INSiGHT: Holiday Gaming Shopping Guide 2020 Part One

By Neil Flynn 09.11.2020

2020 has been a bizarre year, for some it has flown by and for others it has dragged. Either way it is that time of the year again, Christmas and the rest of the holiday season looms among us once again and Neil Flynn from the Cubed3 team has hand-picked a list of items that would make anyone's Holiday season. If you are struggling to find a gift for your loved one then check out some of these recommendations.

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit - Nintendo Switch

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is immersive, addictive and refreshingly fun - a fresh way to interact with the living space; blending a traditional toy with that intense Mario Kart action! Throw in those familiar items, themes and chirpy music and Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is a recipe for an afternoon of Augmented Reality racing. Home Circuit does certainly have room to grow and questions around replay value - whether through more affordable additional RC cars, extra accessories, and additional extras in the game. The perfect gift for any creative person this holiday season!

Read the full review by Jorge Ba-Oh
Purchase Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit from Nintendo UK Store

Pikmin 3 Deluxe - Nintendo Switch

Image for INSiGHT: Holiday Gaming Shopping Guide 2020 Part One

There's nothing quite like Pikmin, as it perfectly captures the same magic as Miyamoto's other masterpieces. Pikmin 3 was already a superb game, and while this release is not a remaster, the extra elements added to Pikmin 3 Deluxe elevate it to something special. Perfect for families to play together, for friends to grab a Joy-Con each, or for solo play sessions to track down every badge and master the highest rank.

Read Drew Hurley's Review (Nintendo Switch)
Purchase Pikmin 3 Deluxe from Nintendo UK Store

Burnout Paradise Remastered - Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, PC

Any petrol head is going to appreciate the high octane thrills and races in Burnout Paradise Remastered! The amazing soundtrack has been retained and still feels as fresh as it once did. This is a great gift for anyone who enjoys fast racing games that provides incredible arcade action.

Read Neil Flynn's Review (Nintendo Switch)
Find a retailer for Burnout Paradise Remastered

Star Wars: Squadrons - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

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Lifelong fans of Star Wars will appreciate the great single player story and addictive multiplayer mode that that puts any player in the heart of the movies, there won't be a shred of buyer's remorse. At a budget price, it is difficult to not recommend a game that currently holds the crown as greatest current-gen Star Wars title. Buckle up, make those pre-flight checks and don't get cocky kid.

Read Luke Hemmings' Review (PlayStation 4)
Find a retailer for Star Wars: Squadrons

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 - Xbox One, PS4, PC

The Birdman is back, and in emphatic fashion. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 evokes memories from the '90s like no other. A return to top form from Activision and it is sure to bring glee back to anyone who loved their skateboard games from the turn of the millennium. At a budget price it is surely a no-brainer!

Read our review (Xbox One)

Super Mario 3D All Stars Collection - Nintendo Switch

To continue the nostalgia train Super Mario 3D All-Stars Collection represents the pinnacle of platforming goodness and with perfect ports, as well as top notch optimisation for the console, it's a must-buy. For newcomers, they are getting the chance to experience the timeline of how Nintendo first experimented and mastered the 3D platformer, all the way up to it improving on the formula with each iteration. For stalwarts, it's a great excuse to dive back in and revisit a childhood hero in all his hat-wearing, moustache-twirling glory. Each inclusion has perfect character and level designs, as well as an ever-increasing level of innovation that simply cannot be matched by any other gaming company in the platforming genre. To sum up Super Mario 3D All-Stars in one word? Unmissable.

Read Luke Hemmings' review (Nintendo Switch)
Purchase Super Mario 3D All Stars from the Nintendo UK Store


Streets of Rage 4 - Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC

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Streets of Rage 4 does a textbook job of balancing between the new and the old. It will appease veterans as a solid update for the series that doesn't skip on fan service either. It's quite admirable how the direction for almost every element, from presentation, animation, music, and story, all adhere to a consistency and aim for a high watermark. For a certain type of person, there will be something evergreen about a close up shot of two muscular biceps locked in a reverse handshake.

Read Mike McCann's full review (Nintendo Switch)


FIFA 21 - Xbox One, PS4, PC

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As the annualised football franchise gets another edition it can't be helped but think what has changed from version to version. However, all football fans will appreciate the generous amount of game options offered in FIFA 21, with refinements made to FIFA's Ultimate Team and new VOLTA story mode, following in the footsteps of FIFA 20. It is also optimised for the next-gen consoles so it should provide some graphical upgrades!

Read Justin Prinsloo's Review (PlayStation 4)
Find a retailer to purchase FIFA 21

EA Sports UFC 4 - Xbox One, PS4

Image for INSiGHT: Holiday Gaming Shopping Guide 2020 Part One

This year's iteration of UFC from EA Sports looks good, and feels good in parts - though the submission system just doesn't appear to be as much fun to play. The best parts of this game are the boxing and kickboxing elements, and the offline career mode is a fun mode to build and forge careers in. With really no other fighting titles to purchase this year, EA Sports UFC 4 will be unrivalled for those looking for another sports-like fighting game!

Read Josh Di Falco's Review (Xbox One)
Find a retailer to purchase EA Sports UFC 4


Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch

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One of the biggest smash hits of the year! There's a reason why the series has such a dedicated fan base. Animal Crossing: New Horizons exceeds expectations in every way. It proves to be the ideal gateway game for many people and, with added touches of magic, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is perfect for players old and new.

Read Suzie Gee's Review (Nintendo Switch)
Purchase Animal Crossing: New Horizons from Nintendo UK Store

F1 2020 - Xbox One, PS4, PC

Codemasters has delivered a masterful racing experience with F1 2020. Despite the heavy jargon-filled opening, there are plenty of helpful tutorials that break down everything to make this easy-to-understand for those who may not necessarily be car enthusiasts. For those who are after a deep and engrossing racing experience, the My Team Career mode is a joy to play through, with plenty of features to deep-dive into that extends across many hours. Whether playing online or offline, the developer has put forth one of the best racing experiences that can be enjoyed by F1 fans or newcomers alike.

Read Josh Di Falco's Review (PlayStation 4)
Read Neil Flynn's Review (Xbox One)

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