Microsoft Trademarks Jet Force Gemini Name

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.01.2016 2

Microsoft Trademarks Jet Force Gemini Name on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could Microsoft and Rare be brewing a sequel or remake to Jet Force Gemini?

One of the lesser talked about games from British studio Rare's back catalogue is the original IP, Jet Force Gemini, a multiplayer space romp for the Nintendo 64. Those of you who haven't yet played the game, or simply want to relive it can grab Jet Force Gemini as part of Rare Replay.

Image for Microsoft Trademarks Jet Force Gemini Name

Rare could be working on something Jet Force Gemini, though, with Microsoft issuing a trademark for the name, which was published on 19th January. 

Do you think Jet Force Gemini will return?

Box art for Jet Force Gemini








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terence (guest) 22.01.2016#1

Probably my favorite game from the N64. If there was one game that would tempt me to purchase a  microsoft console, it would be an update rework of  Jet Force Gemini.

I am amazed there was any period when it wasnt trademarked. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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