Nintendo Wii Media | Mario Strikers Wi-Fi & Gameplay Video

By Adam Riley 24.04.2007 61

Mario Strikers Charged Football comes out in a month's time, but so far details have been somewhat scarce on the game. However, now it has just been completely blown open.

Following Cubed3 was first off the mark at finding the information from the latest Official Nintendo Magazine about region-specific online gameplay, Jeux-France has followed up with an extensive video highlighting the wealth of new features in the Next Level Games-developed Wii title, plus more details of online play. Check it out below:

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Original News - In the latest issue of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine (out now), Next Level Games' Mike Inglehart, Director of Mario Strikers Charged, has confirmed the online Wi-Fi mode will only be region-specific to prevent lag issues.

A major disappointment or nothing to worry about? Let us know inside...

Box art for Mario Strikers Charged Football

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( Edited 15.01.2013 00:43 by Guest )

Disappointing. Not much more to say, really.

( Edited 15.01.2013 00:43 by Guest )

Makes sense, as I guess fitba' games are pretty sensitive about control, if that makes any sense. And it's not as though there'll be a huge lack of players.

But by region specific, do they mean only others in the UK, or Europe, or what?

( Edited 15.01.2013 00:43 by Guest )

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

I'd imagine only players within Europe. It's alright I suppose, for lag issues, but they should give us the option to play worldwide if we wanted to.

( Edited 15.01.2013 00:43 by Guest )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I'd guess PAL regions, i.e. Europe and Oz.

i bet they'll do the same for smash bros.
i guess this is when the wii's power is really an issue

This doesnt matter does it? I tend not to join US servers when im playing online games on PC due to lag.

Not a big deal really, though they should allow you the choice like they do with the DS. (worldwide, region, etc.).

This means though that many American members, including myself, won't be able to play you all. Hopefully this is just for strikers, as I wouldn't buy it anyway. I dislike soccer.

i guess this is when the wii's power is really an issue

I don't think this has anything to do with the Wii's power.

So if you add a friend's friend code and they live in another region, you won't be able to play against them via wifi? Or does it just mean the random matches?

( Edited on 21.04.2007 23:03 by IfritXVII )

Oh, this is a joke. If Smash Bros. has this, I'm selling my Wii. Nintendo truly are completely wank, and have been since the N64.

Oh, for fuck's sake...

First the friend codes, now this. Can Nintendo's online get any worse?

( Edited on 21.04.2007 23:16 by Marzy )

WTF!!! IT SUCKS!!! Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Let's hope this is only limited to Mario Strikers and not big games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

( Edited 27.12.2024 04:26 by Azuardo )

Id say it probably means the random match up thing will be region specific only but i'd think it should be ok once friend codes are entered.
Random matches suck any way it's like your playing ai, especially considering Voice Chat won't included.

( Edited on 21.04.2007 23:34 by Blade2t3 )

This has been mentioned before - just not so bluntly.

It won't effect Friend Code matches, I'm sure.

Nothing to worry about, really, as all this means is the "Worldwide" button isn't there (Was mostly unplayable on games like MKDS anyway due to lag)

They'd probably be going out of their way to limit it, but it makes sense I spose.

I dont care who I was playing, even if it were george bush, if it lagged bad I'd disconnect.

I play my DS online (quite a lot recently) and i've never experienced lag...ever

They should have a worldwide option with a "may experience lag" warning attached to it...but if it doesn't affect friend code matches i don't mind at all.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Azzy said:
Lets hope this is only limited to Mario Strikers and not big games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart.


( Edited 27.12.2024 04:27 by Azuardo )

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Ok, calm down you ballbag Smilie

Ah fuck!!! I HATE YOU NINTENDO!! You're attitude to online is fucking pathetic!!!! If you fucking do this again I am fucking leaving!!

Why why why must they continue to do this...this won't matter if you lived in US or whatever but I live in god damn NZ with a population of 4 million and about 5000 people have a Wii!! It is total BULLSHIT!!!!

( Edited on 21.04.2007 23:57 by tiamat1990 )

always rtrying to do best for the customer, never taking any risks, that is the nintendo of today, yes they took a risk with hardware, but everythign else is no-risk, mario version 678, countless zeldas, warioware always, wjhereas the high rosk software devlopment, non-existent at the moment in my opinion. let the sutomer decide nintendo, jeez.

tismatron said:
always rtrying to do best for the customer, never taking any risks, that is the nintendo of today, yes they took a risk with hardware, but everythign else is no-risk, mario version 678, countless zeldas, warioware always, wjhereas the high rosk software devlopment, non-existent at the moment in my opinion. let the sutomer decide nintendo, jeez.


Good point Smilie, this is Nintendo today, while other companies are taking the risks and having problems, Nintendo is helping us with its "safer" system Smilie


Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

I can see where they are going with lag issues but still but if SSBB is made region specific...

if they're gonna make all/most of the online titles region specific the wii online system will be BS.
I hope it's just this game because it's the first. And weren't they saying they were trying it out with Nintendo people in the US? Now what?
Seriously, online gaming has to be global. We Europeans have to be able to play with our American fellows!

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