Zelda: Twilight Princess Reborn in HD

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2015 20

Zelda: Twilight Princess Reborn in HD on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Love The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? The game is being reborn on Nintendo Wii U.

The classic adventure that merges the worlds of light and darkness was originally penned for Nintendo GameCube back in 2006, but also found its home as a launch title for Wii with motion controls.

As part of the 30th anniversary for The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo will be sprucing up Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess in HD, with improved graphics and a handful of new features.

Image for Zelda: Twilight Princess Reborn in HD

One of the new improvements will the addition of amiibo support, including a new Wolf Link amiibo. Interestingly, save data on this particular amiibo will be usable in the new Legend of Zelda (working-title) game for Wii U when it also launches in 2016.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will launch on 4th March 2016, with a soundtrack available for pre-orders.


Will you venture into darkness with Link and Midna on Wii U?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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I don't really want the game since I've already beaten it, but I want the soundtrack and definitively that amiibo. I wonder if the bundle will be "normal" price. I would guess so since Yoshi's Woolly World was.

I don't think they ever released an official full OST for this game before, so the OST is good news. Not sure about this one, though... Doesn't look all that good tbh, but I like that normal controls are a given. It needs tweaks to the gameplay for it to be great, but it's been so long since I played it that it would be nice to run through it again.

this just shows nintendo are dragging their feet when it comes to getting GC games on the VC. this screams eshop only release to me but its obvious that its a filler till zelda wiiu arrives hence the inclusion of amiibo. may purchase , depending on price, for amiibo but for me this is one of the least enjoyable legends in the legend of zelda

Humbug. Twlight Princess is the best Zelda. Midna FTW!

(Oot = most revolutionary. MM = best plot TP = best gameplay)

(Discounting the CDI stuff, the worst for me is spirit tracks....how can you have zero exploration in a zelda game?!?!)

( Edited 13.11.2015 00:25 by Darkflame )

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Looks about what I expected from a HD version of Twilight Princess, so no complaints here. The textures are quite a bit better and it's a hell of a lot cleaner/sharper. Looks sort of comparable to Hyrule Warriors now, maybe even better in some areas because of its art style looks nicer in general.

I haven't played it in years. The last time I played through it was back when the Wii launched, so I am looking forward to going through it again. It wasn't my favourite Zelda, but I liked it more than Majora's Mask and Skyward Sword.

( Edited 13.11.2015 00:28 by Marzy )

Just some texture work, really a bit lacking this imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Textures aren't as good as they could be, and the lighting looks all sorts of non-existent. Tantalus is developing, so I'm just guessing they haven't been able to give it as good a polish as Nintendo themselves gave Wind Waker.

Too much Zelda, I really think fans are unreasonable. Triforce Heroes, Majoras Mask, Wind Waker HD, A link Between Worlds, Hyrule Warriors and Ocarina Of Time have all launched in the past few years. It is too much Zelda in my book! They should have saved this for the next inevitable Zelda lull which would be around 2017/2018. 

Does that mean by 2020 we are going to get another OoT remake?

This game was never going to transfer as well as Wind Waker did; cel-shading just scales better and it's nearly impossible to make it look dated, since you don't really notice things like texture or polygon count. Photorealistic graphics show age much more clearly.

I'm hoping there are other gameplay improvements (they were hinted at) like maybe more to actually do in Hyrule Field. Had to pre-order it though; I can't not own a Zelda game, and that Amiibo is amazing. Looking forward to the soundtrack, too.

Would've been nice to see a full-blown remake (akin to that scene they used to demo the Wii U) but I wasn't holding my breath for it anyway.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I can deal with the graphics being more or less identical to the original, all I really care about is hoe much of the gameplay/dungeons/locations they'll tweak to make the game itself sharper and more enjoyable. There are definitely some wrongs that need to be righted with the original, and this seems like the time to implement them. 

Flynnie said:
Too much Zelda, I really think fans are unreasonable. Triforce Heroes, Majoras Mask, Wind Waker HD, A link Between Worlds, Hyrule Warriors and Ocarina Of Time have all launched in the past few years. It is too much Zelda in my book! They should have saved this for the next inevitable Zelda lull which would be around 2017/2018. 

Does that mean by 2020 we are going to get another OoT remake?

Probably a Skyward Sword HD and a main series handheld title next time around.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I can understand some people's disappointment, but it's genuinely what I expected. I didn't really think they would put loads of work into it making new models and such. It's basically a high-res version of TP, with improved textures and possibly some anti-aliasing (edges look really clean)? It probably could have benefited loads from a new lighting system though, like The Wind Waker did. So yeah, that's definitely disappointing.

Still, there's 4 months left of development time, maybe there will still be some adjustments happening to the game.

