Nintendo Wii/DS Reviews | Famitsu Rates Wario, Excite Truck & More

By Adam Riley 10.01.2007 11

The latest batch of reviews from this week's Famitsu magazine have now been revealed, with scores coming in for Excite Truck on Wii, Wario's new DS game, plus much more. Check out the final marks below:

  • Excite Truck (Wii, Nintendo) - 8/8/7/8: 31/40
  • Yggdrasil Labyrinth (NDS, Atlus) - 8/8/8/8: 32/40
  • Ochaken no Heya DS 2 (NDS, MTO) - 8/7/6/7: 28/40
  • Wario the Thief (NDs, Nintendo) - 8/7/7/7: 29/40
  • Out of interest, Gears of War on Xbox 360 received a mightily impressive 10/9/9/9: 37/40!

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    It did? Well, I saw it, I saw a courtyard dogfight and it looked stunning and semmed to play well (a friend played it). So I'm glad the time you spend is worthwile.
    Wait till you see Lost Planet...

    But I'm glad, that Excite Truck received more than 30, because I hoped it would be good. And that's not bad, ey? Yggdrasil 32? Great, maybe I get this one too, as I didn't get much for my DS lately...

    ( Edited 28.12.2012 07:09 by Guest )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Will we ever see Wario The Theif out in EU? Somehow I doubt it, but it looks really great...

    ( Edited 28.12.2012 07:09 by Guest )

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    I dont quite get why the high scores for Gears.
    It looks amazing (better then ps3 games), and it plays solidly.

    But...I played4 hours of it...and it was all just shotting.
    I mean, little or no variation at all :-/
    Sure, if you like that sort of thing, and i guess its good in multiplayer.

    But such high scores for what seems like a very repedative game.
    Are we so shallow that it really is all about graphics? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Everyone was overwhelmed by the graphics...its just a mainstream shooter...

    and isn't the dungeon game "sekai jyuu no labyrinth"?
    for "labyrinths from all over the world"

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Its not a mainstream shooter. It borrows a similar gameplay style to Halo. 5/10 minutes periods of different types of gameplay. Such as the cart section, or the end of the nightfall level. It's far from repetitive.

    Name me a shooter that plays anything like Gears of War.

    There isn't one.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    OH LOL Grumbler

    Lets see ummm KILLSWITCH, Winback and crappy sequels, this sub genre has been DONE many times before but by the "wrong" people it seems the game is untouchable even though its got HUGE flaws because MS made it.

    OH LOL Grumbler

    Lets see ummm KILLSWITCH, Winback and crappy sequels, this sub genre has been DONE many times before but by the "wrong" people it seems the game is untouchable even though its got HUGE flaws because MS made it.

    You clearly know nothing about shooters.

    I generally play a lot of games where all you do is shoot stuff. I've never played a shooter like Gears of War, with such a massive focus on cover, flanking and teamwork.

    Kill.switch is the most probably similar game to it yeah, but only in that it's 3rd person, and you can attach yourself to cover. You're alone in it most of the time and cover isn't anywhere near as flexible as Gears. You can't seamlessly roll from one piece of cover to the next, dart across a doorway and then suppress the enemy with covering fire so that the rest of your team can move forward to shoot their legs off, attach grenades to them and then leap over a wall to safety.

    Don't you understand how something can be unique within a genre? By you're thinking, is Pikmin generic because there are already vaguely similar games in it's genre like Sacrifice?

    And I'm one of the ones that doesn't rave on about GoW being game of the year, so don't give me that fanboy bullshit.

    And what are the flaws exactly?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    SuperLink said:
    Will we ever see Wario The Theif out in EU? Somehow I doubt it, but it looks really great...

    Its confirmed for America, I'm pretty sure it'll come out here - and I can't wait, I've only recently discovered this game is in existance, finally another Wario platformer.

    jesusraz said:Out of interest, Gears of War on Xbox 360 received a mightily impressive 10/9/9/9 37/40!

    That is fantastic. Hopefully it goes on to be the biggest selling 3rd person shooter of all time. It deserves it. Smilie

    Oh, and Nintendo

    Ph00p said:
    it seems the game is untouchable even though its got HUGE flaws because MS made it.
    Since when are games made by Epic made by Microsoft?

    knighty said:
    It borrows a similar gameplay style to Halo.
    I can't see how you could think that... Halo was by far the most boring shooter I've ever played, whereas GoW was almost definitely the most engaging...

    Anyway, is that Wario game almost out already!? I thought we only saw the first scans a while ago... Maybe I'd just missed it before... It's a shame it only got an average of 7. I think all the previous Wario games have been outstanding

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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