Nintendo Media | Dragon Quest and Chocobo DS Scans

By Mike Mason 17.08.2006 6

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Im really looking foward to seeing Dragon Quest Monsters in motion cause its looks great, defently looking foward to it.

WOW. These games continue to amaze me. Chocobo looks unbelievable and DQM is making its way up my must have list. I still dont know the premiss behind DQM, any ideas anyone?

DQM really does look like a scaled down DQVIII, which is definitely a good thing!

And WOW at Chocobo! Smilie Looks bloody amazing.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Dragon Quest!! It looks bloody fantastic!!

I love the cut out style enemies in the Chocobo screens. Smilie

I've always been a big fan of chocobos, but Dragon Quest Monsters interests me even more than the Chocobo game. Definately going to have to get that one.

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