Nintendo News | Skull Kid Goes Polystone

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2006 12

Fans of Zelda are set for a treat with the second in a series of collectable action figures based on characters from the franchise. Those who have played the Nintendo 64 classic Majora's Mask will instantly recognise the misguided soul Skull Kid in his Polystone form.

The Skull Kid was a curious, lonely soul who played with his fairy friends Tatl and Tael in the mysterious world of Termina. The trio encountered a travelling mask salesman and stole a previous mask that carried a curse. Majora dominates the Skull Kid's soul and sets out to destroy Termina. The fella stands at 9 inches tall, including the tree stump base and comes hand painted and finished with only 2,500 pieces set for production worldwide.

Skull Kid is expected to hit collector's shelves in Q1 2007 with a retail SRP of $99 (US), from First 4 Figures.

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Me want. Smilie

Meh...looks REALLY naff.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Looks quite good, I'm not fond of the hat really but the body and mask look pretty good i reckon. The tree stup looks quality Smilie

Hopefully theyll bring out a standard Link figure soon!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That looks really nice. You can get Dark Link off as well.

OMG... Smilie i want one...

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I got the mail from first4 as well, but I spent a lot of ca$$$h at Firece Deity Link, which is far better than this beauty. But this one looks wonderful, even the head, methinks.
But me don't want, because too expensive.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

it is very nice.. i prefer my Sheena Fujibayashi figures though.

The colouring looks too bright to me, he's supposed to be all dark and shadowy. Doesn't appeal to me nearly as much as the Fierce Diety statue.

Smilie That is AWSOME. I always thought skull kid was one of the better designed characters in zelda.

I really wish they produced these for mass production with cheaper plastic because $99 is far too high. Sure it removes the collectable factor but they'd probably sell a lot more if they had a cheaper material and mass market it

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The colouring looks too bright to me
Same... The actual model looks excellent though

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I need to recreate this fecker in City of Villians.

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