Nintendo Media | Pink / Silver DS Lite Up Close

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.06.2007 27

With the recent release of Japan-only Metallic Rose and the Silver DS Lite models, several gamers have gotten up-close and personal with Nintendo's new colours.

Thanks to Kotaku.

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It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The metallic finish makes them look slightly tackier than the glossed typed DS Lites, but they still look lovely. I'm not to enthusiastic over the pink one though, I'd much rather have the silver, as it looks more manly.

Let's hope they will become available in Europe, although I shan't be wasting my money on one. I already have my sexy white one.

It looks like the kind of paint job foil that would easily come off on your hands while you're holding it to be honest... But I think the Silver DSL is one of the coolest I've seen.

Pikachu DSL FTUW though.

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Distungting. It makes them look cheap and nasty. BAD BAD BAD. My EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They look like something you would pull out of a cracker now. (if the cracker was very big ofcourse)


The silver one is pretty nice but I much prefer the Sky Blue DS coming out in Oz, and maybe here I pray. [LS]

I like that pastel green one in one of those pics, although I think it would look better if it was not up against a peach one. (bad merchandising tut, tut)

( Edited on 25.06.2007 21:20 by Linkyshinks )

I don't know, I think they look pretty nice. The DS lite has been needing a silver for a long time now.

But I am not too bothered, everyone knows that the slick Black DS lite is the best looking one by a country mile. Smilie

Yeah definitely, the black one is best. It's great for playing at night also as you dont really see the casing as much. [LS]

Yep, with the black nothing gets in the way of your viewing experience. It's like a mini cinema. Smilie

My only gripe is the fingerprints. I'm constantly cleaning mine.

DSP FTUW. Or the Pikachu DSL.

If not them, then a blue DSL. But I'm not buying a DSL if it's not the Pikachu one or a blue one.

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SuperLink said:
DSP FTUW. Or the Pikachu DSL.If not them, then a blue DSL. But Im not buying a DSL if its not the Pikachu one or a blue one.

You seriously like that Pikachu DS? Really?

Yeah, a lot >.<

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Still prefer the original colours.

i don't knw i can't take my eyes off thm...they're so hot Smilie

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Marzy said:
Im not to enthusiastic over the pink one though, Id much rather have the silver, as it looks more manly. doesn't even look pink @_@ it looks more like a super light red...

I think it actually looks kind of gold colored, with a hint of red.

Sounds like some kind of interior design show...

Oh god horrible design!! The metallic cover makes it looks cheap and like a toy.

LMAO! Exactly! little toys you get at Burger king! T_T

...has there been a gold coloured one yet?

I think they look cheap. The design of edges adds this feeling. Especially the silver one. I prefer the glossy look of the white and black ones. I think I look out for this finishing when getting a Lite at last. I still own DS phat - this one looks better in silver then lite methinks...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!


Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Silver one isn't that bad but the pink one is pretty ugly. The paint on the inside will probably fade and scratch off like on the GBAsp and original DS aswell.

I still have the phat DS. Pwnz.

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Assassin said:
I still have the phat DS. Pwnz.
I'm gonna give Assassin a star! Smilie

*everyone dies*

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The Silver is Boring Colour No. 1.

The Pink looks like some chav who's got the glitter out and sprinkled it over her Croydon facelift for a night on the tiles with her greasy mates.

Or Disco Vomit.

Less posty, more gamey.

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