Corrin Joins the Battle in Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2015 9

Corrin Joins the Battle in Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

What path will you choose? Defend Hosido, Fight with Nohr or join the battle in Super Smash Bros?

Corrin leaps into the ring in Super Smash Bros. DLC expected for release during February 2016. The star of upcoming 3DS game Fire Emblem Fates, Corrin comes in both male and female skins and uses a sword for nippy damage. Moves include Dragon Fang Shot, Dragon Lunge, Dragon Ascent, Counter Surge with a Torrential Roar as the final Smash - as showcased in tonight's final presentation.

Image for Corrin Joins the Battle in Smash Bros.

There won't be a new Fire Emblem stage for the release, but there will be the inclusion of two music tracks for existing levels.

Characters Ryoma and Xander will also make an appearance in the Nintendo 3DS version as trophies.

Image for Corrin Joins the Battle in Smash Bros.

Will you step into Corrin's armour in Super Smash Bros. next year?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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>Another Sword user....
>Another not-Lute FE character...

I mean, don't we have a thousand each of these by now, we really didn't need more, did we? D:

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I know. Really boring looking, too. Definitely could have been a better replacement here, but I guess it's to try and push some FE Fates sales lol.

Also, no shoes lol wth.

( Edited 16.12.2015 05:22 by Azuardo )

Guest 16.12.2015#3

I think he looks interesting and more of a spear user than a sword. If it was just another marth clone i'd be annoyed but his moveset looks pretty unique. Would have been good to see an advance wars rep instead but overall the last 3 characters are excellent

Pointless addition. I wish Sakurai would stop adding characters from franchises he had a hand in. We already have so many.

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I don't understand your comment Sandy? Yea there is definitely a slight overepresentation of Fire Emblem but it's not really a franchise he's so solidly connected with. He helped with one FE game, and he only seemingly put Roy back in due to fan demand. (The one FE game he worked on was the Binding Blade with Roy). Kirby and Kid Icarus are fairly represented in the game...

The more characters the better. If people don't agree with it then don't buy the DLC, but Nintendo have stats on these things. I'm guessing that Fire Emblem characters are popular for people to use and I'm guessing Roy has been downloaded more than most other characters.

Guest 16.12.2015#6

Yeah i don't associate sakurai with fire emblem. Corrin made the cut to boost fire emblem fates sales. Which is an intelligent move by nintendo. His moveset looks cool which is the most important thing

Woops! My mistake. I thought he had an input in awakening. XD Instead it seems that it was popular around when he started adding characters to the list.

Still though it's way over represented here. It's not as popular in the west as it is in japan

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Hmm - grown on me since the original reveal, though I can't say no to more weapons users as a fan of Soul Calibur and most of my Smash mains having swords lol

Which is an intelligent move by nintendo.

Pun intended?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Definitely over represented but looks pretty interesting as far as sword users go. I always wanted some kind of dragon transformation character in anyway xD

( Edited 16.12.2015 21:45 by LKR000 )

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