Nintendo Media | Fierce Deity Link Figure Complete

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2006 30

As previously reported, a series of Nintendo characters are being transformed into high quality collectable statues from First 4 Figures, complete with every inch of hand crafted detail.

The first in the Nintendo collection is the Fierce Deity Link, a dark and mysterious warrior that emerges in the Nintendo 64 classic, Majora's Mask for the final showdown with the evil mask... The statue takes on the world at over 14.5 inches, with incredible hand painted detail and made from high quality poly-stone, it's certainly something to show off to fellow gamers. The statues are said to be in limited production, with only 2,500 pieces available worldwide.

Fierce Deity is set to retail for $129(US) and around

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That's...awesome...Me want...don't have money...*flashes wallet*Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Yeah, I love this - looks wicked in the 'flesh'. I wasn't so sure about the concept art released before, but this looks great imo.

Shame it's so expensive!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That is fricking sweet! I would pay for that!

Smilie wow that looks amazing I wish I had the money for that.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Is there a cord on the back that makes it shreik and yelp like the real thing?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i want one !! but i need a wii first

...Please Love Me...


"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

So people seriously buy shit like this?

That's hardcore.

Doesn't Mir make great sigs? I am the MOCRI (master of completely random insanity).

msenyszak said:
So people seriously buy shit like this?

( Edited on 04.08.2006 15:57 by Der SegaHund )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Cool for collectors...for everyone else it's a case of 'meh' I think! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Didn't realise they were news items. Found this about two weeks ago.

Link *Baddum tsh* and they've got a release date for a month today.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

*goes to*

Der SegaHund said:
msenyszak said:So people seriously buy shit like this?
( Edited on 04.08.2006 15:57 by Der SegaHund )


pic didn't appear just keep with me people

( Edited on 05.08.2006 02:06 by Mr.Ashcroft )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Yeah, keep us in touch as to where to buy it! *drools*

So people seriously buy shit like this?

Yes, they will, msenyszak. But you can have my X360, I found shit to buy... ;-P

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Very nice, certainly a step up from the Kanden model they did. At

60 is a bit steep, damn. How big is it by the way?

i want one !! but i need a wii first

Go to the toilet then Smilie


HazukiSan said:
Very nice, certainly a step up from the Kanden model they did. At

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

60 is a bit steep, damn. How big is it by the way?

36 cm.

Does anyone have a store at hand that delivers to Germany or even one in Germany itself (url please)? I want to preorder this Item, but does not deliver gadgets outside the UK (why, for heaven's sake?)...!

( Edited on 05.08.2006 19:54 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Ishk! I soo want that one! He would look soo cool among all my dragon statues and stuff.Smilie

Frazzle.d said:
HazukiSan said:Very nice, certainly a step up from the Kanden model they did. At

HazukiSan said:
Frazzle.d said:
HazukiSan said:Very nice, certainly a step up from the Kanden model they did. At

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Somebody wants one of though's.

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