Nintendo Media | Soul Calibur Legends Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.06.2007 22

A handful of new screens and character artwork from the upcoming Wii-exclusive Soul Calibur RPG, Legends, has hit the 'net with the combatants returning once more to the stage of history.

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Box art for SoulCalibur Legends

Namco Bandai







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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

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That actually looks quite decent. I just hope to god it doesn't turn into a mindless brawler like dynasty warrior gamesSmilie

early days but already it looks like its going to make classic designer mistakes. generic badies with 5 guys on the screen who all look the same all make the same movements. I know the wii is lacking in power so having varied character design with multiple movements to make it a more organic experience is more difficult but COME ON!

SIEGFRIED!!! Yay!! I REALLY gotta get myself a Wii now! *runs off to the game store*

Another Soul Calibur for the people, just love it so much! Smilie

meeto_0 said:
early days but already it looks like its going to make classic designer mistakes. generic badies with 5 guys on the screen who all look the same all make the same movements. I know the wii is lacking in power so having varied character design with multiple movements to make it a more organic experience is more difficult but COME ON!

I see your point, but does enemy variation matter that much? Don't know about you, but I'd be too busy cleaving someone in half than give a damn what colour jacket they have.Smilie

I have a feeling that's exactly what it will be Darkspine. Second screen has what looks like Sigfried and Mitsurugi playing, so I'm betting on multiplayer on that alone.

YAY! Soul Calibre. But how come all the bad guys are just other SC characters?

ZOMG TAKI HAZ NIPLZ LOL!!!!!!!!11 Smilie

Well, the graphics aren't that bad, still I gotta say Soul Calibur II on GC still looked a little better than this...

So what're the chances of Link being in this? 1/1,000,000 chance? Smilie

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SuperLink said:
ZOMG TAKI HAZ NIPLZ LOL!!!!!!!!11 SmilieWell, the graphics arent that bad, still I gotta say Soul Calibur II on GC still looked a little better than this...So whatre the chances of Link being in this? 1/1,000,000 chance? Smilie

But you have to consider SC2 was a beat em up, a lot less to do at once etc - beat em ups are usually pretty far ahead visually of most other types of games because there's much less going on and to do at once.

I'd say there is a 0% chance of link being in it.
Well considering SC2 was a small arena based game with 1 on 1 battles I suppose the graphics would take a hit, they look all right though. *hopes it dosn't become a shitty generic brawler*

( Edited on 28.06.2007 14:19 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

It will though...

Has it been announced which platforms SCIV will be coming to?

( Edited on 28.06.2007 14:16 by Kangaroo_Kid )

Looks like a budget God of War rip-off.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Has it been announced which platforms SCIV will be coming to?

360 & PS3

( Edited on 28.06.2007 14:17 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Has it been announced which platforms SCIV will be coming to?
PS3 & 360 *cries*

It does look like it'll end up being a crap spin off game. I really hope it won't. Also, this is a gen later, even if it's a brawl game, the graphics should still be up to par with mid 6th gen. Look what Nintendo have done with Brawl & Galaxy, they look pretty nice, so why can't Namco make an effort?

Also the visual look dull too...

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They look fairly good. Hopefully the game is in the early stages as we should definetly see a large improvement.

This game looks very boring. Shame, I loved Soul Calibur II. Anyone know when this game is supposed to be released?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a half-assed, low budget spin-off and that they will make proper use of Wii's capabilities. For crying out loud, GameCube was capable of some freak'n amazing stuff and Wii is about 2-3 times more powerful and about 20% more efficient in it's processing.

This is still kind of a kick in the balls. Wii is getting yet another spin-off while the true, official sequel is, yet again, arriving on the 360 & PS3 only. Umbrella Chronicles, anyone?

Now I'm not saying that these can't/won't be fantastic games, but the fact alone that Wii is getting a spin-off is dis-heartening. Judging from the quality of recent 3rd party Wii endeavors (or lack thereof) it's hard to stay optimistic that these "spin offs" are going be of high quality. *sigh* At least it's not another PS2 port.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Sigfried and Taki happen to be my fave characters, Yay *sold*

The graphics look good, I imagine they will look even better in movement, and when the game is close to finished. [LS]

OMG OMG OMG!! Smilie That looks pretty good, and im looking forward to his game Smilie

WHERE IS MAXI & RAPHAEL?!?!?!?! Smilie

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What i've gathered from this game is that it will play some what like MK: shaolin monks.

Neyaaaeeeah..Not sure. Could be decent, could be utterly dire.

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