Character Profile | Neptune

By Ian Soltes 24.04.2016 2

Totally from another planet…

The Goddess of the nation of Planeptune, Neptune is the personification of her land's videogame console. She derives her power from people's faith, which grants her a number of 'shares' - a finite resource that the goddesses compete over to ensure their nation's prosperity. She is 100% aware she is in a videogame…


Age: As a goddess, Neptune is immortal and un-ageing. She appears to have stopped sometime in her early teens. It's likely that she's really around 31 (assuming she was born with the release of the Master System).

Neptune: 31? Really? I'm that old? That's like, ancient.

How did you get into this article?

Neptune: Huh? I just asked Histy what was going on. It's not like you marked it private or anything.

But this is 4th wall breaking!

Neptune: Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot…

Well, if you factor in that she looks like she's about 14, she might actually be 45.

Neptune: HEY! No fair, cheating and changing your answer!

Species: Neptune, as a goddess, is not actually a 'species' but, rather, a personification of your videogame console. However, when she travelled into another world and lost her powers, she became 100% human.

Location: Neptune often resides within her Basilicom, loafing around and playing videogames, despite it being her duty to head on out to protect her people and ensure prosperity.

Neptune: Now you're sounding just like Histy!

She also spent some time in the game graveyard after being beaten soundly. This might increase if she keeps interrupting this article!

Family Matters: Neptune has, surprisingly, not only a family but several very close friends whom she may call family. Directly, she has Nepgear, her younger sister who is the personification of the SEGA portable devices, and whom has always been at her side. Neptune and Nepgear are very close. Additionally, since Nepgear may have, unwittingly, become the little sister of Vert in the third game, this would mean that Vert is also part of Neptune's family. Additionally, there is P-ko who may, very well, have been Neptune's adopted daughter - even if Neptune didn't clearly care about her a lot.

Neptune: P-ko…

I know. Remember that the anime isn't the only timeline, Neptune. Anyway, due to alternate timeline shenanigans, she also has a mother and father in one timeline but it is unknown who they are.

Image for Character Profile | Neptune

Main Features: In addition to her status as Planeptune's goddess, Neptune is capable of entering a much stronger mode by activating her Hard Drive Divinity (HDD). In this mode, her personality changes as she becomes a serious warrior and capable leader. Aside from this, she holds complete 4th-wall awareness, which she keeps breaking, to the point where even in her special attacks she notes that the destruction shown 'is just special effects'.

It is very likely that Neptune is based off the SEGA Neptune, the 32X console that was eventually cancelled.

Neptune: Quiet! We can't afford to get in trouble with the legal department!

It is unknown what console Neptune is based upon, although it is likely that, given the age of her nation, the company's name rhymes with 'Maygar.'

Most notably, despite her laziness, Neptune has a lot of friends. In addition to being friends with the other three CPUs, she is also friends with her sister, and the CPU candidates (little sisters) of Lowee and Lastation.

Clothing: Neptune's clothing alters based both on her form and what the player decides to have her wear. However, her iconic features are her lilac hair and double D-pad hairpins. Her 'standard' outfit, however, consists of a white hoodie with some pretty cute button pockets, while her HDD form shifts her into a black/purple skintight outfit that is a bit more revealing and provides her with a set of purple wings.


Neptune: Do we really need to do this again?

Sadly, yes. Neptune is the goddess of the nation of Planeptune and-

Neptune: Blah blah blah! Skip!


Neptune has appeared in some form in all the Hyperdimension games, along with their many, many, re-releases. Not counting those…

This is not to mention an anime release covering the plot of mk2 and Victory.

Best Appearance:

Neptune: All of my appearances are the best. Because… I. Am. Awesome!

Erm… Her best appearance is debatable and likely left up to the individual fan. On a personal level Victory is the best, but that is because…

Neptune: No…

Do Not Mention:


Neptune: Eep!

Also known as Iris Heart, Sadie is the HDD form of Plutia from an alternate timeline. While close friends with Plutia, her HDD form is a sadistic and terrifying mistress of both pain and pleasure. Sadie is the one thing that Neptune truly fears, despite being her ally.

In addition, the mere mention of 'work' will elicit lazy responses from Neptune and she will do all she can to ignore or outright avoid it. This is a frequent problem for her nation as, despite doing plenty of heroic deeds, her apathy results in her constantly having a low amount of shares and power.

Image for Character Profile | Neptune

Anything Else?

It is likely that Eryn from Fairy Fencer F, also made by Compile Heart, took some of her appearance from Neptune - the D-pad hairpins (replaced with ribbon), in particular, for instance. Neptune is also available as a DLC costume for Mugen Souls.

In the third game, the characters jokingly mention that, in the alternate timeline - without the immortality given by being a goddess - that timeline's Neptune likely died due to starvation and a refusal to work. In reality, she became a character in the next game. Apparently, when she was found, she was almost out of food.

Despite her young age Neptune was able to enter R-18 island in the anime without any problem, unlike Blanc who, despite likely being older, was held up along with Plutia. Also, Neptune has a habit of landing on Noire whenever she falls great distances. Noire does not like this.

Even in the anime, Neptune and co. are perfectly aware of the 4th wall, with them accidentally knocking over the camera in one episode and a minor character outright stating she was only a new, anime-only, character who would appear for one short bit.

Neptune's English voice actor, Melissa Fahn, also does the voices for Rider in Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks, Maribelle in Fire Emblem: Awakening, Welch Vineyard in Star Ocean: First Departure/Second Evolution, and even had a role in the Broadway production of Wicked.

For breaking the 4th wall several times in this article, Neptune will be spending the next few days either in the time-out corner or working hard.

Neptune: What?

The glue that held the HDN series together and made it as famous, or infamous, as it is, Neptune's presence and general personality has made her games fun and enjoyable. Even if they are repetitive, it's likely she will be able to keep things together for at least one or two more games. All-round likeable and generally fun to be with, she is, most certainly, a nice treat.

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I hope I got her personality close enough. I'm a bit worried that she came off a bit wrong here.

Used to love these character profiles, good to see them make a return! Smilie

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