I'm happy with it, personally. I get to play it without the motion controls for the first time and having a nice and clean HD version. The original was so mucky and jaggy and didn't even look that good at the time.

Something I really hope they've fixed is those horrible notifications that keep coming up when you pick up different coloured rupees each time you turn the game off and back on for a new session. Same for any other item that did it.

( Edited 13.11.2015 10:07 by Marzy )

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
Something I really hope they've fixed is those horrible notifications that keep coming up when you pick up different coloured rupees each time you turn the game off and back on for a new session. Same for any other item that did it.

THIS! But that's such a well known problem with it that I'm pretty sure that'll be fixed. And another thing I hope is, if they still include wiimote controls in some form, that we won't have to keep the fairy icon on the screen at all times. The only way to turn it off if memory serves right was to turn of IR aiming I think, but it's been a long time since I last tried. I just remember a cheat code, if your Wii was modded, would let you remove the fairy and keep IR aiming. I always liked the latter about this game, more so than the gyroscope aiming of Skyward Sword, I found it more accurate. Maybe they'll include gyro aiming using the gamepad, in first person??? Kinda like they did with OoT 3D and MM3D ? In those specific cases I LOVED gyro aiming !

( Edited 13.11.2015 11:09 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

When I was watching this last night, I legitimately thought for a while that they were showing the old version and would switch to the HD one to highlight the difference.

One thing that really didn't help this was the fairly poor image quality of the stream. It actually does look a lot cleaner in this YouTube video and that's saying something considering YouTube's crappy compression! I'll have to watch the trailer on the eShop when I'm home.

If they can improve things a bit more until its release, then that would be about what I would have expected. As awesome as it would be, it would have been a waste of resources if Nintendo went all-in and made it to look like the Wii U tech demo. The item notifications have to be fixed for sure, but other than that I don't feel like they should change much of the original game. Maybe add some more fish to catch but putting worthwhile stuff in Hyrule Field would require new collectables, side quests etc.

It would be cool if they added support for the Gamecube controller. This is a Gamecube game at its core, so there's no reason for Smash 4 to remain the only game to use the adapter they released!

I assumed Skyward Sword would fill the gap in 2017/18, I suggested OoT because that would be the restart of the 3D cycle of games. Perhaps they will remake A Link to the Past on a console. 

To be honest I might have bought this if it was some sort of 'New' 3DS exclusive, but going by the downgrade of graphics in Xenoblade I don't think it would have been worth while.

i don't think the game looks bad, and it is severely underrated in my book, i found this more enjoyable than Skyward Sword and it was an epic launch game at the time. I don't get the haters...

Flynnie said:
i don't think the game looks bad, and it is severely underrated in my book, i found this more enjoyable than Skyward Sword and it was an epic launch game at the time. I don't get the haters...

Yeah, I remember back when it launched, it was really exciting times. Back then Cubed3 had a lot of active members and from what I can remember the official thread was exploding with posts and there was a lot happy people. It was definitely a hell of a lot better than Skyward Sword, in my opinion.

I think the parts I didn't enjoy were some of the wolf stuff, when you had to go around hunting spirits or something and I also found the howling stuff to be really awkward to do and it never really made any sense to me how you actually did it. I think from a general stand-point, it never really set itself apart much, but I think it was a very well done game for what it was.

( Edited 13.11.2015 19:28 by Marzy )

Having looked at a GameExplain comparison vid I'm a bit more convinced - but really thought they could make a dramatic change by really improving the lighting - make it more moody/sharper contrasts in tone.




Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Remember the tech demo they revealed a few years back about what Zelda Wii U was going to look like (but then they scrapped this look) They should have used that type of graphical style and re worked TP to look like that. Now that would have been really worth my money. I got Wind Waker HD but I don't think this is such a leap that warrants £40. 

What interests me is that data can be carried from TP to Zelda Wii U, I wonder what that could be about...

( Edited 15.11.2015 09:36 by Flynnie )


Flynnie said:
Remember the tech demo they revealed a few years back about what Zelda Wii U was going to look like (but then they scrapped this look) They should have used that type of graphical style and re worked TP to look like that. Now that would have been really worth my money. I got Wind Waker HD but I don't think this is such a leap that warrants £40. 

Sure, if you want the game to take about 4 years to make. Would have been a huge waste of money.

I wonder if the Mirrored version will be used in anyway? I'm not expecting a Master Quest at all but would be nice for the option for those that liked the Wii Controls.

They just need to improve the lighting and I'll be happy. I loved the gamepad use in Wind Waker so am looking forward to playing TP in the same way.

Whereas Wind Waker HD looks like a made for WiiU game, this understanderbly looks like an enhanced HD remaster like the ICO games / FFXHD on PS3 so I don't think it should be a full priced release (even though it most likely will). 

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