Nintendo News | Hori Arcade Stick for Wii Priced and Dated

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.08.2007 3

The upcoming funky-looking Wii arcade stick from Hori has now been officially priced, speced and dated on the company's Official website.

The arcade stick brings wireless classic control to all games that have classic controller support. Hori brings the stick to retail on August 30th for an RRP of

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Very cool. Reminds me of the old NES one.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

compared to similar sticks for x360 (DoA anyone?) this isn't so expensive. When it's well manufactured and you guys can test it for us, then why not getting it for VC? Not only for fighting, but for other VC games as well?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

jesusraz said:
Very cool. Reminds me of the old NES one.

NES Advantage?, nah [still got it], but it does look very similar to the one that PS3 users get with Virtua Fighter.

Let me tell you Hori make thee best Nintendo products barr none, I have loads of their stuff, they are quality makers of such products. This will be great once the NEO GEO games are released. I have always intended on getting two since somebody posted a pic in retro gaming.{LS]

ZSimon is there a UK date there?

( Edited on 23.08.2007 12:28 by Linkyshinks R.I.P (Goodbye) )

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