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Nintendo Media | New Scans of Dragon Quest Monsters DS

By Adam Riley 21.06.2006 8

Quick News - The newly announced Square Enix RPG project for the Nintendo DS, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker is currently set for a 2006 release in Japan and looking more and more impressive with each new image revealed. Below are three new scans from V-Jump magazine:

  • Scan 01 | 02 | 03
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    This looks amazing, one of the best looking DS games I've seen!

    I would guess that this, FF3 and FFCC all use the same engine. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Smilie wow that looks amazing thier really pushing the DS's hardware to the limit, just shows that with some time and effort you can pull off something which looks has good has that.

    Darkflame said:
    I would guess that this, FF3 and FFCC all use the same engine.

    Tales of the Tempest as well and they all look fucking amazing.

    teh_gam3r said:
    Smilie wow that looks amazing thier really pushing the DSs hardware to the limit, just shows that with some time and effort you can pull off something which looks has good has that.

    Don't forget that the DS can handle cell shading rather easily. With that said it does look rather excellent.

    Archaic Sealed Heat (aka ASH) is also another one to watch out for with superb graphics. These games are all showing that the DS is indeed stronger than the N64!

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    WOW Smilie the game looks niiiceee!!!! Smilie
    I love those creature thingys!!! lol

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    Nexus said:
    teh_gam3r said:Smilie wow that looks amazing thier really pushing the DSs hardware to the limit, just shows that with some time and effort you can pull off something which looks has good has that.
    Dont forget that the DS can handle cell shading rather easily. With that said it does look rather excellent.

    Actually that's not true. Cel Shading actually requires a lot of system resources, which is why we never really got any Cel shaded N64 games.

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