Event Review | f(x) at the London Korean Festival 2015 (MusiCube)

By Adam Riley 12.08.2015

South Korean culture is sweeping the nation! Not only has the music scene truly kicked into gear in 2015, with the dedicated Korean Stage at Liverpool Sound City back in May, and the amazing performances of Gonne Choi, Juck Juck Grunzie, and Idiotape at this year's Glastonbury Festival. Various aspects of the country's culinary and fashion side have also started creeping into the minds of the British public. A full report of the special London Korean Festival is coming soon, but for now MusiCube's Adam Riley was at Trafalgar Square on 9th August on behalf of sister radio show, K-Pop Korner, to watch SMTOWN's popular K-Pop girl group, f(x) perform on stage to the tens of thousands that were in attendance. With one member recently parting company with the team, did it stop the others from wowing the crowds? The short answer: certainly not…
Image for Event Review | f(x) at the London Korean Festival 2015 (MusiCube)
Hot Summer, Red Light, Rum Pum Pum Pum, and a solo track by Amber Liu, Shake That Brass - it may have been a short set, but on the gloriously warm day in London's Trafalgar Square, spirits were not to be shaken, and the effort and energy put into the performances by the talented Korean stars kept fans screaming, waving, jumping around, and singing along with all their hearts. Sceptics may have questioned whether there were moments of lip syncing or not, but regardless, the sheer presence of the K-Pop talent - Luna, Amber, Krystal, and Victoria - was more than enough to please the faithful at the first ever London Korean Festival, an event put on by the Korean Cultural Centre UK, Korean Creative Content Agency, and Korea Tourism Organisation, with support from the Mayor of London.

All talk of potential disbanding and any controversy over member Sulli leaving abruptly prior to the UK-based event were cast aside within nanoseconds of Amber charging onto the stage for the opening track, Shake That Brass from her solo EP release, Beautiful, which was released in February this year under SM Entertainment. Bouncing around, leaning in towards the crowd, and offering up the microphone to adoring supporters to get them to sing along - every box was ticked in what was the perfect way to kick off a masterful stage show. One person alone managed to fill the entire stage through sheer adrenaline and enthusiasm to meet the expectations of those that had been waiting from six in the morning until the late afternoon appearance of the wonderful f(x).

Things only got better from thereon in. Victoria, Luna, and Krystal, fresh from the Press interview session that Amber had sadly missed an hour or so earlier, were vivacious, to say the least. Already bubbly and giggly during the Q&A session (set to air on K-Pop Korner on 19th August), their verve was apparent, even from the far distance of the Press Tent. There was a buzz about them that reverberated around the whole location.

Image for Event Review | f(x) at the London Korean Festival 2015 (MusiCube)
Photo Source: Unknown

It has to be hoped that the proposed Autumn comeback release will be as full of classy songs as previous albums, Red Light and Pink Tape, and the team here certainly awaits the new music with great anticipation.

It was extremely wonderful to not just see a group of people going through the motions up on stage, but a fantastically talented set of artists really having a great time and actively engaging the audience. The energy pouring out from f(x) was enough to give everyone an Electric Shock on the Hot Summer afternoon in Trafalgar Square, and not even a Red Light would have stopped them from winning over any doubters out there. This really was a Rum Pum Pum Pum performance, if ever there was such a thing!

Be sure to check out a whole host of videos and photos from the day over at the K-Pop Korner Facebook page.

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