Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Praises Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.08.2015 1

Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Praises Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox division, recently praised Nintendo's efforts with first party initiatives.

Speaking to Eurogamer at Gamescom on the importance of console exclusives, bridging the gap with PC and Virtual Reality, Spencer was asked about whether exclusive games are needed to sell hardware.

Using the Wii U as an example, he believes that there isn't a "first-party out there that has the strength of IP that Nintendo has," and how the Japanese game maker are "always a beacon to me when I look at what it means to build a first-party portfolio of products." 

Spencer himself owns a Wii U and reckons "Splatoon's a really nice game."

Do you agree with Spencer's comments on the strength of the Wii U first party catalogue?

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Spencer has done an amazing job with the Xbox One since taking over. Of the big 3, Microsoft have surprised me the most with how much they've taken user-feedback on board. Th upcoming big Xbox UI update looks fantastic.

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