Nintendo Character Profile | Ness

By Adam Riley 07.03.2006

Saving the world with a baseball bat and a yoyo!

Profile by John Boyle < HazukiSan ~ Cubed3 Writer :: General Writer >


You may not believe me, but Ness is the original Nintendo hardman. Look at him: the cap twisted to the side with three spikes of jet-black hair shooting out; the completely black eyes coupled with his baseball bat weapon. He also is friendly with aliens and wanders about saving the world; he is the original kick ass Ninty character. Not to mention his on-going strife with the crooked police force. In fact it is only his small stature that stops him from getting the recognition he deserves as a traditional toughman. And to be honest, if I were the Gigyas I would be rethinking the whole malevolent life. With Ness facing them they have no chance…

Age: A vague teenager, going by his size I would say early teens.

Species: Human, but he is a very special human…

Location: Onett, Eagleland. Not the nicest of places, may look like a typical suburb but is actually plagued by wild animals, aliens, gangs and a crooked police force that don’t trust Ness. It is not all bad though; it does have an arcade, a library, a drug Store, a fast-food Restaurant and a pizza place.

Birth: Unknown, but probably Onett. He seems like a one town kinda guy (especially with his bloody homesickness).

Main Features: Jet black eyes, jet black hair and psychic powers. He’s also pretty susceptible to homesickness (much to the chagrin of ANY Earthbound players) and has the smallest nose ever.

Clothing: If you don’t know Ness’s clothes then you don’t deserve to be a Nintendo fan! These clothes are as iconic as the man himself. Red cap with blue rim, blue and yellow stripped shirt, purple shorts, white socks, red shoes and a yellow backpack. No regular person could pull that off… but Ness isn’t regular!

As far as entrances go, Ness’s is pretty special. A meteor strikes Onett and an alien pops out. This alien introduces himself as Buzz Buzz and declares that he comes from the future (10 years to be precise) and tells Ness that four kids will save the world from the evil Gigyas. And guess who’s one of them… yup… Ness. So Ness sets off on an adventure that will se him meet friends and gain the power of the Earth. Brilliant stuff.

  • Mother (Earthbound 0) (NES)
  • Mother 2 (Earthbound) (SNES)
  • Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) (Aborted for 64DD, to be resurrected on GBA soon)
  • Super Smash Bros (N64)
  • Super Smash Bros Melee (GC)
  • Yes, the big shock character for Smash Bros on the N64 almost prompted a reprise for the series on the 64DD but that was canned. Now the 64DD game is slated for the GBA.
    Best Appearance

    His best appearance has to be the original Earthbound/Mother game. Seeing as Mother 2 is basically a retelling of Mother and the fact that in SSB and SSBM he is the most annoying character ever. But in mother he is perfect, silent and kick ass (and loosely based on John Lennon allegedly).
    Do Not Mention...

    THAT monster from the Highlands! Ness certainly does not live no Loch, and has never scared people...well, apart from that annoying kid down the road that was just asking for trouble.
    In closing...

    Regardless of Ness’s failings he is still one of the founding fathers of tough guy games. This is a wild rebel who leaves home, breaks all the rules, takes on the police and an alien race to save the day. Mother 3 cannot come soon enough; the new generation of gamers need to know about this guy!

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