The Amaterasu Okami Figure is on Fire

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.01.2016 2

The Amaterasu Okami Figure is on Fire on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Amaterasu  will be immortalised in statue form with a new figure from First 4 Figures.

The pure white wolf, created by the defunct Clover Studio, has become a familiar face in the gaming scene - despite only starring in two games so far: Okami and Okamiden. Armed wth the Celestial Brush and baring distinctive red markings, Amaterasu plays the hero role in a bid to defend Nippon from a demon called Orochi and his army of dark spirits.

The First 4 Figures statue comes at 12 inches tall from the top of the Solar Reflector to the base and staggering 17.5 inches long. There'll also be two versions to save those pennies for - the exclusive edition that scorches with LED flames, or the standard (but still striking) version.

Each figure has a numbered base and authenticity card bundled with it, too.

The suggested retail price for the figure is $384.99, with an initial payment of $20.00 required.

Image for The Amaterasu Okami Figure is on Fire

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Damn, now this is one truly godlike figure. I'm seriously tempted...

terence (guest) 06.01.2016#2

Placed my order through your web link. This looks amazing.

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