By Adam Riley 26.04.2006
Sounds like a bit of a creepy racoon! Wouldn't like to meet him down a dark alley...ANY alley, come to think of it!
Good first piece there Alex! Expect more from him soon, folks
He ain't coming anywhere near my bell(s)!
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
And just where does he do his 'natural business' without any of the modern conveniences like a toilet, shower, etc??
Worrying indeed... :alien:
Behinds the tree of course! That's where I do most of my business and I got two bathrooms.
TAG said:
Behinds the tree of course! Thats where I do most of my business and I got two bathrooms.
of course
good stuff alex
Thanks guys. He is a little wierdo! It's the nose that spooks me... urgh.
( Edited on 26.04.2006 16:51 by Clarkman )
This isnt on the feature you know! That needs updating before I do my next one I think.
.....All the time you'll spend earning the money to get the last few updates, it's disgustingly time consuming, you'll soon realise Nook is a greedy racoon who will demand your every last penny.....
Right a bout this!
and tom nook isnt such a bad dude
2 more upgrades to go
Zcollvee, friend, don't revive ancient topics. Just. Don't.