sega Brings Photo-Realism to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.09.2007 37

In perhaps the most bizarre update for a long time, Sega have revealed a peculiar game involving odd green-screen actors doing odd things.

In Mibri & Tebri players try to guess the various charades these odd actors are doing on screen. Only in Japan..

Be sure to stick around for updates. Thanks to Darkspine S for the tip...

Box art for Miburi & Teburi








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Sega had integrity?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

It's a weird Japanese show come to flesh on Wii-Disk. Go, Japan! Enjoy it. Quirky but kinda cool. Would not play it, but it's hilariously crazy. Glad a big company liek SEGA is that crazy.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Is Sonic Team making this? Smilie

mOojc said:
Is Sonic Team making this? Smilie
Well... considering this game is so Japanese, & Sonic Team are wannabe Americans, I doubt it.

Dr_R said:
Sega had integrity?

Yeah, once upon a time. Smilie I think they're CONSIDERING trying to get back on track though.

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Jacob4000 said:
Cmon guys, stop ragging on it. It is about time that we have seen games that really push the Wii. Who knows, it may even go on to be the game of 2007, better than Bioshock or Metroid Prime 3. Add in a killer online mode, and this game has a ton of potential. Who hasnt dreamed of playing charades using bizarre looking motion capture on crap backgrounds? And since SEGA is making it, we know it is going to turn out to be a great game. This looks to be the game that will return SEGA to its former glory.

There's always one isn't there. Smilie

You remind of the Paul Whitehouse character off the Fast Show who thought everthing was brilliant.

Mibri & Tebri? It's brilliant! Might be GOTY, brilliant! Unreal Tournament was GOTY wasn't it, that was brilliant. They use green-screen actors in Mibri & Tebri you know, which is brilliant! Green's brilliant ain't it. It's the colour of grass, which is brilliant too! You play football on grass, I love football, it's brilliant. I especially love the big teams like Real Madrid and Man Utd, they're brilliant aren't they! The crap teams are brilliant too because, you know, they try and all. I love playing football games on my computer. Aren't computers brilliant? They can do anything, except play football. They would be bad at that, got no limbs, but they're still brilliant. Limbs are brilliant.......


( Edited on 12.09.2007 17:17 by CuRoi )

You do know that I was joking, right Curoi? Smilie

Ah I see, self-ownage there for me. I only skimmed through your post briefly. It's your reputation as a rabid, eternally pro-Wii zealot that made made me presume the way I did. Smilie

I must give you... errr...two stars. Smilie

It's your reputation as a rabid, eternally pro-Wii zealot that made made me presume the way I did.

Errr...thanks? Smilie

I'm optimistic, true enough, I like to think positively about a game until I play it, but I wouldn't think of myself as rabid...Smilie

Hey! I'm way more pro-Wii than him! Give me some credit too! O_O

I like to think positively about games until they come out too, but that turned out very tradgically after Sonic 360 came out. Smilie

There were dead Sonic fans everywhere! It was HORRIBLE! Smilie

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My most wanted Wii game.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I just realised that this game means Wii has better graphics than PS3 & 360, because the people look so realistic. Smilie

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