Nintendo News | Maple Story DS Online RPG Confirmed

By Adam Riley 09.01.2007 44

Whilst the Nintendo DS does indeed have a free online component, so far developers have shied away from bringing a large-scale project to the world. However, now that is about to change. Although Maple Story has been talked about for a long time now, today it has been re-confirmed as coming to the Nintendo DS, courtesy of Korean gaming developer Nexon.

Details have emerged on the new game, highlighting that development started mid-2006, with an aim to release the final game in September 2007. It is being worked on by a specific team within Nexon, managed by Hyong-No Kim, the Managing Director of the company. They want to keep original feel of the massively popular online PC game, whilst also adding new elements that will appeal to the Nintendo DS market. Therefore, the game will now be portrayed as a side-scrolling action RPG and an avatar code system will be employed.

The plan is to adapt the PC version of Maple Story to this action RPG style, including the same variation of jobs and skills, as well as the battle system. In addition, via both local wireless and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, there will be co-operation play for dungeon crawling. Other online inclusions are a PVP system, an online store, the ability to email, a ranking service and the community aspects that have helped make Maple Story a hit around the world.

On top of all that has already been mentioned, the original single player scenario will be included, which roughly equates to fifteen hours of play time. In Autumn, Maple Story DS will be released in Korea, with other territories following: Europe, US, Japan, Australia, as well as any other area that has seen the release of the DS. In other words, Nexon wants the whole world to play Maple Story DS!

Nexon's president, Jeun-Mo Gwon said:

"Maple Story, the well-known online game around the world, and Nintendo DS, which everyone wants, are meeting together, which is going to make a synergy effect."

It is thought that this statement represents the potential for further new titles in the future.

When September rolls around, Maple Story will be released in a special DS bundle, however the price is currently pending and whether or not this bundle is just specifically for the Korean market is unknown at the moment. In the meantime, be sure to check out some related images [ Click to Enlarge ], as well as the first promotional piece for the game below:

The first in-game shots can also be seen here:

Be sure to stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

Box art for MapleStory DS
Also known as

Maple Story DS






Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (286 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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That's awesome, the first major Online RPG for DS. Pretty cool, though weird a free PC game is coming to DS.

In any case, I'm not expecting MMO with this, but PvP, online with friends, sounds cool. Sure hope they pull it off, could be a hit.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

the first major Online RPG for DS

Lost Magic. FF3. Pok

dojo99 said:
Lost Magic. FF3. Pok

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I did enjoy playing Maple... until the other "players" started claiming areas where only they could fight. I'll get this if I can play solo and JUST with my mates.

Brawl FC 2921-85414771

SuperLink said:
dojo99 said:Lost Magic. FF3. Pok

World of Warcraft for DS, anyone? Smilie

Wtf....they removed like...the whole MMO aspect?!

knighty said:
Wtf....they removed like...the whole MMO aspect?!
Now there might actually be a point in playing it! ^^

the original single player scenario
What scenario? You run around and kill stuff until you level up.

I can assure you I played the single player 'scenario', if that's what you want to call it, for far more than 15 hours too, and I got almost nowhere... I'm glad I realised MMOs are boring and pointless >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I doubt they'd be able to make an MMO on DS, I just dunno if the DS could handle it!

So.... I dunno Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nice, should be a top hit for DS for sure! Now for Wii..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Megadanxzero said:
knighty said:Wtf....they removed like...the whole MMO aspect?!
Now there might actually be a point in playing it! ^^
the original single player scenario
What scenario? You run around and kill stuff until you level up.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat.Repeat...I can assure you I played the single player scenario, if thats what you want to call it, for far more than 15 hours too, and I got almost nowhere... Im glad I realised MMOs are boring and pointless >_>

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

the first major Online RPG for DS is DRAGON QUEST IX!!!!!!!!!

it's not a MMO but a 4 player coop online.

and no World of Warcraft isn't about "leveling up". Sure you need lvl 60, but that's where the real game starts.

This advert reminds me of my youth...I don't know why

dojo99 said:
the first major Online RPG for DS
Lost Magic. FF3. Pok

I definitely cant wait for this game to come out. Ive been saving up and begging my parents for wireless internet

this is great news for Nintendo & DS Smilie million seller game!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

This is what I like to hear. MMO's are completely doable on the DS, I'm glad someone realized it.

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I just wanted to make it clear that those "first in-game shots" are from the PC version, not the DS.

In fact, they are screenshots from the Japanese version of Maplestory(PC).

Please fix your article.

In fact, they are screenshots from the Japanese version of Maplestory(PC).

Please fix your article.

Soapy your not smart and dont even try to be the writtening is clearly KOREAN

( Edited on 08.04.2007 11:13 by Hermit )

To be fair that does look like a PC interface and resolution, but who cares enough to revive a piece several months old?Smilie


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Good news for the DS, although I haven't never played a Maple Story before..

It would give the already blooming population of Maple Story a better reason to play if you could connect with the nexon server to update your own maple story account and play with your PC name on the DS solo, then update it when you lvl on the DS,

If Nexon is smart enough, they wouldnt make it a massive mmo. only friend only, the reason for this is because of Action replay users =/. Think about it, if it was an mmo then hundreds and hundreds of people would be hacking it so much

Great, I was not aware of this title coming to the DS, should be good, I hope so. LS

Those must be PC screens, but due to the graphical style they should be able to replicate the original charm of the graphics.

( Edited on 17.05.2007 09:09 by Linkyshinks )

They mention an avatar code system.. This doesnt mean the online play is limited to those whom have swapped codes correct? That basicaly takes the M away from the MO. Smilie I doubt this is so. Perhaps three options? Single player/friends/and online? Pray they arent cutting the MMO part..

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