Nintendo DS Media | Final Fantasy III - FMV, Jobs, Boss Battles, US Release and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2006 14

With the upcoming Final Fantasy adventure for the DS nearing completion, more information and screens have poured into the latest Japanese print publications.

Final Fantasy III DS is a remake of the original classic on the NES, boasting a complete graphical overhaul in the character design, overworld presentation and the incredibly gorgeous rendered FMV scenes.

The US date for Final Fantasy III is September 12th (according to the official Fact Sheet and EB Games).

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Box art for Final Fantasy III

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (107 Votes)

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i cant wait for this looks like its gunna be an awesome game any idea on a US or Euro release date?

I also cannot Wait!!! This game looks more awesome with each day that goes by....I think DS has finally got itself a killer RPG!..Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Tman!! said:
i cant wait for this looks like its gunna be an awesome game any idea on a US or Euro release date?

According to EB Games, September 12th is a US release - definitely some time in September. Euro, I have no idea, but more than likely December I hope!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's looking very nice! Smilie

Does anyone know if it'll be online, at all?

I definitely remember online being confirmed, but unfortunately not to what extent it'll be. *fingers crossed for online battles*!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looking KICKASS!

does anyone know what the japanese means, if so, please translate

Can't wait it looks great.Smilie

does anyone know what the japanese means, if so, please translate

Well, the first page has a bit about a character named Luneth, the page is the prologue, etc. But I can't get much more in depth than that Smilie

The FMVs do look great. I'll keep my eye on this I suppose.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

WOAH. They managed to get FMV of that quality on the DS?

Well there doing it with Metroid Prime hnters at the moment so it's nothing new Smilie

I want, no NEED this game. It looks so damn good. Better than all the other GBA quality graphics we've been getting. If this is the next step in graphics for the DS i dnt care if it is slightly inferior to the psp's. Game looks awsome and im a big FF fan, i do hope it has some sort of online battles. That would rock. I just hope the pokemon games diamond and pearl (which ave been in development for how long) look as good as this.

Prometheus said:
I just hope the pokemon games diamond and pearl (which ave been in development for how long) look as good as this.

They don't Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i really cant wait for FF3 its gunna be totally awesome if it does have online battles and some sort of online co-operative play (something like phantasy star would be nice) it would rock house!!! Smilie

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